Zhumen Chunshen

Chapter 138 Goodbye Zhao Jiyuan

Chapter 138 Goodbye Zhao Jiyuan

Yao Cunhui's chest stagnates, and her heart suddenly feels heavy and extremely uncomfortable. Thanks to Yunzhi, if it were her, she doesn't know if she can accept it so calmly.

Her second cousin, a good woman with snow as her skin and flowers as her stomach, was also a noble woman since she was a child. Can she really live a life like that?If the eldest sister Yao Cunjia is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, good at patience but can definitely give the other party a fatal blow when caught off guard, then this second cousin is completely kind and simple, partial to marriage and subservient to others——

"Hehe, look at you!" Seeing Yao Cunhui in a daze, Yun Zhi couldn't help but give a "puchi" smile, the sparkle in her big barky eyes turned lightly, and she held her hand and said with an intimate smile: "No matter what, I belong to the Yun family." My daughter, grandmother, parents and elder brothers are all watching, and the prince is a student of my grandfather, so he will not treat me badly! To the prince and princess, I only treat each other with courtesy, abide by the rules, and always find peace Day!"

"That's natural," Yao Cunhui forced a smile and said, "Second cousin, you are indifferent by nature and don't fight with the world. Who can bear to do things for you!"

Yun Zhi smiled, then dropped the topic, and started talking about something else.

Not long after, I heard the voice of the servant girl Yue'er in the room outside: "Eldest young master, you are here! Second Miss and Biao Er Miss are inside!"

"Brother is here? I haven't seen him for a long time!" Yun Zhi's eyes lit up, she and Yao Cunhui smiled, and went out hand in hand.

Yao Cunhui hurriedly stepped forward to see her, Yun Jinzhong smiled and raised his hand: "My brothers and sisters, Hui'er doesn't need to be polite!" Then he said: "I heard that you came back yesterday, I expected to come here in a few days, and sure enough Come today!"

"Oh, otherwise the elder brother wouldn't have come here, so he wouldn't have remembered me as his own sister, would he?" Yun Zhi pursed her lips deliberately to be jealous.

"Hehe, let's look down and see you. Do I need to come here every day to see you? I'm afraid you'll be annoying!"

All three of them laughed and sat down to talk again.

Yun Jinzhong secretly winked at Yao Cunhui, and Yao Cunhui paid attention.

Not long after, Yao Cunhui went out with Yun Jinzhong under the pretext of going to visit his elder cousin and little niece, and asked Yun Zhi to go to Mrs. Yun to take care of Yao Shizan for a while.

The two cousins ​​walked through the garden and walked to the open space. Yao Cunhui sent Xiao Xing to pick some flowers, and then he and Yun Jinzhong stopped.

"Big cousin, what do you want to say to me?" Yao Cunhui asked with a smile.

Yun Jinzhong frowned lightly, his handsome face showed seriousness and worry, "Hui'er, did something happen to your Yao family rice shop?"

"Big cousin, why did you say that!" Yao Cunhui was shocked and opened his eyes wide.

"We are our own people, and I don't want you to beat around the bush." ​​Yun Jinzhong sighed softly, and said, "I overheard a news that the dozen or so large grain growers who cooperate with your Yao family every year will no longer sell grain this year. Is it true that I sold it to you?"

"Where did my cousin hear this news!" Yao Cunhui's mind went blank for a moment, and he almost couldn't stand still.

Both she and her father were negligent, thinking that if they covered up the news, it would not affect people's hearts, and they could hide it from the world, but they forgot that the other party could also spread the news!

The reason why there was no movement before was not that the other party forgot, nor was it that he was soft-hearted. It must be that all the preparations have not been done yet, right?Now that the new food is about to come down, it has reached the final juncture. Spreading the news at this time will undoubtedly deal a fatal blow to the Yao family.

Now that Yun Jinzhong has heard the news, I believe that soon, the news will blow like a gust of wind inside and outside the capital!
"It seems that this is true." Yun Jinzhong sighed: "I heard about it after a while, so don't ask where it came from. Huier, does uncle have a way to deal with it? The other party is obviously not kind. If one mistake is made, it will be beyond redemption!"

"Big cousin, thank you for telling me about this!" Yao Cunhui was so confused that he forced a smile: "Don't worry, big cousin. Although there is no perfect solution for this matter, it is not helpless! Big cousin, I have to go back first, and I will visit my cousin and niece some other day!"

"Yeah." Yun Jinzhong nodded, and said with a sudden smile: "A few days ago, I heard that you are helping Mihang now. Now it seems that not only helping, uncle also trusts you a lot!"

Yao Cunhui forced a smile: "I am the daughter of the Yao family after all."

"This will help improve your status in the Yao family, and it's good for you and Zan'er," Yun Jinzhong said with a smile, "Just don't let your word out in front of grandma, father, and mother."

"I see, big cousin!" Yao Cunhui nodded, and left in a hurry with Yun Jinzhong.

Mrs. Yun and Uncle Yun are both traditional and mature people. If they knew it, they would definitely disagree. Yao Cunhui knew it well. She never thought that Yun Jinzhong would support her, so she must have been paying attention secretly. So you got this news by chance?
"Why are you going back now?" Old Madam Yun frowned, and said angrily, "I told your aunt to prepare dinner properly, and then leave after dinner! Grandma's family is not an outsider, if it is late Well, it’s the same if we go back early tomorrow morning!”

