Southern Song Dynasty military god

Chapter 440 Blind and Bold, Breaking Through Levels

Chapter 440 Blind and Bold, Breaking Through Levels
Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing's judgment was correct. The barracks in front of them indeed belonged to Han Shizhong's subordinates. The general who led the army was surnamed Tie, known as General Tie.In fact, this General Tie was not from the Song Dynasty, but his ancestors migrated from the north.

Even after suffering the scourge of Liao, Jin, and now Mongolia, the court of the Southern Song Dynasty still did not form an atmosphere of repelling foreigners. It's something everyone loves.

Since even important positions among civil servants can be filled by foreigners, let alone a mere partial general.

To say that this iron general is especially good at bow and arrow and cavalry battles, and he is also very good at leading troops, but his personality is a bit old-fashioned. Generally speaking, he is a good general and a good subordinate.It is very difficult for a person with a rigid personality like him to muddle along under others' hands. Fortunately, he followed Han Shizhong to get what he is today.

This time, he was appointed by Han Shizhong to camp in this place where birds don’t lay eggs. General Tie has no objection. As long as there are battles and meritorious service, the brothers under him can receive their military pay on time and eat enough to eat. General Tie feels that It's a beautiful job.

To say that the only thing that made him dissatisfied with this mission was that before leaving, Han Shizhong repeatedly told him not to conflict with Gao Chong if he really met Gao Chong.

Although Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing are well-known, General Tie and his subordinates have never really confronted each other. From their point of view, Gao Chong's power is mostly just rumors. Whether he is really invincible or not can only be known after a fight.What's more, General Tie has 500 people under his command. He doesn't believe that Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing can do anything to his 500 people!
Therefore, hanging up the banner on the campsite, General Tie felt that it was a great insult to him, and he even made up his mind in his heart that if Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing really came, they must have a good fight, see Let's see if his Iron General's sword skills are powerful, or Gao Chong's spear skills are even sharper!
Not to mention what will happen to Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing next, even General Tie who is waiting impatiently in the camp doesn't know yet, something big happened in Gongzhou City!
Last night, Han Shizhong ordered a thorough investigation of the slums. As a result, those government servants who originally wanted to cut corners were suddenly made to complain.

The slum area, or to be more precise, the beggar's den, as long as there is a brainy government servant in this place, he usually doesn't want to step into it!However, the soldiers under Han Shizhong's command did not have the wealth disease of the servants. They were all fierce gods who came out of the fighting field. What kind of scenes have they never seen?

But a mere Gongzhou City, in the eyes of the soldiers, even if it is occupied by Liu Wei, it can be taken in minutes, let alone a beggar's den?

Under pressure, those yamen servants led Han Shizhong's soldiers and horses to the beggar's nest while whining and crooked, and at the same time they were cursing their mothers in their hearts.

When we walked outside the beggar's nest, there was a stench coming from the wind. Only in extremely "dirty, messy, poor" places can this kind of complex smell mixed with feces, garbage and even corpses be born. .In fact, if you judge Linzhi County based on what the soldiers saw at this time, it is obvious that the local work is not in place. How can such an area be allowed to exist in a city?
However, those who do not engage in practical work do not know the difficulties of practical work.In such a beggar's nest, the number of beggars living in the usual time is enough to cause the magistrate Lin a headache. If it is to be demolished by force, once a civil uprising occurs, it will be the county magistrate who will be unable to eat and walk around.

The magistrate, who held the mentality that more things are worse than less things, naturally chose "out of sight is out of mind!"

Following the orders of the generals, the sergeants, who were like wolves and tigers, carried their weapons, regardless of the stench, and went straight into the beggar's nest. However, anyone who dared to resist or stabbed them would be immediately killed by three people. The five soldiers held it down, and after being full of old punches, they tied them up with hemp rope the thickness of their little fingers!

Zhang Han and others, who were recuperating at the home of Jin Bao and his men, felt bad when they heard that the officers and soldiers came to search again!Logically speaking, since this kind of place has already been searched, how can there be a second round?Unless someone starts to suspect, everyone will hide here.

And the suspicious person is likely to be Han Shizhong himself!
"Zhang Han, let's fight!"

Wu Anbang, who got the news, couldn't sit still at first.At this time, Liu Wei was missing, Wu Anbang felt that it would be better, he just escaped, if he couldn't escape, he would fight with the officers and soldiers, anyway, he could not fall into the hands of the officers and soldiers, so as not to expose that Liu Wei was still in the city news!
But Zhang Han can't let Wu Anbang be so capricious!But Liu Wei repeatedly asked him to watch Wu Anbang and others.

As for the other soldiers, they didn't have too many thoughts. Following Liu Wei, they had no complaints or regrets. Even if they died in battle today, they would not feel terrible!For Zhang Han, these soldiers did not have much sense of identity, that is to say, they would only obey Wu Anbang's orders.

