Chapter 296
In fact, the battle at Immortal Pass was earlier than Yue Fei expected!
In the end, Wu Jie decided to adopt Liu Wei's tactics, and used sharpened bamboo cloth to form a dense formation at Sanliping, and even gave this place a new name: Killing Jinping!

To kill Jin Ping, of course, is to kill Jin Bing here!Just such an imposing manner is enough to make people's blood rush when they hear it, and when the densely packed "Bamboo Spear Array" is arranged, even Liu Wei, the initiator, is amazed!

No one thought that the ordinary bamboo, after simple treatment, would give people a kind of mighty power. Bamboo is the only way to create such an effect. If it is just a few bamboo poles scattered, I am afraid it will only make Jinbing a joke.

"Jin Wushu, I let you come, but not leave!"

Looking at those Maozhu towns, Wu Jie seemed to have courage again in his heart, but Yang Zheng and others, although they were also surprised by the Maozhu town in front of them, did not think that a mere bamboo spear could block Jin Wushu's attack One hundred thousand troops.

The golden soldiers finally came, and Wu Jie was even more surprised by the return of the reconnaissance cavalry, just because the army of the golden Wushu really did not follow the forward, but followed what Liu Wei pointed out at the time, that there was no The way of the road is coming!

Digging mountains and splitting mountains, building bridges and building roads, where there was no road before, Jin Wushu forcibly built a road!If it wasn't because of Liu Wei's reminder, Wu Jie would never have thought of sending scouts in this direction at all. If when the Song Army and the Jin Bing forward were fighting fiercely, the Jin Wushu army suddenly appeared at the waist, and the resulting effect would be For Song Jun, it might be devastating.

Therefore, when Wu Jie got the information, the first thing he said to Liu Wei was: Liu Wei, you have made great contributions again!
The soldiers and horses did not move, and the shot was illegal. Liu Wei himself felt ashamed of this achievement, but the other generals did not object, and congratulated Liu Wei one after another.

"My lord, now is not the time to claim credit. The Jinwushu army is only two days away from us, and its vanguard will arrive at Jinping tomorrow, shall we?"

"Isn't it already arranged? This battle, let Tang Qing go, and give him a chance to pay off his merits!" Speaking of Wu Lin, Wu Jie's face became a little ugly, who let Wu Lin lose As for Monk Yuan, if Monk Yuan hadn't been lost, how could Jin Wushu drive all the way to Immortal Pass?

"The last general is in command, let's go get ready!"

"The final general implores your lord to give an order to allow the final general to meet the enemy with General Wu Lin!"

Just when Wu Lin was about to leave, Liu Yi hurriedly stood up and challenged Wu Jie.It's not that he wants to show off, it's because he knows that after the Battle of Monk Yuan, not only the number of soldiers and horses in Wu Lin's hands is limited, but more importantly, the morale of the whole army is relatively low. OK.

In fact, what Liu Wei could think of, why couldn't Wu Jie think of it?It's just because Wu Lin is his own younger brother, if he can't deal with Wu Lin, what will his generals think of him?What would those people in the court think of him?
"That's it!"

Almost without any hesitation, Wu Jie waved his hand and agreed to Liu Wei's request. Everyone could see now that it was Liu Wei who Wu Jie was waiting for just now!
Of course, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Liu Wei or not, what matters is who stands up at such an important juncture, not only can you gain Wu Jie’s favor, but also Wu Lin’s friendship—the effect of sending charcoal in a timely manner is naturally a hundredfold The icing on the cake!

At this time, some people in New China regretted how they hadn't seen through the key points, so that they lost a chance to please Wu Jie brothers in vain.

The bamboo spear array on Jinping is now ready. The Song Army's original plan was to use the bamboo spear array to slow down the advance speed of the Jin soldiers so that the crossbowmen could attack. This first battle was not against the Jin soldiers. The main force is just a forward, even if it is still a little dangerous, but relatively speaking, the chances of winning are great.

Therefore, in the eyes of some generals, Liu Wei is really killing three birds with one stone, and this business is really a bargain.

"Liu Wei, why do you need to. Hey, let's not talk about it. From today on, you are my brother, my dear brother!" Walking out of the handsome camp, Wu Lin couldn't wait to come up to express his thanks to Liu Wei. But what Wu Lin reveals is definitely a piece of true love.

"Since I'm your own brother, there's no need to say anything! Tang Qing, there is something I have to discuss with you. Do you think that I plan to use crossbowmen with you to defend and kill gold?" Ping?"


There was a look of surprise on Wu Lin's face, just because in his opinion, Liu Yi's question seemed redundant. Didn't everyone have passed this tactic? Why did Liu Yi ask?
Hard to do.
"The Jin Bing forward will arrive tomorrow, and their scouts must have observed our bamboo spear array. Tang Qing, think about it, if you were the commander of the Jin Bing forward, how would you judge?"

