Zhumen Chunshen

Chapter 151

Chapter 151
"How about it, can you stand up?" Bai Muyuan said, and conveniently broke a branch from the side and handed it to Yao Cunhui as a walking stick.

"Thank you!" Yao Cunhui tried to stand up, sat down again, rubbed her ankle carefully, and said with a wry smile: "Fortunately, the twist is not serious, just wait for me!"

As Yao Cunhui said, she exerted a lot of force on her hands, but Bai Muyuan only heard two crisp sounds of "click, click", her face turned pale from being frightened, and she opened her eyes wide and said, "You, you—"

What kind of woman is this!

Yao Cunhui's tense and wrinkled face relaxed, he let out a long breath, turned his feet slightly, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I made you laugh!"

She looked up at the dark night in the rain, and couldn't help thinking of Shen Quan again. Shen Quan taught her such a clean and neat technique. Unexpectedly, one day she really used it again.

"Slow down, you've twisted your mind again!" Bai Muyuan stretched out her hand to support her arm, and gave her a complicated look.

Yao Cunhui tilted his head, and looked into a pair of amber eyes. The next second, his eyes suddenly went dark, and the world fell into darkness—the weak light of the sheep horn lamp went out!

After a few seconds, the two of them got used to the pitch-black darkness, they were startled, and laughed at the same time.

"Miss Yao, be careful!" Bai Muyuan didn't care about anything, and supported Yao Cunhui's arm. Yao Cunhui wanted to shake him off, but felt it was too obvious, so she reluctantly thanked him, explaining in her heart that it was a matter of urgency.

"Do you feel that we seem to be going the wrong way!" Yao Cunhui suddenly stopped, panting and holding on to a big tree that couldn't be hugged.

Hearing what she said, Bai Muyuan also collected herself, opened her eyes and looked around hard, and said with a wry smile: "Second Miss, it seems that you really hit the mark!"

"Second Miss, let's not leave, let's find a place to take shelter! With such a heavy rain, landslides or flash floods may occur at any time, which is dangerous! It will be much easier when the sun rises. " Bai Muyuan said.

"Okay!" Yao Cunhui nodded, she actually thought so too.It is better to wait until dawn than to wander around in the dark and heavy rain.After daybreak, even if they can't find their way out, the guys will come looking for someone.

The two finally found a small cave to shelter from the wind and rain. The cave is not barren, and it seems that it is commonly used by the nearby villagers. There are several large stones with flat surfaces in the cave, which should be used by the villagers to sit when they rest.

"Miss Yao, sit down!" Bai Muyuan wiped the sweat from her head and face, and beckoned Yao Cunhui to sit down.

"Thank you!"

Both of them were panting from exhaustion, and they were busy wiping their faces and hair with their hands.

I didn't feel it when I was on the road just now, but now that I stopped, I realized that the rainy night in late autumn was surprisingly cold. The hot sweat all over my body was blown by the cold wind engulfing the rain. Yao Cunhui couldn't help trembling with his arms around him, tightly He gritted his teeth ready to fight.

"It's really cold!" Bai Muyuan said tremblingly.

He took out the torch, wiped it lightly, and suddenly a bright light illuminated the hole, and seeing several pieces of dry firewood in the corner of the hole, Bai Muyuan was overjoyed, "Second Miss, wait a minute!"

Bai Muyuan skillfully brought the firewood, and carefully lit the fire. The fire gradually became brighter and brighter. Yao Cunhui felt warm and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's not enough firewood here, I'll go outside and look for it."

"But the firewood outside is all wet!"

"Look for some small branches and dry them with fire!" Bai Muyuan said, and walked out.

The fire flickered, the wind blew bright and dark light and shadows on the four walls, and also reflected on Yao Cunhui's beautiful face. She quietly stared at the dark rainy night outside the cave, her star-like eyes sparkling.

"I'm back!" After a while, Bai Muyuan came in, Yao Cunhui got up, and together with him, he folded the wet branches into sections, placed them next to the fire to roast, and then the two sat down again.

"I don't know if the two of them have gone back!" Yao Cunhui frowned slightly as he opened his hands towards the dancing flames.

Bai Muyuan looked up at her, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Shen Sheng will be fine!"

Yao Cunhui nodded with a smile, was silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Bai!"

Bai Muyuan chuckled, enchanting like a blooming flower, and said softly, "Miss Yao, you are welcome! If I can do something for you, I don't feel so sorry!"

Yao Cunhui pursed his lips and smiled: "Young Master, do you often travel around the mountains?"

Bai Muyuan thought for a while, then said with a smile, "That's pretty much it!"

"Young master must be well-informed!"

"Occasionally, I just come out to relax when I'm bored. It's no better than Ms. Yao, who is so capable at such a young age! You have a lady like Ms. Yao's rice shop, and the business will definitely get better and better!"

"Hehe, I would like to borrow your good words!" Yao Cunhui smiled and asked suddenly: "By the way, I accidentally lost my handkerchief, can I borrow your son's?"

Bai Muyuan was taken aback, nodded hurriedly, took out her handkerchief and handed it over, and said with a smile, "Miss Yao doesn't mind it, just use it!"

