Chapter 355
"The Kingdom of Jin doesn't want the six counties of Xiangyang, what they want is me!"

In desperation, he uttered the truth, Yue Fei's thick voice seemed to stir up the entire barracks, and many people, including Gao Chong, did not expect such a result at all.

"Brother, are you serious? Ha, the golden sow doesn't urinate and take care of herself. With his virtue, can he catch brother?" The silence in the room was first broken by Niu Gao. During this period of getting along, Gao Chong also understood Niu Gao.

On the surface, Niu Gao is the kind of heartless person, but in fact, this kind of person is often transparent in heart, like a mirror, many superficially entangled and complicated things, in front of a person like Niu Gao, once photographed, become the original It's revealed!

Just like the sentence he just said, maybe he doesn't know what he is talking about, but if he can taste it carefully, he can taste a lot of truths.

Naturally, Jin Wushu's virtue cannot really trap Yue Fei to death, let alone defeat Yue Fei, but Jin Wushu is already the supreme military commander of the Kingdom of Jin, and looking at the world, the military strength of the Kingdom of Jin is a well-deserved number one brother. Even Jin Wushu can't threaten Yue Fei, so what kind of force can threaten Yue Fei?
Thinking of this, other people don't need to speak, they gradually understand.

A trace of discontent appeared on Yue Yun's face. He was still young after all, and it was difficult to completely cover up his emotions. However, he kept his head down, so when Yue Fei glanced over, he didn't notice the flash in Yue Fei's eyes. That silk is rebellious.

But Gao Chong, because of the angle, happened to see Yue Yun's clenched fist.The slightly trembling arrow sleeves and the rippling gown with water patterns all caught Gao Chong's eyes, but he let out a sigh from the bottom of his heart.

There is no knife that is sharper than the knife stabbed by your own people, and there is no pain that is worse than your own betrayal.Although Yue Fei was unable to find out exactly where the problem occurred so far, but the problem did occur, and it was a matter of life and death.

"So, the troops must be withdrawn?"

No one answered what Niu Gao said just now, and no one in the room dared to answer it except Niu Gao himself. Niu Gao had the guts to answer it, but unfortunately he didn't know how to answer it himself, so he still Gao Chong opened his mouth, although his voice was low, but the meaning was heavy.

"The army must be withdrawn."

After a long sigh, Yue Fei's straight spine seemed to become slightly curved in an instant, but this bending was fleeting, and when people looked at it again, the spine was still as straight as Mount Tai.

"If we keep the green hills, we won't have to worry about firewood. As long as we leave Xiangyang, as long as I have soldiers and horses in my hands, and Jin Wushu, he won't be able to make it through!"

Can't make it through!
Can't make it through!
This is Yue Fei's affirmation of his own strength, and also his affirmation of his life. As long as the court has Yue Fei for a day, Jin Wushu can only look around, but can't reach out.

He stretched out his hand, and there was a knife, and the knife was in Yue Fei's hand.

As Yue Fei's voice fell, there suddenly seemed to be an awe-inspiring murderous intent in the room. This murderous intent was weak at first, but within a few breaths, it filled the whole room, and only people like Gao Chong, Niu Gao, etc. Only by fighting countless generals back and forth on the field can they not be oppressed by this kind of murderous intent, and even feel like a fish in water.

"Let's go, I should go to the camp too."

Patrolling the battalion has always been Yue Fei's habit. Although he is the supreme commander of the entire army, this habit has never changed.Over the years, he has covered cups for young recruits, bandaged the wounds of wounded soldiers, and sang poems for those veterans who were homesick. When there was no combat or training, Yue Fei was actually not a general, but a parent, a big head of the family.

It is precisely because of Yue Fei that there is the Yue Family Army, and it is precisely because Yue Fei has done what a parent should do that it is called the Yue Family Army!

The Yue family army is invincible because when any army fights with the Yue family army, it is not just an army, it is a united family. No matter who is bullied, the whole family will stand up for him!

From this point of view, Liu Wei's Liu family army is still not as good as Yue's family army.

Although Liu Wei can be regarded as a qualified commander, he is better than Yue Fei in some details. After all, he has the professional experience of later generations as a foundation, and he knows how to be a good general, but that is just his. Occupation, not an attitude from his heart. After all, he is not a person living in this era. He cannot understand what is called "family" and what is called "family honor".

In later generations, the concept of family has long since disappeared, and even if it existed, it is already very weak, because the existence of the concept of family is really not in the interests of those in power in later generations. to re-emerge their uncontrollable, uniting force?

Just when the Yue family army was preparing to retreat, Liu Wei in the barracks saw Wu Jie again.

