Southern Song Dynasty military god

Chapter 414 Fighting for the top, unexpectedly frost

Chapter 414 Fighting for the top, unexpectedly frost
"My lord, the boy is innocent, please calm down! My lord is getting old, anger hurts my liver, it's not good for my health!"

Liu Wei had a smile on his face, he was not at all excited by Lu Yihao's attitude, on the contrary he seemed more modest.His attitude made Lv Yihao feel a little weird, even the anger on his face disappeared a lot, and there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes.

"Liu Wei, do you really want to disrespect the order?"

"Master Guo, it's not that the boy is disobedient and disrespectful. It's actually the will. It's to let the boy be unfaithful, filial, benevolent and unrighteous. The boy himself can't do it!"

Don't look at the smile on Liu Wei's face, in fact, his words at this time have undergone a huge change.Originally, in front of Lu Yihao, he would call himself "the last general" and "lower position", but now after the imperial decree was read out, Liu Wei directly abandoned those titles and called himself "boy" instead, that is to say, he did not play tricks with Lu Yihao No, I directly expressed my heart - now I, Liu Wei, is Liu Wei, and Zhao Gou is Zhao Gou, and there is no relationship between everyone.

Since it doesn't matter, I, Liu Wei, respect you, Lu Yihao, as an old man, so you call yourself a "boy", and hope that you, an old man, don't rely on your old man to sell your old man, and it will make everyone unhappy when the time comes.

"Do you know the consequences?"

"Consequences? Grandpa, do you want to talk about the [-] troops of Lord Wu in the Wu ranks, or the hundreds of thousands of troops raised by Han Shizhong and Yue Pengju? To tell you the truth, Liu Wei, the boy, is the most unbearable thing in this life. It is a threat from others!"

Speaking of this, Liu Wei suddenly straightened his body, raised his hand and drew a circle, "Master Guo, let alone this city, I can assure you, as many people come and die!"

Liu Wei has the confidence!Just because in Liujiazhuang's research institute, a steady stream of artillery and rockets are being produced.This kind of one-time consumables, unlike muskets, does not need to wait for the technology to be perfected before mass production. They will be consumed anyway, and there is no such thing as a waste of resources.

And in the warehouse of the research institute, there are raw materials collected by Liu Wei with great effort. Liu Wei does not know exactly how many rockets and shells these raw materials can produce, but he believes that unless he is a lunatic, he will be able to deal with overwhelming forces. No one will continue the siege operation when the artillery is in the air!

That's why he dared to say that if someone wanted to surround and attack the new capital city of Chengdu County, how many people would come and kill them!

I didn't expect Liu Wei to be so stubborn, so Lu Yihao's face also changed color!
The emperor's mission he shouldered was to persuade Liu Wei to agree to go to the Kingdom of Jin, so that the peace talks between the Kingdom of Jin and the imperial court could continue, but now it seems that he has failed in this mission.

With a long sigh, the old man's body retracted, and he had the illusion of collapsing, as if all the energy in his body had been removed.

"Young man, don't be tempted by Lang. The old man will give you three more days to think about it! No matter how strong you are, you can compete against the world with the strength of one state and one government? You must know that under the collapse of the nest, it is difficult to have an egg!"

"Old man, the reason for me, Liu Wei, to be a man is that I would rather be broken than whole!"

Now that both parties are already tearing their skins apart, Liu Yi doesn't need to go around in circles with Lu Yihao anymore.Wanting Liu Wei to be Zhao Gou's bargaining chip is a dream!

The first time we met, it can be said that we broke up on bad terms.

As soon as Liu Yi came out of the courtyard where Lu Yihao lived, he was stopped by Wu Lin who was guarding the outside.

That's Wu Lin, if someone else came, he wouldn't have the guts of this kid, if he got angry with Liu Yi, although he wouldn't lose his head, but if he was sent to the ring for a duel, maybe it would be The ending of not being able to get out of bed for three to five months is not easy at all.


At this time, Liu Wei was not in a good mood, so naturally he would not give Wu Lin a good look. In fact, the relationship between the two has indeed reached the level where there is no need to pretend.

"The old man, have you seen it? How do you say it?"

Wu Lin didn't seem to care about Liu Wei's sarcastic remarks at all, and just asked himself.

"What's the matter with you? Yes, your brother is setting up an army outside to suppress me. Why are you still doing nothing here, why don't you go back and help your brother?"

"My big brother, you know his temper, so it's easy to do! Do you think he really wants to start a stand with you? I don't believe it! Unless you write a big flag and hang it now, to rebel, otherwise it is impossible I'm going to make a fuss with you, and when the golden soldiers come to attack Dasan Pass, who are you going to use to deal with the golden dog?"

Don't look at Wu Lin who is often messed up, but in fact he has a lot of eyes. He just doesn't want to talk about some things, not because he doesn't understand them at all.

"Zhao Gou asked my whole family to go to the Kingdom of Jin, tell me, should I agree?"

Liu Wei shook his head. He also knew that he couldn't tell the truth about Wu Lin's brown candy being torn from his body. He was also blocked and needed someone to talk to, so he told the truth.

"Only a fool would dare to do such a thing! I heard that Jin Guo made a promise to ensure the safety of your family, but if it were me, I wouldn't believe it! Brother, I will definitely support you in this matter. If it doesn't work, I will Stand by your side!"

