Zhumen Chunshen

Chapter 341

Chapter 341 Heart Knot (Part [-])

Shen Quan said nothing with a gloomy face, Li's mother pursed her lips, blinked her wet eyes, answered "yes" in a low voice, bowed her knees, turned around and left.

Shen Quan pulled the sleeve out of Yao Cunhui's hand violently, and said nothing with a cold face.Yao Cunhui sighed inwardly, then gently pulled him, "Ning Yuan..."

"Hui'er!" Shen Quan suddenly hugged her tightly into his arms, holding her so tightly that he wished he could melt into his bones and blood, rubbing his chin against the top of her head back and forth, and sighed sadly: " Huier, she has ignored me for so many years, can a bowl of noodles make it up? What does she think of me! Huier, why is there so much injustice in this world! Just because she gave birth to me, even if she hurt me, Should I have no choice but to forgive her!"

It's not that he didn't have hope. He hoped that one day she would be able to care about him and really look at him!But no, at least, never before Big Brother died!His heart was filled with hope again and again, and he was disappointed again and again. He killed countless people, and he was the king of Hades, but he was also a human being, and sometimes he was weak and fragile!
After reuniting with Huier on Qixi that year, he finally gave up completely and transferred all his feelings and hopes to Huier.Since then, he has told himself time and time again that even if the whole world is gone, he still has Huier!Huier cared about him, Huier still remembered him, Huier said she would wait for him!
From then on, he and she will be the most respectful mother and son in the world, and he treats her like a mother, and that's all!Others, he will never go to Xiyi again!
This is also very good!

But why God didn't even give him this bit of peace and peace? I don't know when she looked at him with eyes that he couldn't understand, with guilt, worry, distress, and concern that hesitated to speak. He felt very awkward and not used to it!He began to be deliberately indifferent and alienated, and since then avoided meeting and talking with her.

"Why didn't she let me go! Finally, I gave up, but she didn't let me go!" Shen Quan sighed softly, her voice was lonely and desolate.

Yao Cunhui felt great pain in his heart, and stretched out his arms to hug his back tightly and stroked, "Ning Yuan, husband, seeing you like this, I, I will feel heartbroken, please don't be like this!"

"Hui'er," Shen Quan loosened her slightly, held her face and watched tenderly, smiled suddenly, leaned over and kissed her lightly, the cool lips slid across Yao Cunhui's face, numb and itchy , as gentle as a passing feather.

Yao Cunhui tilted her head, kissed him on the face, held his hand and said gently: "Ning Yuan, she is your mother after all, she has already regretted it—"

"You said that too?" Shen Quan's tone turned cold suddenly, "If my elder brother was still alive, she still wouldn't look at me more! Why do you say that too!"

"But your elder brother is dead!" Yao Cunhui held his hand tightly, and said word by word: "Your elder brother is dead, and the 'if' you are entangled in has no meaning other than making yourself miserable! We have to admit the fact Isn't it? Husband, she really regrets it, why don't you try to give her a chance? After missing the past and now, the husband asked himself, if one day she passed away, would the husband regret the present? Mother and son Whether there is this life or the next life, does the husband really not care about her at all? If the husband really doesn't care, why is he so sad!"

"I'm not sad, who said I was sad!" Shen Quan protested awkwardly.

"Husband," Yao Cunhui said softly as she leaned into his arms, "I said this not for her, but for you! Seeing you struggling with this matter makes me feel better! I just hope you live a relaxed and happy life Some!"

Shen Quan's body was slightly stiff and silent, but the turbulent breath and emotions in his body gradually calmed down.It's not that Yao Cunhui's words didn't touch him, but——

"I'm just not reconciled!"

Yao Cunhui heard that his tone was obviously relaxed, she curled her lips into a smile, and said in a slightly relaxed voice coquettishly: "If it wasn't for that, maybe you might not have taken a fancy to me! Could it be that I am not enough to make up for it?"

Shen Quan was startled, and couldn't help laughing for a moment of relief in his heart. He hugged Yao Cunhui and pinched her face with a smile: "Yes, yes, I was confused because of my husband! If it wasn't so, maybe my Huier would also see it in her eyes." I'm gone! So, I'm a blessing in disguise, aren't I?"

"Children can be taught!" Yao Cunhui clapped his hands and laughed.

Shen Quan's eyes suddenly darkened again, and he sighed softly.

Yao Cunhui also knows the entanglement in his heart. After all, the hurts of so many years have been deeply engraved on his childhood heart. How can he forget it or let it go?However, as long as he is willing to let go, one day he will be able to let go!
"Husband, let's have dinner early today. Husband is not hungry yet? I think the noodles are not bad. Come, try it!" Yao Cunhui pulled him up and walked over.

Shen Quan was a bit reluctant, but she still dragged her away, glanced at the mouth and said: "I think it's definitely not as good as Huier's!"

"Taste it and you'll know!" Yao Cunhui didn't argue with his childish words, sat down at the table by him, picked up the chopsticks and mixed it. Shen Quan, "Eat!"

