Zhumen Chunshen

Chapter 382 The truth caused by a ring

Chapter 382 The Truth Caused by a Ring
Yao Cunhui accepted the order with a smile, and she didn't have to go to say hello every day, she slept until three poles above the sun, and then had breakfast, took a walk in the garden for a while, and teased the birds and parrots in the corridor, and it was noon.After lunch, stroll down the corridor to digest food, feed the various goldfish in the big mackerel tank, watch the maids change the water, and then go back to the house for an afternoon nap.Woke up in the afternoon, more and more lazy, drank a bowl of bird's nest, white fungus and red dates soup, joked and joked casually, Shen Quan came back, put his arms around her and asked her what she did all day, etc. After a while, it was time for dinner. .

At noon that day, Yao Cunhui was still taking a nap, when he heard a noise outside, he couldn't help frowning and opened his eyes.

"What's going on outside?"

"Princess, you are awake!" Bi Tao, who was sitting beside her doing needlework, put down her work and got up.She didn't think she was a god in her previous work, but now she realized it after hearing Yao Cunhui's words, and hurriedly said: "Young servant, let's go and have a look!"

"Forget it! Bring the clothes, I've had enough sleep!" Yao Cunhui shook her head and yawned.

Bi Tao promised to bring the clothes hanging on the hanger at the side, and she was waiting for Yao Cunhui to wear them, but she saw Rong's mother come in, and hurried forward to help serve, "The old slave just wanted to see if the princess is awake! "

"Who is making trouble again?" Yao Cunhui smiled lightly, blinking her thick and soft eyelashes, while reaching out to get dressed.

Mother Rong's face twitched slightly, and said with a smile: "Princess, you should wash and wash first, you can't finish a sentence or two!"

Yao Cunhui nodded.

After finishing grooming and drinking a cup of tea, Mama Rong ordered a laundry girl from the laundry called Qing Miao to come in.Ask Yao Cunhui to sit in the wing room, and order Xiaoxing, Xiaoli and others to guard the door.

The little girl's face was pale, trembling, her face was covered with tears, she knelt on the ground and couldn't even utter a word to beg for mercy.

"What's going on?" Yao Cunhui couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Rong Ma took out a wrapped veil and unfolded it on Yao Cunhui, revealing a ruby ​​inlaid gold pendant. The gem was about the size of a thumb, more than an inch long, oval in shape, pure pomegranate red, crystal clear, delicate and soft. Looks worth a fortune.

"I found it from this girl! Look, Princess!" Rong Ma pouted at Qing Miao.

Yao Cunhui held the earrings in his hand, full of heavy texture.This is by no means what a laundry girl should be.

She has better ruby ​​earrings, but this one is not hers.Yao Cunhui's eyes froze immediately, and he asked coldly, "Where did you get it?"

Being a thief actually went out of the yard, and it would be embarrassing for her to spread the word!

"Yes, it was picked up by my servant!" Qing Miao was so terrified that she could speak for a long time, trembling and crying, "Princess, please spare me! This servant should die, this servant shouldn't be greedy and secretly hide it for a while! I don’t dare anymore! The concubine should spare the slaves!”

Qing Miao kowtowed again and again, a spot of red soon appeared on her forehead.

Yao Cunhui ordered Rong Ma to stop her, and said calmly: "I picked it up? Where did I pick it up?"

"This is even more outrageous!" Rong Ma said lightly: "It is said that it was picked up in the yard of the laundry room! Princess, think about it, the laundry room is full of servants, and there is no one in Xihetang who is like this!" pendant!"

"No, it's not! The servant did not lie, the servant really did not lie! It was really found under the clothes rack in the laundry room! The servant can swear to God!" Qing Miao desperately explained, and kowtowed again.

"Nonsense!" Rong's mother kicked her lightly, stared and shouted: "Don't knock me when the princess said, don't you understand? You dare to lie about something with dirty hands and feet now! Tell the truth soon! I think You are itchy!"

Qing Miao cried again in fright, but she still didn't let go, insisting that she picked it up in the yard of the laundry room. As for why and where she picked it up, she didn't know.

Yao Cunhui stared at the earring but his heart moved slightly. If this thing belonged to the Duan family, then it would make sense...

"Okay! If you are really wronged, I will naturally not punish you, but if there is half a word of falsehood, you will not want to live!" Yao Cunhui said lightly: "You said you found it in the laundry room, when was it? When? Was anyone else there?"

Qing Miao quickly stopped crying, raised her hand to wipe her face, and hurriedly said: "It's a day at the end of March, it seems to be the afternoon of March 23! That afternoon, the servants rested and looked at it when they were collecting clothes in the yard. Seeing that the pendant was shining brightly in the crevices of the stones, I went to pick it up out of curiosity. At that time, only the servant was there, and the servant quietly left behind. Princess, the servant should not be greedy, the servant should have been handed over to the princess as soon as possible!"

"Since you have said so repeatedly, I will believe you for the time being! However, you have to wait for the matter to be fully investigated before you can get rid of the suspicion! You don't have to go back to work these few days, Rong Ma, you make arrangements!" Yao Cunhui Thinking about it in my heart, Mrs. Duan came to the yard almost on that day.What she has to do now is to determine whether this pendant belongs to Duan's or not.

This pendant is exquisite in workmanship, rare and precious, it seems that Mrs. Duan has worn it more than once, just ask a little to know.