"Needless to say, seeing the bamboo spear array, no-brained people can guess that we are defending to the death, and they want to rush through the double interception of the bamboo spear array and the crossbowmen. I'm afraid they don't know what to throw How many corpses do you need to get under the wall of the Immortal Pass!"

What Wu Lin said was very affirmative. In fact, his analysis was correct. Thinking in another way, if the forward commander of Jinbing didn't think so, then he would be a monster.

Liu Wei nodded with a smile and said, "That's right! You can continue to be the commander of the Golden Army, but in the current situation, are you going to directly attack the Bamboo Spear Formation, or wait for the Chinese army of the Golden Wushu?"

"Well, I should have to wait, using the lives of soldiers to test an obvious trap, what a stupid person, how could such a person become a commander?"

"If you're going to wait, aren't you going to set up camp?"

When Liu Yi said this, Wu Lin's eyes obviously flashed a bright light, and he looked at Liu Yi with some understanding, "Brother, you don't mean to think... Oh, why didn't I think of it! A clever plan, indeed a clever plan, but those bamboo spear formations seem to affect our speed of advance and retreat."

"There must be some influence. In fact, when I asked everyone to arrange the bamboo spear formation, I left some winding paths. As long as you follow these paths, although you can't completely avoid the bamboo spears, the speed will be much faster. I think, Jin Bing, whose eyes are smeared, might not be able to find these hidden paths?"

"That's something you can't find if you make a decision! Well, I'll go back and prepare. Brother, this battle is all up to you! Brother, whether I can wash away my shame, whether I can start a new life, depends on this deal!"

Wu Lin's exaggerated words made Liu Yi laugh uncontrollably.He patted Wu Lin on the shoulder to send him away, and he went back to the camp to make preparations.

Don't look at how relaxed Liu Yi was when he talked with Wu Lin just now, but he knew in his heart that the whole plan was to limit the IQ of the forward generals of Jinbing to Wu Lin's level. What about a little bit?
Therefore, Liu Wei will not take it lightly just because he has formulated a tactical plan that Wu Lin thinks is indescribable. On the contrary, the more such a plan seems to be easy to succeed, the more cautious Liu Wei is.He summoned all the generals under his command to talk about the plan, formulate detailed advance and retreat plans, and calculate defeat before winning. This is also one of Liu Wei's habits.

"Everyone understands the whole plan, right?"

Liu Wei's eyes swept over the faces of Wu Anbang and others, and he asked.

Everyone nodded in response, and Liu Wei waved his hand, "I'll give you a stick of incense to regroup, the whole army only carries two days of dry food, and I request that after two sticks of incense, the army has already marched in the bamboo spear array! "

The time left for Wu Anbang, Chai Qingyuan and others is urgent. Fortunately, they set such high standards on themselves and their soldiers during their usual training, so it is not difficult to complete Liu Wei's order.

It's just a pain for Wu Lin.The soldiers and horses under his command have never experienced such strict training, let alone set off. When Liu Wei led two thousand soldiers and horses out of the gate of Xianrenguan, Wu Lin was still busy with the team. People haven't arrived yet!
Fortunately, he is not going out to fight now, otherwise Wu Lin would want to dig a hole and bury himself. He is also a soldier, so why is he so far behind Liu Yi?
"Brother, teach me how you train soldiers?"

Wu Lin didn't catch up with Liu Yi's soldiers until it was dark.Strictly speaking, it was Liu Yi who waited for Wu Lin to come, just because the soldiers under Liu Yi's command had already had a simple dinner and were resting.

Regarding the method of training soldiers, in fact, Liu Wei didn't keep much, but Wu Lin hasn't seen Liu Wei for a while, and Zhan Mu in Xianrenguan has a lot of insight, the real essence of soldier training, He would never be exposed to "outsiders" anyway.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Wu Lin still does not understand Liu Wei's military training method until now.

It's a pity that Liu Wei didn't understand the secret behind it, so he said in a daze, "When Zhan Mu was training soldiers, didn't you go to observe and emulate?"

"That kid!"

Sure enough, when talking about Zhan Mu, Wu Lin gritted his teeth with hatred, "That bastard!"

"Huh? Why is he an asshole? I'll take care of him later!"

"What a bastard? Humph," Wu Lin said with his hands on his hips, as if out of anger, "I took the team and wanted to practice with him, but guess what happened?"

"Hey, is someone talking about me?"

Wu Lin was talking, when a voice suddenly appeared, who else could it be if it wasn't Zhan Mu.

"Just right, Zhan Mu, our little general Wu has a lot of opinions on you. Come on, sit down and talk about it. Where did the conflict between the two of you come from?" Well, Liu Yi still has a bottom line in his heart. He believes that Zhan Mu will not offend Wu Lin, a person with a special status, for no reason, and there must be something hidden in it.

"Contradictions? How can there be conflicts between me and General Wu? If I made a mistake, I must have made a mistake!"

"Look, Liu Wei, I just said that scholars are annoying, right? This Zhan Mu is really annoying, if you don't believe me, listen to me!" Wu Lin rolled his eyes and stared at Zhan Mu fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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