Chapter 424

The excited cavalry rode their horses and charged behind the two of them!
These days, they searched everywhere for Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing, their buttocks were swollen by the saddle, and they were more than a little bit of a coward, now they finally had an excuse to vent their anger, and according to the boss, they felt like they didn't care about life or death. It really excited those cavalrymen.

Of course, the most important thing is the attitude of Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing.The kind of people who lower their heads, turn around and send away without even the courage to stand down and distinguish, this can explain at least two points in the eyes of the cavalry: first, timidity, and second, there is a problem!

If these two conditions are met, then it is already a persimmon, so there is no reason not to pinch it!

What surprised the cavalry was that the speed of the two of them was not much faster than that of the horses. Although limited by the surrounding environment, these cavalry did not allow the horses under their crotches to open their legs, but the speed was faster than usual. If people run, it is already much faster.


When he led a group of cavalry to the sparsely populated and rocky riverside, Gao Chong turned around and swept the spear in his hand without even taking off the cloth cover. Pull off the horse!
The cavalryman didn't have any armor on his body, it was just a thin leather armor, so it was too late to block Gao Chong's spear if his reaction was a little slow!In fact, even if he had time, he didn't have the ability to block Gao Chong's [-]% forceful blow, and the result was nothing more than the difference between half-death and full-death!

There was a loud "bang", and the cavalryman died before he landed!The incident happened suddenly, and the cavalry who followed immediately shouted. It's a pity that the patrolling cavalry in these places has too bad tactical quality, and they were so flustered that they didn't know what to do for a while, so they gave it to Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing for nothing. time!

Gao Chong made a move, even if he didn't open his mouth to order, then Yang Zaixing would definitely follow his actions!

Compared with Gao Chong's light stroke, Yang Zaixing, who had been prepared for a long time, shook his spear, and the cloth cover covering the tip of the gun flew into the air. Under the wind blowing in the river, the black cloth cover fluttered. , but it still fell to the ground after all!

In such a short time of falling, in a few blinks of an eye, Yang Zaixing struck out with his spear several times, stabbing three cavalrymen to death and falling off their horses. He even turned his feet continuously, like a butterfly wearing flowers, bypassing the panicked officers and soldiers. Go straight to the cavalry general who fell at the end of the team and kill him!

Catch the thief first catch the king!
Regardless of who is the thief on the side of the court at this time, at least Yang Zaixing's thinking is absolutely correct in terms of the art of war!

It's just that he never expected that the cavalier would be so shameless!As the so-called heart to heart, whether Yang Zaixing is a bandit or an officer, he himself is the leader of the soldiers, but whenever he goes out with his brothers, has Yang Zaixing not rushed to the front and retreated to the rear?

He thought this cavalier should do the same, but unexpectedly, he really overestimated the opponent's bottom line!

Although Yang Zaixing killed the enemy quickly and his steps were not slow, it still took him some time to kill the three cavalrymen around him.When he wanted to chase down the cavalry general, he saw that the cavalry general was already pale and desperately pulling the rein of the horse, trying to turn the pier, turned around and fled!
"Hey! You general! How shameless!"

Yang Zaixing is not a person who likes to fight for words!As a fierce general, he always prefers to speak with his fists!
However, Yang Zaixing couldn't help but yell at the shameless cavalry general in front of him. What made Yang Zaixing feel aggrieved the most was that he thought that he would never get rid of that cavalry general no matter what!It doesn't really matter whether the cavalry general is killed or not, the important thing is that once the cavalry general escapes, he will return with a heavy army soon. Even if Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing have already boarded the ship, it will be difficult to escape the officers and soldiers recourse.

That is really a very, very troublesome thing!

Chasing, I can't catch up; scolding, it doesn't seem to make much sense!For a moment, Yang Zaixing, who was so suffocated that he was about to suffer internal injuries, could only vent his anger on the ordinary cavalry around him!
He intercepted and killed with all his might, and the ordinary cavalrymen who killed them cried for their fathers and mothers, and fell off their horses one after another!

However, even if Yang Zaixing could kill all the cavalry, he still couldn't solve the problem of leaving the cavalry!

Just when Yang Zaixing was crazy about killing, but he was full of annoyance in his heart, there was a sudden scream, which came from the direction where the cavalry general was!

Hearing the sound, Yang Zaixing turned his head to look, just in time to see the cavalry general lost control and fell off the horse's back in the dust!

Yang Zaixing had sharp eyes, at the moment when the cavalier fell off the horse, he still saw a white feather on the cavalry's vest!
That white feather is clearly the ordinary white feather that these cavalrymen carry with them, but why is it stuck in the vest of the cavalry?

Needless to say, it was naturally a critical moment, and Gao Chong shot it!