"Yes, Concubine!" Seeing that Yao Cunhui meant to temporarily put Qing Miao under house arrest, Rong Ma nodded and took her down to make arrangements for herself.

Qing Miao was confident that she didn't lie a single word, but she was not afraid of Yao Cunhui's investigation, she felt half relieved when she heard this, she quickly kowtowed to thank her, wiped her tears and got up from the ground to follow Rongma.

Once it was settled, Rong's mother came back to report to Yao Cunhui, and said: "Princess, you are too soft-hearted! Anyway, this girl is not innocent, who knows if she will do other things in the future? It is always a disaster to keep it! It is better to be early Send it out!"

Yao Cunhui shook his head slightly, and gently put the pendant aside, "Mother Rong, let me tell you something."

Suspecting that Duan's mischief is currently only the speculation of Shen Quan and Yao Cunhui, and only two of them know about it.After all, the Duan family is also the master of the Shen family and an elder, and they have never had any grudges with Da Fang on weekdays, and without conclusive evidence, no one would believe this statement!At that time, Duan will cry and complain in front of the old lady, and the matter will become even more unclear!But now with this pendant, as long as the owner of the pendant is confirmed, it will be different.

At least, Duan couldn't wash away the suspicion.

After hearing Yao Cunhui's words, Rong's mother was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a while, "Fourth madam? This, this is too outrageous!"

Even if it was said that Mrs. Ma showed great power to plot against Yao Cunhui, Rong Ma would believe it, but she still felt that what Yao Cunhui said at this time was too unbelievable.

"However, what you and the lord have said is also reasonable, old slave, I believe you two!"

Yao Cunhui's heart warmed up, so she smiled and said, "You believe me because we are close, because you are my nanny, so no matter what I say, you will believe it. But others are different!"

"What the princess said is true." Rong Ma's eyes darkened slightly.It is indeed what Yao Cunhui said.As long as she said it, she would believe it!

"I'll go to my mother and let her see this pendant!" Yao Cunhui tucked the pendant into his sleeve.

Rong Ma was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "As long as the madam recognizes that this pendant belongs to the fourth madam, the fourth madam can't deny it even if she wants!"

"Take care of the young crops. Also, no one is allowed to discuss today's affairs. You can order it for whatever reason you want."

Rong's mother promised to go and order.

Yao Cunhui took out the pendant and asked Madam Xiao to look at it with a smile. Madam Xiao only held it in her hand and passed it, then she was surprised and said: "Oh, isn't this your fourth aunt's? I remember that she likes this pendant very much. You wear it often, how did it end up in your hands?"

"Mother, are you sure it belongs to my fourth aunt? What if there are exactly the same ones?" Yao Cunhui laughed.

"Impossible!" Mrs. Xiao said with a smile: "Although there are many rubies, such a high-quality and large garnet red is rare! There is also the chiseled pattern on the gold border, which is so delicate and complicated. It comes from Tiangong Workshop. No one can fake it anymore!"

"You haven't said it yet, how did it get into your hands? Could it be that your fourth aunt gave it to you?" Mrs. Xiao asked again.

Yao Cunhui shook his head and smiled slightly, "I picked it up. It was picked up by a laundry girl in the laundry room of Xihe Hall!"

After Yao Cunhui finished speaking, Mrs. Xiao couldn't help but change her face. After a while, Fang sighed softly.

"Fortunately, both of you are sensible people, and you didn't make a fuss earlier!" Mrs. Xiao smiled wryly, even the most harmless fourth wife was involved!
"Your fourth aunt is the least courageous," Mrs. Xiao sighed, "If you suspect her, I don't know how much power Master Weng has in her hands! I didn't realize it at first, but now that I think about it, her temper these days It has indeed changed a lot, from time to time it shows a preoccupied look, and it also speaks a lot less, alas!"

Yao Cunhui bowed his head and remained silent.Madam Xiao has already been told, so Madam Xiao can make the decision.

"Don't worry, this matter won't cause you to be wronged for nothing! Mother will definitely give you an explanation. That girl, make sure nothing happens. What do you think of this matter after the Dragon Boat Festival?"

Yao Cunhui nodded, "There's no reason why the old lady would have a bad time because of me! Anyway, it's not bad for three or five days."

"Good boy, it's no wonder you know how to be considerate!" Madam Xiao was very relieved, she smiled and patted her hand lightly.

Shen Quan came back and found out about this, but he didn't agree with their idea, Yao Cunhui persuaded her a few times before giving up.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, Mrs. Xiao really took Yao Cunhui to see Mrs. Shen, and brought Qing Miao with her.

Originally it was said that Yao Cunhui was a junior and should avoid it, but Mrs. Xiao knew that Mrs. Shen had always favored her youngest son and his daughter-in-law. If Yao Cunhui was not with her, Duan would confess her mistake and cry, and Yao Cunhui would be fine now. Taijun then spared Duan's family lightly.

With Yao Cunhui at the side, it is not so easy for Mrs. Shen to calm down.

No matter Duan's voluntary or forced, the thought of her doing such a thing made Mrs. Xiao furious.

During those days when Yao Cunhui's life and death were uncertain, her son Shen Quan's expression frightened her, she could not sleep all night and was worried all day long.

If Yao Cunhui really couldn't make it through, she couldn't imagine what her son would become!Her son is ruined, what's the fun of her being alive!
(End of this chapter)

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