Perhaps it was the long years of military life, Liu Wei looked carefully at this time, but found that Wu Jie had become older.After all, the killing still carved deep marks on Wu Jie's face. The gray and white gradually climbed up Wu Jie's temples, and the fine lines around his lips and eyes were like the palms of an old farmer. I feel that Wu Jie is really old.

Compared with Yue Fei, Wu Jie may not be a truly invincible general, he is not as pure as Yue Fei, and even Liu Wei finds his thoughts elusive.

In fact, it is not easy for Wu Jie to get to where he is today. Compared with Yue Fei, his conditions are actually more difficult. Many people in later generations feel that he does not have the spirit of fighting hard and only knows how to defend blindly. However, Liu Wei knows that , that's because the place where Wu Jie is located is too barren.

This place in Shaanxi has been glorious in the past, but the dragon vein has long been broken, and the glory here has also become history.

As for Bashu, which is known as the land of abundance, even though it is rich in products, the natural barrier makes people living in Bashu have a mentality of isolation from the world. This kind of mentality is slightly enlarged, and it forms a kind of constraint. Most of the people living in Bashu will only work hard for Bashu. People here don’t have much sense of belonging to the country. For hundreds or thousands of years, people here have lived their own lives, comfortable and comfortable, If you don't fight, you won't lose. As long as you don't come to destroy their peaceful life, then they can turn a blind eye.

With this kind of temperament that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is really difficult for Wu Jie to use Bashu as a base.During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Kongming was a great talent, but in the end he still failed to stand up in Bashu.

A long sigh did not come from Liu Wei's mouth, but from Wu Jie.

Wu Jie under the light and shadow gave Liu Wei an illusion. He felt that the man in front of him seemed to be dying gradually.

"I heard that you want to build your home into a city?"

"There is such a thing, my lord. My home is there. Since I have this condition, why don't I do more for my family?"

At this time, standing in front of Wu Jie, Liu Wei no longer had that kind of fear of his boss. Although he still called Wu Jie "Master", his tone of voice was faintly like the communication between peers.

"Family, country, without a country, how can there be a home?"

Wu Jie's eyes were fixed, and the loose eyes finally became bright again, falling on Liu Wei's face.

"My lord, if you don't have a home, where did you come from?" Liu Wei is not moved by Wu Jie's eyes. Although Wu Jie's eyes are sharp at this time, it doesn't mean much to Liu Wei. If Liu Wei is willing , His condensed eyes can be several times stronger than this kind of sharpness.

This kind of fierceness does not lie in strength, but in the life of the palm. Even though Wu Jie commands the entire military power in Shaanxi and Bashu, his structure is still small, and it is only military power. In Liu Wei's hands, or in Liu Wei's hands In his heart, let alone the whole of Shaanxi and Bashu, what he plans is the world!
"Can it be done?"

After the two of them held each other's eyes for a while, it was indeed Wu Jie who looked away first. At the moment he looked away, Liu Wei felt that the positions of the two had switched!Although neither of them moved, the feeling was real.

"It must be done!"

Almost without thinking, Liu Wei gave the answer, even he himself didn't know it. When he said this sentence, even Wu Jie didn't dare to look directly at the sparkle in his eyes.

"My Wu family has 130 five members, including 43 direct descendants."

There was another inexplicable silence, Wu Jie didn't speak, and Liu Wei didn't speak, until Wu Jie spoke again, but it was such a nonsensical sentence.

Hearing Wu Jie's words, a faint smile appeared on Liu Wei's face. In fact, it was not a smile, but Liu Wei's confidence.

"No problem, totally liveable!"

If Wu Jie's words are thoughtless, then Liu Wei's words are lawless!He actually agreed to let Wu Jie's direct relatives live in the city of Liujiazhuang. Isn't this showing his ambition to Wu Jie?

However, there was no anger or surprise on Wu Jie's face, as if he already knew Liu Wei's answer.

"I can protect you for ten years, after ten years."

"Why do you need ten years, five years is enough!"

Liu Wei straightened his waist, and his whole body turned into a towering green pine. His face was full of confidence, and his eyes were shining.

"Five years. Dragon among men!"

When he said this, Wu Jie sighed again in his heart. Since he came to Liu Wei today, he actually planned to show his cards to Liu Wei. If he asked Liu Wei the first question, Liu Wei did not have the guts to be honest. If so, then the subsequent conversation will not continue.

Waiting for Liu Wei will be a group of swordsmen!

How could a person like Wu Jie not know what happened in Chengdu Mansion?

Liujiazhuang and Gaojiazhuang hid their soldiers and weapons, built cities and ponds, a county magistrate in Gaojin District, covered the sky with one hand and disturbed the situation in Yizhou Prefecture, and so on. Will it develop to today?

"Liu Wei, five years?"

"Five years!" Liu Wei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, raised his hand, and hit Wu Jie's hand hard.

(End of this chapter)

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