Southern Song Dynasty military god

Chapter 526 The north wind blows, the palace is sad

Chapter 526 The north wind blows, the palace is sad
In history, the person who tore up the peace covenant between Jin and Song was Jin Wushu!At this time, in the main hall of the Jin Kingdom's palace, Jin Wushu was persecuting Wan Yanquan to hand over the alliance letter between the two countries to him!Almost everyone knew what kind of behavior Jin Wushu would do after receiving the alliance letter, but including Wan Yanquan, no one dared to oppose Jin Wushu.

With Wan Yanquan's consent, the letter of alliance was entrusted to Jin Wushu by the eunuch in charge.The moment Jin Wushu got the alliance letter, Wanyan Quan turned his head to the side as if he couldn't bear to watch.

Amidst the sound of the silk being torn apart, the covenant that the two countries worked so hard to reach was turned into ashes. Amidst Jin Wushu's triumphant laughter, the covenant was scattered like snowflakes from three to nine days, and turned into trash all over the place!

"The covenant is not here, Your Majesty, please prepare as soon as possible to attack the Southern Song Dynasty!"

While laughing triumphantly, Jin Wushu turned around, turned his back to Wanyan Quan, and after leaving such a sentence, he walked away without looking back.In the civil and military affairs of the whole dynasty, no one dared to speak, not even anyone who looked up at Wanyan Quan.

Looking at those ministers who looked like vegetarian meals, Wan Yanqin was in a complicated mood.He was lucky, fortunate that Jin Wushu didn't seem to have much ambition, that's why he was allowed to retain this position; at the same time, he was also sad that he, the emperor, couldn't even guarantee the most basic rights.

It is impossible to keep the news of Jin Guo tearing up the covenant, and with Jin Wushu's personality, he doesn't care about these details. Since he has already told Wanyan Quan to prepare for sending troops, he never thought about keeping it secret. secret.

In fact, even if the court of the Southern Song Dynasty received this rumor, a group of people headed by Zhao Gou did not believe it was true at all.In their view, the peace covenant was proposed by the people of the Kingdom of Jin, and it was brought about by the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Wan Yanquan.If that's the case, Wanyan put so much effort back then, was it just for the sake of being funny?

Therefore, when the people of the Kingdom of Jin were again intensively preparing for the southern invasion because of Jin Wushu's personal wishes, Zhao Gou sent people to Jinting to find Yan Quan to verify the situation, and at the same time urged Yue Fei to attack Bashu!

Taking down Liu Wei and recovering Bashu is the most important task in Zhao Gou's heart.As the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Gou was not stupid in his heart. Of course, he also knew that if the Southern Song Dynasty could snatch those firearm technology and quantity of craftsmen from Liu Wei, it would be of great significance to improve the imperial firearms and enhance the combat effectiveness of the imperial army. .

However, the reason why Zhao Gou has not been in a hurry to do so is because he still has worries in his heart.

His worry lies with the people of the Jin Kingdom.What if he worked so hard and finally acquired those firearm technologies at a huge price, and the people of Jin State asked him for them, what should we do?Zhao Gou felt that under such circumstances, he would never be willing to hand over these firearm technologies to the Jin people, but if he did not give them away, it would give the Jin an excuse to send troops to attack.

Without enough time buffer, even if they have mastered the most advanced firearm manufacturing technology, they will not be able to produce enough firearms to equip the army and come in handy. When the golden army comes, the result will still be the same.It was precisely because of these circumstances that Zhao Gou did not urge Yue Fei to act at the beginning.

After receiving the news that Jin Guo had torn up the covenant, Zhao Gou expressed his disbelief on the surface, but he was secretly preparing in his heart.

He hoped that Yue Fei could capture Bashu in the shortest possible time. To be precise, he would take down Yizhou Prefecture and the new capital city, and then turn to the north to deploy defenses, so as to hold back the pace of the Jin soldiers going south and buy him enough time to create Unleash the firearms to arm the army.

With this order, Yue Fei who was stationed in Hanzhong City felt embarrassed.

It's not that Yue Fei thought of Zhao Gou's imperial decree because he was thinking about Liu Wei's old love.In Yue Fei's eyes, the court of the Southern Song Dynasty was white, while Liu Wei was black!
Since it is black, it should be swept away, even if he once had friendship with Liu Wei, even if Gao Chong was once the number one general under his command.In this regard, Yue Fei's determination has never wavered, and he will not ignore Zhao Gou's order just because of this reason.And Yue Fei didn't stand still, not because he was worried that the Liu family's army was now strong and difficult to deal with, and he might not necessarily win if he suffered heavy casualties.

In Yue Fei's heart, he has never worried about the strength of the enemy, because he has confidence in his Yue family army. It is the most direct expression of an iron army to be strong when it meets the strong. Even if the Liu family army has firearms, so does Yue Fei. There is nothing to do with those firearms, at least for now, the bullets fired from Liu Jiajun's firecrackers cannot penetrate the thick iron shield.

What can really make Yue Fei hesitate is the threat from the north.