Shen Quan glanced at her, and finally took the chopsticks, but it seemed to weigh a thousand catties in his hand.He barely ate a few mouthfuls, then put down his chopsticks, shook his head and smiled wryly, "I'm not hungry at all, I really can't eat any more!"

Yao Cunhui couldn't force him anymore, so she smiled and said, "Forget it if you're not hungry! Put it here!"

Shen Quan secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, as if relieved.

The next morning, when Yao Cunhui went to Mrs. Xiao's place, Mrs. Xiao looked a little worried about her gains and losses. She wanted to ask Yao Cunhui for several times, but she didn't speak.

"My lord likes the longevity noodles my mother made yesterday, and I ate a whole bowl!" Yao Cunhui smiled and said in a relaxed tone.

"Really!" Mrs. Xiao's eyes lit up, she was surprised and happy, her voice trembled a little, and she hurriedly asked, "He really likes it? Really, have you eaten it yet?"

Mother Li came back last night, how dare she tell Madam Xiao about Shen Quan's attitude?He only vaguely said that the prince took it and thanked his wife.Mrs. Xiao was afraid of being hurt, so she didn't dare to ask in detail, but she also knew her son's temper, he was happy and sad at one time, worrying about gains and losses, he didn't sleep well all night.

Hearing what Yao Cunhui said at this moment, he was so overjoyed that he couldn't believe it was true.

"Of course it's true, how dare a daughter-in-law lie in front of mother!" Yao Cunhui laughed again hastily.

"Okay, okay!" Madam Xiao trembling her lips, lifted her handkerchief unconsciously to wipe her tears, choked up and said, "I owe you too much, too much! It's great that he is willing to eat the noodles I made! Hui'er , Thank you for telling me, I am very happy, very happy!"

"Mother," Yao Cunhui couldn't help feeling sour in his heart, and said softly, "You and the prince are mother and son. This mother and son are born to be connected by flesh and blood. He has always been respectful and polite to you. Don't think about it!"

Mrs. Xiao shook her head, wiped her tears and sighed: "I am an unqualified mother. I have never cared about him since he was a child! I was confused. What's the use of regretting it now! I owe him so much after all. Too much! He should have resentment in his heart, it's my fault!" Mrs. Xiao said, tears streaming down her face.

Yao Cunhui was surprised for a moment, and looked at Mrs. Xiao in a daze.She didn't expect Mrs. Xiao to say such words!In this era when filial piety is greater than the sky, Madam Xiao's words can be seen to be extremely regretful and painful beyond words!

"Ma'am, don't be sad! The concubine is right, you and the prince are mother and son, how can the prince blame you!" Li's mother hurriedly advised.

Mrs. Xiao suddenly came back to her senses, regretting her loss, hurriedly wiped away her tears and said to Yao Cunhui with a smile: "I made Huier laugh!"

"How can my daughter-in-law laugh at my mother!" Yao Cunhui hurriedly said again: "Wife, please wash your face, the prince also said that he will come over to greet you later!"

Mrs. Xiao was startled, she even claimed it was, and hurriedly asked someone to bring a mirror to see if her eye sockets were red and swollen, and if there were tears on her face!

Yao Cunhui and Li's mother rushed to serve.

Outside the door, Quan Quan's steps were as heavy as his heart, and his chest was constricted like a stone.He came here with Yao Cunhui early this morning, Yao Cunhui asked him to wait outside first, and he waited, but unexpectedly heard Mrs. Xiao's words.His heart was sour, and there was a strange feeling of sadness and joy spreading, the tip of his heart trembled slightly, and his palms felt slightly cold.

His mother has him in her heart, right?What Huier said is, "what if" is something that doesn't exist, persistent thinking about it can only make oneself painful and entangled, why not put aside the non-existent assumptions and start over?Everything has a cause and an effect, if it wasn't what it used to be, he might not have met Huier, and he might not have married this woman whom he likes to the core!Just talking about this, he also made a profit!
Shen Quan's heart relaxed, he let out a long sigh of relief, looked up at the high sky, and suddenly felt that the world is so vast!He had never felt this way before.

Guessing that Mrs. Xiao had cleaned up inside, Shen Quan ordered the little girl to go in and report.

As soon as Mrs. Xiao heard that Shen Quan was coming, she hurriedly turned around and asked, and looked at Yao Cunhui and Li's mother worriedly, asking if there was anything wrong on their faces.Yao Cunhui and Li's mother gave her a reassuring smile in return.

"Here, mother's greetings!" Shen Quan came in, bowing his head and bowing his hands.He actually wanted to call out "mother" tentatively, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth, so he subconsciously called him "mother".

"Alright, let's sit down and talk!" Madam Xiao raised her hand with a smile.

Maybe because Yao Cunhui told her that Shen Quan ate the birthday noodles she made last night, Mrs. Xiao always felt that her son looked different from usual today. She couldn't tell what was different, but she just felt it.

There was silence in the hall for a moment, the mother and son had something on their minds, but became more and more worried and hesitated, neither of them spoke.

Li's mother became anxious when she saw it, and secretly gave Yao Cunhui a wink.

(End of this chapter)

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