abandoned woman farming

Chapter 749 Mu Huaixing Discovers that Shen Xiu is Different

Chapter 749 Mu Huaixing Discovers that Shen Xiu's is Different

"Ning Bao, what are your plans for the future? Go back to the border town or stay in the capital?" Yue Huang is probably the most rigorous of this group of people. In terms of their attitude towards her and the girl's behavior, they really had nothing to say, but there was still something wrong in Emperor Yue's heart. After all, Ning Bao and A Xing were his favorite grandsons. Ah Xing is like a waste, he can't let Ning Bao also lose emotionally now.

Being bitten by a snake once, and being afraid of well ropes for ten years is probably talking about his current mood.

"Grandpa, I want to go back to the border town." Ning Bao obeyed his thoughts very much.

"Hey!" Upon hearing Ning Bao's answer, Yue Huang kept sighing.

"Father, we have never interfered too much with the children's affairs. Since he likes the border town, he should just come back. Let's just move Li Wang's mansion to the border town." Mu Jingchen was quite open about this matter, but Well, if the brat goes back, I'm afraid it will interfere with the two-person world between himself and An'an.

"What are you talking about? Doesn't the child have a bright future?" Yue Huang said with a frown.

"See where his ambition is?" Mu Jingchen answered very casually.

Hearing what Mu Jingchen said, Mu Huaining immediately replied: "I have the same ambition as my father!"

Mu Jingchen & everyone: "..."

"Your father is unambitious, so you want to be unambitious?" Yue Huang snorted coldly.

Mu Huaining shrugged: "Grandpa, there is no way for the son to follow his father!"

"Okay, okay, both of you shut up, neither of you is useful." Yue Huang hummed.

"I said, didn't I stop you from worrying? Why are you still so worried!?" Concubine Chen looked at Emperor Yue speechlessly.

Mu Huaining smiled slyly.

"I'll go out for a while first." Mu Huaixing got up, as if he had some personal matters to settle.

Everyone didn't care about it.

After a while, Mu Huaixing appeared at the dinner table again.

After he sat down, he subconsciously raised his eyes to look in Shen Xiu's direction, and saw that Shen Xiu was still sitting there obediently, frowning to digest those mushrooms and shallots.

"Lv Ya brought tea, what flavor is it?" Chen An'an was a little full, she leaned against Mu Jingchen's side in a disfigured manner, looked at Lu Ya with a smile and asked.

Lu Ya hurriedly changed the tea for them, while Shen Xiu had already waited obediently with her head held high.

"It's jasmine tea!" As soon as Lu Ya brought it over, Shen Xiu could already smell it.

"No, you are going to drink. Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to drink tea with meals? It will cause indigestion!" Mu Huaining frowned when he saw Shen Xiu's anxious look.

Upon hearing this, Shen Xiu shook her head quickly and said, "But you haven't been allowed to drink tea for a long time."

"Xiuxiu, are you sure, I haven't let you drink tea for a long time?" Mu Huaining asked speechlessly.

"Well, it's time to eat." Shen Xiu nodded.

"Ning Bao's temperament is always similar to that of the fourth brother!" The queen said to Mu Jing in a low voice.

Mu Jingyu nodded with a smile: "Looking at a wife is like taking care of a daughter."

"Okay, it's rare for us to meet today, just let Xiuxiu drink if she likes it." Chen Anan leaned on Mu Jingchen's shoulder and said to Ning Bao.

When Mu Huaining heard this, he looked at Mu Jingchen helplessly: "Father, take care of mother!"

"You know, I always don't care about your mother!" Mu Jingchen smiled calmly.

Mu Huaining was speechless.

Just when he was calm, Shen Xiu had already started drinking from a teacup.

When she tasted the tea, her whole eyes lit up.However, she didn't say anything about He Liang.

She was very pleasantly surprised, because the scent of this scented tea was Zhang Ji's jasmine tea in the capital. Only their scented tea could have this scent, and this scent was her favorite.

Before, Mu Huaining was very strict with her in this regard, because her body had experienced pain before, and her stomach was not very good, so Mu Huaining had been watching things like drinking tea between meals Therefore, she was really happy to drink Zhang Ji's jasmine tea today.

Mu Huaixing's hand on his knee was already tightly clenched. He didn't know what words to use to describe his current mood.

If the mutton soup incident just now was just a coincidence, then this woman's liking for scented tea seems to be too coincidental.

After Ning Qianxun passed away, he had carefully investigated all her preferences, and because of this, when she saw that she didn't like eating mushrooms and shallots, she was just skeptical, so taking the opportunity to go out, Ask Shang Fang to make arrangements for the tea to be served with Zhang Ji's jasmine tea.Although she was very low-key, the light in her eyes still betrayed her.

She must know the source of this tea.

Mu Huaixing was very curious about how a girl who was born and raised in the countryside knew Zhang Ji's scented tea. Moreover, if she calculated it carefully, she behaved as if she had received a good education. Definitely not a demeanor that a girl who grew up in the country can do.

For a moment, Mu Huaixing's entire heart was in a mess.

His hands were tense on his knees, and the bulging veins showed his inner boiling.

Why, such two unique hobbies appear in such a woman?

She and Chihiro?Didn't Chihiro leave?Instead of changing clothes and faces?

But it's not right, her body can't last at all, so, what's going on?

He wanted to find out an answer, but there seemed to be no reasonable answer.He wanted to try to stare at Shen Xiu straight, because if the other party was Qian Xun, he would definitely respond to his gaze, but he had no chance at all. The second brother watched her very closely. It's easy to say, but if I look at it so abruptly, it's hard to guarantee that my second brother won't fight with me on the spot, so it's better not to startle the snake right now, but this woman definitely needs to be investigated carefully.

In his heart, his intuition told him that this was no ordinary coincidence, and there must be some intricate news inside.

Although he rarely believes in such illusory things as intuition, this time, the intuition in his heart was very strong, and even, for a moment, he thought that the person sitting next to Mu Huaining was his Chihiro .

Because he already had this kind of doubt in his heart, when he intentionally observed Shen Xiu, he would always get different discoveries.

(End of this chapter)

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