"Anbang, calm down! Do you think you can die? You never thought that if Han Shizhong found no adults after killing us, he wouldn't use our corpses to make a fuss? What would the adults do? ? Are you still in crisis? Calm down, wait for me to think about it!"

"Think about it, how else do you think about it? All of us have wounds on our bodies. As long as the officers and soldiers come in and investigate carefully, none of them can escape. Rather than being captured alive by them, I would rather die!"

Wu Anbang lost his temper. Fortunately, his injuries were not healed, and the others were more or less injured. After listening to Zhang Han's analysis, Wu Anbang had to temporarily control his emotions.

"Jinbao, can we hide in the cellar?"

"My lord, there is a cellar, but the officers and soldiers are coming in a menacing way. The subordinates are worried that once we enter the cellar, we will have no way out. The officers and soldiers only need to block the entrance of the tunnel, and no one will be able to get out."

"It's true! Then we'll be the turtles in the urn! No, I can't go to the cellar. Is there any other way?"

"My lord, this subordinate has just thought about it. The best way is for everyone to pretend to be beggars. Maybe you can get by, but you must also know that beggars are always sloppy. I don't know, my lords."

"Don't talk nonsense, kid! Big guys who cut their heads won't frown, let alone dirty? Tell me, how do you dress up?" Wu Anbang scolded Jin Bao impatiently, not because of his nature, but because of the current The situation is too urgent.

But with Wu Anbang's words, Jin Bao can safely and boldly "dress up" everyone according to his experience, but the taste of this dress is really uncomfortable.

Putting mud and kitchen soil on the clothes is enough. According to Jin Bao, the face and body, even the parts covered by the clothes, should be wiped dirty. The soil in the yard alone is not enough. The smell of beggars must be mixed with the silt in the sewer to produce a nauseous smell.

For Wu Anbang and others, this taste was much more difficult than going into battle to kill the enemy.They can't guarantee whether others will vomit when they smell this smell. Anyway, they themselves have already felt like vomiting.

Just as everyone was "dressing up" in full swing, more and more officers and soldiers entered the beggar's nest, and the search team was getting closer and closer.

At the same time, at Wanhua Palace, a rare thing happened.

The magistrate of Gongzhou City has disappeared together with the girl he recruited since he entered the Tianzi No. [-] room!

How was the disappearance of Linzhi County discovered?
The old bustards of Wanhua Palace all know the habits of Nyingchi County. Under normal circumstances, even if they stay overnight, they will leave before dawn the next morning. After all, as court officials, there are always things to do. Walking out of the Wanhua Palace somewhat affected the view, and the magistrate of Lin County had to be shameless at least.

In the past, after the rooster crowed three times, it was the old bustard who called the door himself to remind the magistrate that it was time to leave, but today, the old bustard knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no movement inside!

If it is said that the magistrate slept too hard, then the sister should be able to hear the voice of the old bustard and get up to open the door. Who knows that the old bustard called for a long time, but no one answered the door. Immediately, the old bustard felt something was wrong. .

That old bustard is also smart, she knows that Linzhi County loves beauty, if she bumps into him, she will definitely be punished, but if a beautiful girl calls the door, even if she offends a little, as long as she laughs with her, or even sleeps with her, she will be fine. Just live in peace.

So she hurriedly brought over another girl with a red card from Wanhua Palace, and called the door vigorously, but the result was still the same.At this time, the old bustard was also nervous. After all, Wanhua Palace was her territory. If something happened to Linzhi County here, she would have to go away without food!

The old bustard who was nervous, hurriedly found someone to break in the door, only to see that the sister who accompanied Lin Zhixian was tied to the bed with a large piece of cloth stuffed in her mouth, but she was still unconscious. As for Lin Zhixian, But he searched all over the room, not even letting go of the ceiling, but there was still not a single hair.

"Someone knocked out the slave family, and the slave family will not know what happened next!"

After splashing the girl awake with cold water and asking, the old bustard's expression changed drastically. It was obvious that someone had intercepted Lin Zhixian from Tianzi No. [-] room in Wanhua Palace!

"Who did this shocking thing?"

For the old bustard of Wanhua Palace, Linzhi County is really her heaven. Now that she was robbed by someone today, she only felt a tremor all over her body, as if she had seen the sharpness of the executioner. The big knife was waving in front of his eyes.

"Quick, report to the police!"

"Mom, Linzhi County is an official!"

"Ah, yes! No, now there is a bigger official in our city, hurry up, report to Marshal Han, you guys, seal the front and back doors for me, not a single fly can fly out! "The old bustard who calmed down was a bit courageous. Knowing that Lin Zhixian was missing, anyone who stayed in the Wanhua Palace last night would be suspected. She should seal the door and wait for the government to investigate. Only then can she get away with it. .

(End of this chapter)

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