Xiaoqingmei is super cute

Chapter 1735 The appearance of a serious love chapter still makes people's hearts flutter

Chapter 1735 The serious appearance of talking about love still makes people's hearts flutter
"You?" Yu Jinqiao smiled and said: "You are a dignified and a big chief, and most people care about you, so naturally I don't need to worry about it."

"But I only want your concern." Bao Jichen looked at her with dark and deep eyes, and slowly opened his thin lips.

Yu Jinqiao couldn't help being startled for a moment, then laughed.

How long has it been since you heard a similar love story?
As his military rank rose higher and higher, the responsibilities on his shoulders became heavier and heavier.

The number of times they went home became less and less, and the time they spent together became shorter and shorter.

In his world, there will always be more important things than her.

Disappointed too many times, it has become numb in the end.

Hearing the other party's words suddenly, I was really uncomfortable for a while.

What's more, the other party was not a person who was good at talking about love.

However, even though so many years have passed, the way the other party talks about love in a serious manner still can't help but make people's hearts flutter.

But she is no longer the little girl who would do anything for love.

"I'm sorry!" Yu Jinqiao said.

Waiting for someone for too long, guarding someone for too long, for the rest of her life, she plans to let herself go.

"Is it really necessary to get a divorce?" After a long silence, Bo Jichen said in a hoarse voice.

"Yes!" Yu Jinqiao's attitude was very firm.

She has never been a procrastination person, and she has gradually formed her personality of being uncompromising in the mall. Now that the decision has been made, there is no need to hesitate.

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Bo Jichen fell into silence again, not understanding why the two of them had come to this point suddenly, and said after a long time: "Then let me accompany you to complete the operation."

Yu Jinqiao frowned, subconsciously wanting to refuse.

Without waiting for her to speak, Bo Jichen said, "Otherwise, I would not agree to the divorce. You should know that military marriages are protected by key national laws. Unless I nod, otherwise, you will be Mrs. Bo all your life."

Yu Jinqiao pursed her lips, a trace of hesitation flashed across her face, after weighing both surgery and divorce, she nodded after a long time and said, "Okay."

Hearing this, Bo Jichen didn't feel relieved, but felt that his heart had sunk to the bottom.

She had hoped before that she filed for divorce just because she didn't want the surgery, but the fact is that the other party would rather have the surgery than insist on a divorce.

It proved that between surgery and marriage, it was the latter that made her more eager to escape.

The hand hanging by the side couldn't help but clenched.

After a while, Bo Jichen spoke again: "Then make an appointment with Dr. Zhao, and arrange the operation time as soon as possible."

"I know!" Yu Jinqiao said.

After that, there was a long silence.

The two people who were originally inseparable did not expect that one day they would have nothing to say.

The most familiar strangers are probably talking about what they are like now.

From the age of five to the present, in the long 40 years, she finally decided to let herself go.

In the end, Bo Jichen couldn't bear the atmosphere in the room, and said, "I'm going to the study." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the room. The always calm and composed Chief Bo, at this moment, his breath was unusually unstable. .

As soon as the other party left, the expression on Yu Jinqiao's face that was pretending to be strong couldn't help but collapsed.

A trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Ever imagined the most beautiful look of love.

The first love is you, the hot love is you, and the rest of my life will be you.

She thought she had done it, but she didn't want to. In the end, she cut off her love with her own hands and became the one who let go first.

It's not that I don't love anymore, it's just that I really can't love anymore! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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