Southern Song Dynasty military god

Chapter 287 After a few thoughts, the iron cavalry bowed

Chapter 287 After a few thoughts, the iron cavalry bowed
"We are strong and strong!"

This is Liu Wei's concluding speech.After the big guys laughed because of Lu Hong's words, some people also made suggestions, such as methods such as farming and cultivating seeds.

It's not that these methods won't work, it's just that the results are slow.It’s just getting warmer here in Bashu, and the winter jasmine hasn’t even bloomed yet. It’s okay to talk about reclamation, but from sowing to harvesting, taking rice, the staple food that’s commonly grown here in Bashu, doesn’t last half a year. reward?

Therefore, Liu Wei believes that these are methods, but it is difficult to quench the thirst of the near water, and it is difficult to make Liu Jiazhuang, or these troops and families attached to Liu Wei, rich in a short period of time, and there is no money left to upgrade the equipment. , let alone continue to recruit troops.

"My lord, you don't intend to let us all go out to snatch it, do you?" Hu Li rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something, but his words made many generals present frown.It's not that this kind of grass-grazing matter has been done a few days ago, but at that time it was aimed at foreigners, mainly Jin people, but even if it was aimed at foreigners, after all, most of the time they were facing civilians. Some bad influences.

Not all generals are willing to do such a thing, everyone has their own bottom line, especially an orthodox general like Li Shifu, he is even more unwilling to point his blade at civilians, even if they are civilians of a foreign race, he will not agree.

Don't look at Chai Qingyuan and Lu Hongnai as descendants of Liang Shanbo, but let them loot civilians once or twice.

"Why bother? Since we are strong and strong, why bother to fight Caogu? Now that the current situation is chaotic, we raise heavy soldiers to protect ourselves, but soldiers not only need to train, but also need to fight! An army that has never really been on the battlefield, training for ten years It can only be a recruit!"

"My lord, have you finally decided to raise the flag?"

Chai Qingyuan became excited, and the others also looked at Liu Wei.

Frightened by such a scene, Liu Wei hurriedly waved his hands, "No! It's not the right time to raise the flag now. Have you ever thought that if someone else pays, we will send troops?"

"Others pay, we send troops?"

In fact, Liu Wei's method, to put it bluntly, is a mercenary for later generations.It is a troubled time, not only between the Song and Jin Dynasties, but also among the tribes of Xixia and Tubo. People from all over the world are fighting continuously at the same time and in different spaces. This kind of world is simply like a mercenary. Heaven!
And Liu Wei's idea came from this.Recruiting soldiers and buying horses, and training strong soldiers, what's the use of just keeping them at home?For the time being, it seems that it is impossible for Jin Wushu to continue to attack Bashu. Even if he comes to attack, won't there be troops led by Wu Jie?Before the last critical moment, how could Liu Wei pull his soldiers to the front line?
You can't keep these soldiers and horses all the time, can you?
Instead of letting these elite soldiers work hard at home every day, it is better to take them to the battlefield. Firstly, it is a kind of income, secondly, it is also a kind of income, and more importantly, it is to train generals.

Thousands of troops are easy to get and a general is hard to find. There are not enough generals in Liu Wei's hands who can truly stand on their own, let alone compete for world hegemony in the future. Besides learning, there is only one way for excellent generals to fight. !

If you fight more battles, especially if you win more battles, excellent generals will naturally appear.

"Hu Li, Qing Yuan, Lu Hong." Liu Wei swept his eyes over the generals, and called the roll call one by one, "Each of you leads two thousand soldiers and horses, and performs day and night. Once business comes to your door, I will call on them Let me inform you that our side is close to Tubo, starting from Tubo, I have already discussed the specific matters with my elder brother, and he will be in charge of threading the needle!"

According to later generations, Gao Jin is equivalent to being the manager of the Liu family's mercenary group. Why did Liu Wei choose Gao Jin?
In fact, it is not suitable for Gao Jin to be a county magistrate. He is born with the kind of material for doing business. Thinking about how he managed Gaojiazhuang in the past, if it wasn’t because of Jin Wushu, what kind of development Gaojiazhuang would be today? The scale is really hard to say.

Now that he became the magistrate of Chengdu County, Gao Jin did not give up his "hobbies" in this area, or his talent. Although he could not go to battle in person, he trained a group of subordinates who were proficient in this way to save money for Gaojiazhuang.

And because of his official status, Gao Jin was also able to learn about the situation in Tubo through the channels of the imperial court.

Most of the understanding of the term Tubo by the Han people in later generations comes from the records of the Tang Dynasty, and the most famous one is the marriage between "Princess Wencheng" and "Songtsan Gampo".In the final analysis, this marriage of "the right family" that has been passed down in history is fundamentally a political need, and it is a manifestation of the weakness of the Li dynasty.

The strong are self-improving, and the weak are self-defeating. With the thinking of the ancients, would you marry your own daughter to a poor and weak family?The answer is naturally no, which means that in the eyes of the Li Dynasty, Tubo at that time was very powerful, powerful enough to be compared with the Tang Dynasty.