"Thank you, Mr. Bai!" Yao Cunhui took the handkerchief, got up calmly, wrung it out with the rain, carefully wiped his face, neck and hands, and then cleaned him up.

Bai Muyuan looked at her back, thinking for a while.

The two waited for the dawn in the cave. On the other side of the yard, two assistants rushed back with the medicine. The doctor saw it and hurriedly took it and mixed it with three or four kinds of medicinal materials to make the medicine.

When everyone saw it, they all felt relieved by coincidence.

Zhao Jiyuan suddenly grabbed a waiter and said sharply, "Where is the second lady!"

Bai Feng and Bai Nian hurriedly gathered around and asked, "Where is my young master?"

All the guys looked at each other in blank dismay, and glared at the two guys together.

Under the siege of everyone's eyes like knives, those two people subconsciously felt a little guilty, and talked about the matter intermittently.

Bai Feng and Bai Nian were relieved when they heard that their master was fine. Zhao Jiyuan grabbed the clerk by the collar and said angrily, "Are you crazy! Just leave the second lady on the mountain like this? She also sprained her foot? What if—”

"Then, what should we do then!" The man's face changed when Zhao Jiyuan said it, and he couldn't help panicking.If something really happened to Second Miss, how would they explain it to Master Yao?

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, trembling uncontrollably.

"Don't worry!" Bai Feng glanced at Zhao Jiyuan who lost his composure, and said calmly, "My son will take good care of Miss Yao!"

It's because she and your young master are together that people don't feel at ease!Zhao Jiyuan was burning with anger and jealousy, wishing he could fly to Yao Cunhui immediately and bring her back.

All the guys were startled, and they stared at the two guys with even more condemnation: No matter what, you have to leave one more person with the second lady, this is a lonely man and a widow in the wilderness, this——

"What are you still doing in a daze! You two hurry up and lead the way, go back and find the second lady!" Zhao Jiyuan said coldly, regardless of everyone's dissuasion, he decided to follow.

So, seven or eight people rushed into the vast night rain again, Bai Feng thought about it, and went with them.

The group didn't expect Yao Cunhui and Bai Muyuan to get lost, and they couldn't find them after wandering around for a long time. Zhao Jiyuan was furious, and the two assistants swore that they must have taken the wrong way. The sky was getting brighter and the rain had stopped sparsely, but they still couldn't find anyone.

It wasn't until another guy hurried over and said that Mr. Bai and Miss Er had gone back, that everyone was relieved and hurried back.

At this time, Shen Sheng's fever had subsided, and everyone was basically in good health. Only Zhao Jiyuan sneezed more frequently and loudly.

"It's late at night, won't you wait for dawn to go?" Yao Cunhui frowned a little dissatisfied, and forced them to drink a bowl of the boiled medicine to dispel wind and cold.

Zhao Jiyuan's lips were pale, his face was also pale, his wet hair was disheveled behind his shoulders, and a few strands of hair stuck to his face. Big drops of rain flowed down his forehead and cheeks, and he didn't wipe his eyes. Staring at Yao Cunhui without blinking, she asked, "Second Miss, is everything okay?"

"It's okay." Yao Cunhui looked at Zhao Jiyuan who was in a state of embarrassment, and felt a little uncomfortable. Don't look away and said softly, "Drink a bowl of medicine quickly, and change your clothes quickly!"

Zhao Jiyuan was stunned. In his impression, it seemed that this was the first time she spoke to him so gently and without prejudice. He felt an inexplicable excitement and throbbing in his heart, and nodded, "Okay."

Bai Muyuan's eyes flashed brightly, and the corners of her lips curled up in a half-smile.

Shen Sheng resolutely refused to delay the trip because of himself, so everyone went back on the road, Shen Sheng, Yao Cunhui, master and servant, riding in the carriage together.

"Brother Zhao, are you okay? Do you want to get out of the car together?" Bai Muyuan looked at Zhao Jiyuan with concern.

"No need." Zhao Jiyuan refused with a smile.It is absolutely impossible for him to agree to ride in the same carriage as Bai Muyuan!However, when he heard Bai Muyuan's question, he subconsciously glanced at Yao Cunhui, but Yao Cunhui didn't notice the movement here at all, which made him a little bit sad.

Bai Muyuan didn't insist either, she gave up with a smile.

In the carriage, Xiao Xing and Xiao Li looked apprehensive, "Fortunately, Miss, you are fine", and Shen Sheng leaned against the wall of the carriage and closed his eyes to rest, with a very ugly expression on his face.

"Shen Sheng, if you can't stand it anymore, remember to tell me." Yao Cunhui glanced at him.

"The villain is just a servant, and I can't afford to be a young lady!" Shen Sheng opened his eyes and stared straight at Yao Cunhui: "Second Miss, please don't do this in the future, the master knows, the villain's job is afraid of losing his job. No guarantee! Also, if something happens to the Second Miss, bad luck will follow for all of us!"

Shen Sheng's tone became severe, and Xiao Xing and Xiao Li's faces turned pale all of a sudden, and they shuddered in fear.

They knew that Shen Sheng's words were true. If something happened to Yao Cunhui, as a personal servant girl who sold her death contract, I'm afraid the two of them would have to be buried with her!

The two looked at each other, seeing fear in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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