Compared to Zhao Gou, Yue Fei knew more about Jin Wushu and the situation in the Kingdom of Jin. He was not as naive as Zhao Gou, thinking that the two sides could really coexist peacefully.Yue Fei never believed that the two races could coexist peacefully, and that there would always be one side that would occupy an absolutely dominant position, thus dominating the relationship between the two.

Now that the Jin Kingdom has reported that the covenant has been torn up, Yue Fei must prepare for the possible war between the two countries.

In the past, there was Han Shizhong in the Southern Song Dynasty, who could hold half of the country. Now that Han Shizhong is gone, even though Liu Wei may not take advantage of the fire, it is best to stand by and watch. He will also send troops to assist the Southern Song Dynasty in defending against the Jin soldiers. If he really fights with Liu Wei now, who can guarantee that this battle will end before the Jin soldiers come on a large scale?
No one can guarantee Yue Fei's worry.After receiving the imperial court's order, Yue Fei didn't close his eyes for two consecutive days, always wondering how to solve the current problem.

Sending troops, no way, not sending troops, I'm afraid it will cause Zhao Gou's dissatisfaction again!

After thinking about it for a while, Yue Fei decided not to move for the time being, and wrote Zhao Gou an expedited memorial for [-] li, in which he focused on the importance of guarding against the golden soldiers, and he must not let the golden soldiers sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

In writing such a memorial, Yue Fei really had no selfish intentions at all. Everything was based on the interests of the Southern Song Dynasty court. He even mentioned that he would fight to the death with the Kingdom of Jin.In order to better preserve the court of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Gou should appoint a prince early and be fully prepared!

However, Yue Fei did not expect that it was precisely because of his memorial that Zhao Gou was dissatisfied with him.This is not only due to Qin's solicitation, but also due to Zhao Gou's own reasons.

In these days, the one who really wants to talk about leisure is Liu Wei, who became the emperor of the Central Republic of China and served as the first prime minister.With the completion of the enthronement ceremony, a big stone in Gao Jin's and others' hearts fell, and the work seemed to be much more efficient than before.

The army led by Jin Danzi has repeatedly made great achievements in the battle against the soldiers and horses of the Southern Song Dynasty on the southern Bashu line. So far, it has not cost a single soldier from the Central Republic. Almost all the important towns on the southern Bashu line have fallen into the hands of Jin Danzi. .

At the beginning, some people were worried that Jin Danzi would rebel against Liu Wei again and establish himself as king by seizing the territory like this. However, when batches of spoils and prisoners were sent to Yizhou, everyone's doubts about Jin Danzi gradually disappeared. up.

However, Liu Wei's leisure time did not last too long. An urgent message from Dali Kingdom made Liu Wei suddenly dumbfounded!
He hurriedly found Wang Chongyang who had just recovered, and handed this letter written by Duan Zhengyu, King of Dali Kingdom, to Wang Chongyang.

"The letter written by Duan Zhengyu? What are you showing me?" Wang Chongyang took the letter paper with a puzzled face, but Liu Wei didn't say anything, just shook his head and smiled wryly, signaling Wang Chongyang to read the letter first.

"Could it be." Maybe it was the expression on Liu Wei's face that made Wang Chongyang think of something, his face changed slightly, and he shook the letter paper to look at ten lines at a glance.

I'm afraid Wang Chongyang hadn't seen half of it, his face was already clouded, and finally saw the final inscription, Wang Chongyang let out a suppressed roar: "This Bupleurum, it's just nonsense!"

"Didn't he just mess around! Oh, it's all my fault, I couldn't find someone to watch him at that time!"

"No! Liu Wei, this matter has nothing to do with you. Unless you stare at him twelve hours a day, or put him in prison, there is really no one around you who can watch him! This kid, everyone I was too indulgent to him back then! People say that adopting a son is not the fault of godfather, I, as a senior brother, have a heavy responsibility!"

"Forget it, Chongyang, don't discuss whose fault it is at this time, let's think about how to deal with the aftermath, Duan Zhengyu is a shrewd guy, he doesn't look angry at all between the lines, but after all it's our fault !"

Although Liu Wei said that his face was heavy, but in fact, his mood at the moment was not as miserable as he showed!When he knew that this letter was written by Duan Zhengyu, his first reaction was to think of the plot in the later novels. Fortunately, after he read it bravely, he was slowly relieved!

A novel is a novel after all, not real history.

As for Bupleurum, although he is unreliable in doing things because of his xinxing, he is neither a fool nor a lunatic after all, and he will not do such crazy things, even after he misunderstood Duan Zhengyu and carried out his own revenge. , What he did was not too outrageous!

Of course, it's just that Liu Wei doesn't think it's too outrageous. In fact, what Bupleurum has done may have reached the level of lawlessness in the eyes of others, at least that's what Wang Chongyang thinks!Seeing Wang Chongyang's furious look at this time, Liu Wei felt that if Bupleurum was not Wang Chongyang's apprentice but an apprentice, and he happened to be in front of Wang Chongyang at this time, he might really be slapped to death by Wang Chongyang!

Just because Bupleurum was messing around in Duan Zhengyu's palace, there was no one to treat him, and in the end he burned down his ancestral temple!
(End of this chapter)

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