The Tubo people claim to be humans born from the union of a macaque and a rock witch. It was not until a Nie Chi Zanpu fell from the sky that they were divided into monarchs and ministers.The legend of a monkey turning into a man is somewhat in line with Darwin's "Theory of Evolution", and it is also the ancient Tibetan's view of the universal origin of their nation.

By the time of Buniesai and Nangri Lunzan, Tubo had gradually extended its influence to the Lhasa River Basin.And when Songtsen Gampo was born, he successively conquered the Qiang tribes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.For example, Supi, Yangtong, Bailan, Dangxiang, Fuguo, Jialiangyi, etc., as well as the Tuyuhun tribe belonging to the Xianbei people, when they became the subordinate tribes of Tubo, it was also the heyday of the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains.

At this time, Songtsen Gampo formally established the Tubo Dynasty.He moved his capital to Luoxie (Lhasa), and established a political and military system from the central government to the local government by referring to the central government system and military military system of the Tang Dynasty.He began to adopt the calendar, stipulated unified weights and measures, and created the Tubo script based on Yutian, Tianzhu and other characters. Of course, he also formulated cruel laws.

In the 15th year of Zhenguan, Songtsan Gampo officially married Princess Wencheng, and then in the fourth year of Jinglong, the Tang Dynasty clan married Princess Jincheng to Qili Shuzanpu.This period can be regarded as the heyday of the Tubo Dynasty.

As I said before, marriage was only a political need. At that time, the Tang Dynasty did not have much energy to deal with Tubo, so it sold its own women. After the 9th century, the desire for land made the Tang Dynasty frequently use troops against Tubo.The war weakened Tubo's national strength, and Tubo began to turn from prosperity to decline, and could no longer expand outward.But Tubo, which lost its powerful monarchy and had internal and external troubles, intensified the internal contradictions of the ruling class.The royal family competed with each other, which split Tubo.

"My lord, what do you mean, let the leaders of Tubo pay for it, let's send troops to fight?"

After Liu Wei's explanation, the generals finally understood Liu Wei's meaning, fighting for money, this kind of thing is extremely new to every general present, but its essence is that everyone Not unfamiliar at all.

"The essence of any war is two words—interest." In other words, war is a continuation of politics, but politics itself cannot be separated from the drive of interests.As for the form of mercenaries, they only concretized their interests.Of course, Liu Wei can't use such simple but too metaphysical words to explain to everyone.

He could only spread out the map, pointing to the sphere of influence of Tubo, and said to everyone: "I know that everyone has great ambitions to make contributions, and would think that fighting for money is a disgrace to soldiers! But everyone, please take a look."

Liu Wei put his finger between Tubo and Bashu. From the map, it can be seen intuitively that Tubo is closely adjacent to the southwest of the Chengdu Plain.

"If we want to use Bashu as the foundation, develop from southwest to northeast, and to the east, then one day, the chaotic tribes of Tubo will become a serious problem for us!"

After everyone focused their attention on the map for a while, Liu Wei spoke.

His words caused everyone to think deeply.

"I agree with Liu Wei's statement!"

Although this could be regarded as Liu Wei's military meeting this time, Wang Chongyang still participated. According to Liu Wei, he was invited to "attend as a non-voting attendant". At this time, it was Wang Chongyang who first opened his mouth to greet Liu Wei.

When everyone turned their attention to him, Wang Chongyang said again: "Actually, it's not just Tubo, but also Xixia!"


Liu Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, but a thought flashed through his mind quickly.

Why did Wang Chongyang mention Xixia?In a sense, Xixia is indeed a big marriage of Liu Wei’s confidant in the future, but for now, the existence of Xixia can just block Mongolia and Xiliao for Liu Wei, two ethnic and tribal forces that are gradually becoming stronger. .

In fact, the existence of Xixia just saved these two forces from having to face the Jin Kingdom in its heyday, thus obtaining a good opportunity for development.

But Liu Wei always felt that Wang Chongyang's words were not completely considered from a military point of view, and more likely, they were mixed with personal emotional factors.

Although Xianyang City was abandoned by Wang Chongyang on his own initiative, it was his hometown after all. It was the reason why Wang Chongyang couldn't forgive himself.

I'm afraid it was precisely for this reason that Wang Chongyang stood up at this time to express his approval for Liu Wei.

Of course, other people don't know the reason why Wang Chongyang said this, they can only think purely from the perspective of military strategy.

"The general thinks that your lord is right!"

Li Shifu, who finally joined the Liu family army, finally stood up and expressed his approval of Liu Wei's opinion, or in other words, this was already Liu Wei's decision, "The final general is willing to lead two thousand troops and accept the dispatch of adults!"

Now that even Li Shifu has expressed his opinion, Hu Li and others have nothing to say. They are fighting against foreigners anyway, and everyone has no obstacles in their hearts. They just feel that fighting for money is a bit embarrassing for themselves.

"Then, let me talk about the distribution of military power!"
(End of this chapter)

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