"Are you kidding me! In Lu Yihao's words, I am disrespectful and rebellious! You want to rebel with me? Don't say anything else, will your brother agree?"

"The big deal is that I will sever ties with my elder brother! Hey, don't worry, the court needs my elder brother to help them guard Shaanxi, so no matter what I do, my elder brother will be fine! Unless one day, the imperial court will not Shaanxi is needed, but at that time, I am afraid that my eldest brother will choose to come and hang out with you!"

Seeing that Wu Lin's words became more and more exaggerated, Liu Yi didn't know how to explain it.He waved his hand with a wry smile, and said, "I really don't want to talk to you about something now, you can talk to your elder brother later, and see if we can meet!"

It stands to reason that Wu Jie shouldn't have met Liu Wei at this juncture. He is quite sensitive, and if he is not careful, he will become a pawn in the hands of others.

However, Wu Lin returned to Wu Jie's barracks according to Liu Wei's request, and Wu Jie agreed!
But the problem is, after Wu Jie agreed, the people on Liu Wei's side quit, just because Wu Jie wanted Liu Wei to meet in his camp. If Liu Wei really went and Wu Jie had some ideas, Didn't Liu Wei become a self-inflicted trap?

This Hongmen banquet was not so delicious. No matter whether it was Gao Yuniang or Wu Anbang, everyone disagreed.

But in the end, no one could convince Liu Wei. In Liu Wei's view, even if it was a dragon's pool and a tiger's den in the Wu rank army, he had to go!

If you don't go, then Liu Wei will not be able to determine Wu Jie's thoughts, and if he cannot determine Wu Jie's thoughts, Liu Wei will not be able to determine the direction he will go next.It is related to the overall situation. Although this matter is a bit risky, Liu Wei thinks it is worth it!

After persuasion to no avail, Wu Anbang naturally could only select a team of elite soldiers, at least to ensure that in case of emergency, this elite army can support the source of the army. At the same time, the Liu family army guarding the Quartet of Yizhou also began to mobilize Wake up, part of the army was quietly moving towards the direction of Wu Jiejun during the mobilization process, and the person in charge of this matter was the general under Liu Wei's command, Chai Qingyuan.

In fact, the [-] wolf cavalry led by Chai Qingyuan are only a show of strength on the surface. Don't forget, there is also the army of Commander Li Shifu, who is rushing back to Yizhou day and night. It is another wave that no one dares to underestimate powerful force.

As Wu Lin said, unless Wu Jie intends to wipe out all the troops here, he will definitely not tear his face easily for Liu Yi!

Without Wu Jie, it would be equivalent to the imperial court losing the whole of Shaanxi and opening the door to Bashu. If that were the case, the Kingdom of Jin might immediately decide to terminate the peace talks and directly send troops to attack the Southern Song Dynasty.

When Liu Wei and his party arrived at the gate of Wu Jie's military camp, Wu Jie had already led the crowd to greet him in person. This was a great way to save face. You must know that for now, Liu Wei is still Wu Jie's subordinate in name. But in fact, Wu Jie has already regarded Liu Wei as an equal.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Liu Wei glanced at the generals around Wu Jie, almost all of them were acquaintances, although it was inconvenient to chat and laugh, but it was not taboo to make eye contact.Of course, not all the generals under Wu Jie's command would communicate with Liu Wei with kind eyes, and there were still some generals who glared at Liu Wei!

After all, in a sense, Liu Wei is a traitor, among other things, at least he betrayed Wu Jie who was very good to him at the beginning.

Fortunately, Wu Jie himself did not show such emotions. After the leader Liu Wei came to the camp of the Chinese army, Wu Jie waved everyone back, leaving only Liu Wei and him. There was not even a personal soldier in the tent. Stay, so that no matter what the two of them say, they don't have to worry about it being leaked out.

"If you talk about a strong army in the world today, the Liu family's army claims to be the second, and no one dares to be the number one. Liu Wei, isn't it?"

"The general is exaggerating! Although the Liu family's army is strong, they are small in number! The Jurchens are invincible if they are less than [-]. The general must have heard of this, but isn't the Jurchen who is full of ten thousand also defeated by the general? This shows that One point, if there are fewer troops, you will be better, and if there are more soldiers, you will be lazy!"

"Jurchen is Jurchen, and Liu Jiajun is Liu Jiajun. The two should not be confused! In front of me, Liu Wei, you don't need to hide it. That Wanyan Zhenzhuer is the best touchstone. Besides, Liu Jiajun's performance in the Tubo tribe, I also have my opinion. Heard it!"

Although Liu Wei still doesn't understand what Wu Jie really thinks in his heart, since Wu Jie wants to talk, Liu Wei can only talk first.

"Tubo, there are grievances among the tribes, and the Liu family's army is just dividing up and attacking them, it's just a trick!"

Hearing that Liu Wei was always humble, Wu Jie finally laughed and said, "Liu Wei, Liu Wei, if you continue to be so humble, I will really look down on you!"

"General, as long as you and I don't fight each other for a day, I, Liu Wei, will be your subordinate for a day! How can I not be humble in front of you?"

"Okay! I just said this to you, and I should make it clear!"

"Is there alcohol in the general camp?"

If Wu Jie could really bring out the wine, that would be a strange thing!Although Wu Jie is not as good as Yue Fei in terms of self-discipline, he is quite strict in governing the army, and he himself will never take the lead in violating military regulations.

(End of this chapter)

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