"Yes, Hui'er!" Yun Zhi also persuaded from the side.

Yao Cunhui's heart was scratching like five claws, and he couldn't listen to it. He just said that he suddenly remembered something at home and insisted on going back. Mrs. Yun had no choice but to order Haosheng to send her siblings away.

Not far from Yunfu, Yao Cunhui ordered to stop the car, and told Wu Jin and Rong Ma to take Yao Shizan back properly, and Xiao Xing and herself would go to the shop.

"Second Miss is not an old slave talking about you. What time are you going to the shop for? It's not too late to go tomorrow!" Rong Ma gave Yao Cunhui a very dissatisfied look.

In the past, the second young lady was anxious and worried because the master didn't like her, but now the master likes and values ​​her, but she is full of heart and soul on the business in the shop, and Rong's mother is more worried and distressed than before.

"Okay, Mommy Rong, I'll take care of myself!" Yao Cunhui smiled, got up and got out of the car.Rong Ma is much easier to fool than the old lady, as long as she handed over the master's money, Rong Ma would be helpless.

After getting out of the carriage, Yao Cunhui ordered Xiao Xing to find a carriage and stood aside to wait.

Looking at Xiao Xing's figure rushing away, Yao Cunhui felt disturbed by the dense crowd in front of her, she sighed a long time and looked up at the sky.

After receiving the news from her cousin, she couldn't stay still for a moment.If the Yao family was caught off guard by all the well-arranged enemies who suddenly attacked, even if the rice grains from Nanyang could be shipped smoothly, they would probably suffer a great deal of damage!At least, people's hearts will be greatly turbulent!
When people's hearts are moved, many things that could not happen in the first place cannot be guaranteed not to happen.

In this world, the only thing that cannot be calculated or predicted is the human heart.

"Second Miss, be careful!" Yao Cunhui was pulled suddenly by someone, and she exclaimed, only to realize that a speeding carriage almost passed her, and the dust brought up by the carriage rushed towards her face, causing her to tilt her head. Cover your mouth and cough.

"Thank you, thank you! Cough cough!" Yao Cunhui broke out in a cold sweat and secretly called luck, and hurriedly took a few steps back.When she came back to her senses, she looked up at the person who had saved her, and her face froze again.

It was Zhao Jiyuan who saved her.

"Second Miss, are you okay?" Zhao Jiyuan was still wearing a washed white gown, which was clean and tidy without any wrinkles. At this moment, he was looking at Yao Cunhui with concern, glanced at the carriage and sighed: "This Lu family Those who rely on their status as relatives of the emperor are too arrogant!"

The corner of Yao Cunhui's mouth twitched mockingly, Lu family, members of the Lu family, in the previous life, you, Marquis Zhao and the Lu family had a fierce fight, and Lu Fang, the head of the Lu family, even rewarded a beautiful girl who was good at singing and dancing The concubine is given to him, and he is very fond of him. She can even go where her wife, Mrs. Hou, can't go.

At this moment, Yao Cunhui found it ironic when he heard the words from his mouth complaining about the domineering Lu family.

"I'm fine, thank you Mr. Zhao." Yao Cunhui said calmly, Lian Rong slightly bent his knees and blessed him.

"Second Miss, you're being polite!" Zhao Jiyuan hastily turned sideways to avoid her gestures, and said with a smile, "By the way, why is Second Miss here alone? I wonder if I can help Second Miss?"

"My maid will be here right away, so don't bother Mr. Zhao! If Mr. Zhao has something to do, please do it yourself!"

"Oh..." Zhao Jiyuan was stunned and did not leave immediately. He looked at Yao Cunhui with his long and narrow eyes, but he looked a little dazed.

"Is Mr. Zhao still busy?" Yao Cunhui raised his eyebrows, constantly reminding himself to be calm and calm.

"Second Miss," Zhao Jiyuan restrained his face and saluted, looked directly at Yao Cunhui, and said calmly, "Dare to ask Second Miss, did I offend Second Miss? Otherwise, why does Second Miss hate me so much? If I inadvertently collide and Second Miss , I also ask Second Miss to expressly apologize to Second Miss."

Yao Cunhui breathed a sigh of relief, looked into his eyes and smiled and said, "Young Master Zhao, you are thinking too much. I have always treated people like this. If you have caused any misunderstanding, I apologize to you."

Seeing her indifferent and alienated attitude and her unremarkable smile, Zhao Jiyuan stopped immediately, but couldn't go on any longer, and smiled at himself: "Perhaps, I really put my heart into it! You made the second lady laugh!"

Zhao Jiyuan didn't leave, but still stood aside and waited silently. Yao Cunhui felt disgusted, lowered his eyes and ignored him, and turned to the direction where Xiao Xing left: Why hasn't the dead girl come for so long?

"Cousin Hui! Why are you here!" A carefree shout came from behind, Yao Cunhui and Zhao Jiyuan followed the prestige, and saw Ma Huaian striding over with a pair of triangular eyes and a smile, and the corners of Hulan's Ning silk robe Lift it up.

What day is it today!Yao Cunhui frowned slightly, and a look of disgust flashed across his eyes. "Third Cousin!" Yao Cunhui nodded to him.

(End of this chapter)

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