More than a dozen cavalrymen, plus the cavalry general who was shot and fell to his death, and the team of patrolling cavalry who followed Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing, were all wiped out.

Yang Zaixing picked up the cloth cover on the ground, and re-holstered his long gun. Until now, Gao Chong hadn't taken off the black cloth bag on the tiger-head chiseled golden gun.

And Gao Chong held a broken bow in his hand!
"The bows used in the army here are too soft!"

Weighing the broken bow in his hand, Gao Chong said so in a somewhat dispirited manner, and then threw the broken bow into the river.

"General, the bow is broken, how did you shoot down that cavalry general?"

Yang Zaixing was rather curious, he hadn't seen the scene where Gao Chong opened his bow and shot an arrow just now.

"Here!" Gao Chong pointed at his feet, but there were two short bows that were almost identical, "I lifted the two bows, and it barely broke! Tsk, if I use one bow, I really don't know if it can be used together." Arrow paid for!"

Obviously, the reason why the cavalry general escaped so far was entirely because the first bow was broken by Gao Chong, and it was delayed to find the bow and arrow again, but fortunately, Gao Chong finally found a way to use the overlapping power of the two bows , shoot it!

"Still the general is amazing!"

After figuring out the reason, Yang Zaixing involuntarily gave Gao Chong a thumbs up, but Gao Chong's mouth curled up slightly in exchange, "Forget it, don't waste time! I'm afraid the battle on our side will also be seen by others, go, find Boss go!"

This was the first time such a battle had happened between Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing during their escape, but for the two of them, it was not thrilling at all, and it could even be said to be a bit dull, but they also believed that after arriving in Bashu, returning home Before reaching their own territory, similar battles will inevitably happen frequently.

Neither Gao Chong nor Yang Zaixing looked down on the officers and soldiers' horses or their equipment.If the two had decided to go by land, they might have considered taking a few horses with them, but it was a pity that they had already decided to go by water, and those official horses seemed worthless.

More importantly, official horses have obvious marks and are easy to spot.

Naturally, the battle between the two of them and the officers and soldiers cannot be kept secret.Soon, the nearby government and garrison received news. Although it was impossible to determine who the bandit who killed the cavalry was at first, as the investigation deepened, the identities of Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing naturally surfaced.

After drawing the conclusion of the identities of the two, no matter whether it was the head of the government or the general of the garrison, they were dumbfounded at the time!Isn't that right, they are relatively more "inland" military and political leaders, in fact, they have no chance to get in touch with real "war" at ordinary times.

For them, people like Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing simply did not want to be provoked for the rest of their lives.

But this world is just so tricky, he doesn't want to do anything, but he is going to come, let's talk about this matter, it will definitely not work if you don't report it, but as long as you report it, the higher-ups will definitely ask you to pursue it to the end. , or not to chase?
Fortunately, since there is a garrison at this time, the local government has less responsibility. It is just written as a memorial and thrown in the post, and it is considered a matter of course.It's just that the general of the garrison had to bite the bullet and report the matter. At the same time, he ordered the soldiers and horses, planning to follow the traces left by Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing to track them down.

Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing didn't know these things at all, but even if they knew, they probably wouldn't care.

Taking a boat that Yang Zaixing found at a great price, the two spent the night in the river. When the sun rose the next morning, the big boat was already sailing on the turbulent Yangtze River.

The tumbling Jiang Tao lifted and lowered the big boat, and every now and then a wave would hit it, but it was able to splash white water droplets as high as half a day.

If you look at the angle of the rising sun in the east, when a cloud of water mist blows down along the river wind, one or several rainbows will appear faintly, which is really beautiful.

It's a pity that Yang Zaixing is not blessed to appreciate these scenery.

This fierce general who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but he is - seasick!
What's even more pitiful is that Yang Zaixing didn't even know in the past that he still suffers from seasickness!It wasn't until he got on the boat, and the boat started moving, that he had already reached the center of the river, that Yang Zaixing's whole body tensed up, realizing that something was wrong!

It's a pity that it was already too late at this time, the whole boat was full of people and goods, it was absolutely impossible to stop because of Yang Zaixing's seasickness.

You must know that this is going upstream, and it is impossible to use wind power or paddle power, but completely rely on the trackers walking on the shore to pull the boat up step by step.This fee is not low. After paying such a price, no one is willing to waste time because of others.

More importantly, Yang Zaixing himself is not willing to stop the ship!

If the officers and soldiers were to surround him so that Gao Chong's life was killed, then it would be a real crime of death without redemption!
So even though the world was spinning and vomiting, Yang Zaixing still gritted his teeth and persisted until the first day.

Watching a round of sunset, the oblate Fangfo is like a duck egg yolk, hanging precariously on the top of the west mountain, and the boatman announced that the boat is going to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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