abandoned woman farming

Chapter 715 No If

Chapter 715 No If
Because of Mu Huaining's words, Mu Huaixing's face gradually became tense. He even held the hand by his side tightly, and he could faintly hear a cracking sound. Anger, but everyone knows it's useless.

"She has already left, the matter has come to this point, you have no other way out, you have already caused such a thing, or if you want to commit suicide, you also go with her? Hehe, that also needs her consent, you Treat her like this, and she doesn't like letting herself sleep in the imperial tomb, so the relationship between you has been completely broken, admit it, admit that you killed her, is it that difficult? Anyway, you It seems that you don't love her that much, the reason why you have such emotions now is because you feel guilty!" Mu Huaining said at the end, his words were off the mark.The purpose is to stimulate Mu Huaixing.

Sure enough, after the two words were finished, Mu Huaixing was in a state of collapse. He threw the wine jar out, and the wine jar hit the ground with an obvious noise. In the chaos, he propped himself up on the bed and reluctantly got up, stretched out his hand and rushed towards Mu Huaining's body.

Mu Huaining pushed him out immediately, and he got up, standing there tall and tall, looking at Mu Huaixing with shame and contempt in his eyes.

"The thing has already been done, you are committing suicide now, there is nothing you can do, why bother doing unnecessary things here?" Mu Huaining just wanted to wake up A Xing and let him know that the mistake was irreversible.

"What do you know? What do you know?" Mu Huaixing was finally stimulated by Mu Huaining, he stood up again, reached out and grabbed Mu Huaining's collar, and was about to do it.

But Mu Huaining was a few years older than him, and his tactics were also very clever. When the two fought, it was obvious that Mu Huaining had the upper hand.

"Ah Xing, you should wake up. In fact, I don't need to tell you. You should be very clear in your heart. We don't have the ability to turn back time. Therefore, you can only eat the bad fruits you planted yourself." Mu Huai Ning did not use an ordinary method to enlighten Mu Huaixing today, because for a person like Mu Huaixing, the more you comfort him, the more he sinks in, and he can only be dragged out by extreme methods .

"I left her a handful of ashes. After a hundred years, she will still be buried with me." Mu Huaixing staggered and stood up again. Although the corners of his lips were curved, it was clear that the permanent resident in that curvature was Deep sadness.

Regarding what happened in the past, he didn't know how to speak. During the few days when he was bored in the room, the past events were repeated in his heart one by one, as if they were being staged alive.He has always been rational, so he knows exactly what kind of stupid things he has done.

Thinking that all the hardships she endured were all given by him, his heart fell to the ground like porcelain, and many pieces were broken.

"It seems that I don't need to persuade you. Since you have already thought clearly in your heart, you don't have to do these actions. God waits for no one. Since it was given to you and you didn't cherish it, then it's okay to leave." The inevitable result, in the final analysis, is all your own fault, so you have to bear it yourself." Mu Huaining spoke, the words were actually a bit heavy, but he didn't deny it, it was still very powerful.

"Brother, if it were you, wouldn't you..."

Mu Huaixing asked Mu Huaining.But Mu Huaining interrupted him before he finished listening.

"No ifs. Ah Xing, I am very clear about my own heart. Whenever I am tempted by a girl, then I will never do anything to hurt her. If it catches my eyes, I will definitely protect her." Zhenbao, I will only be tempted once in this life." When he said this, the corners of his lips curled up uncontrollably, and he also remembered the girl's cute and delicate appearance in his mind.

Although his ribs were found relatively late, fortunately, they were finally found.

Mu Huaixing is a person with very subtle observation skills, it's not that he didn't see Mu Huaining's reaction.When he saw him like this, he asked in a somewhat disappointed tone: "It seems that you have found someone who can tempt you."

"Yeah, she's a very beautiful girl, quiet and gentle." Mu Huaining couldn't hide the smile at the corner of his mouth when he thought of the person he liked.

"Tranquility, gentleness?" Hearing Mu Huaining say this, the loss in Mu Huaixing's tone was fully revealed. "Qianxun, she is also very quiet and gentle."

"Ah Xing, that's enough." Mu Huaining got up, stretched out his hand and grabbed him directly, pulled his decadent body out, pointed to the stone platform outside, and said in a low voice: "I heard that you just let her Kneeling there to get wet in the rain?"

"Ah Xing, you are so capable, you only dare to hide in the room and meditate, don't you have the guts to come out and have a look?"

"No... that day I was not..." Mu Huaixing subconsciously wanted to refute.

"How were you that day? I don't want to hear about the past. Wake up, or you will really become a worthless man!" Mu Huaining snorted lightly: "Which girl do you think would like a useless man?" ?”

"I'm not..." Mu Huaixing didn't dare to look at the stone platform, otherwise, he would die of heartache.

"I've already said what needs to be said. I just returned to Beijing. I still have things to do in the mansion, so I'll go back first!" Mu Huaining always had a good time doing things, so he left after finishing speaking.

Mu Huaixing stood in the inner hall, not daring to raise his eyes. After Mu Huaining left, his body fell heavily back to the ground.

The prince who has always been aloof, at this moment, is as fragile as a child.

But this life is doomed, Chihiro has become his untraceable figure, destined to be out of reach.

When I thought about missing that girl in my whole life, it was still because of my own mistakes.

He will owe her all his life.

But she really can't find it anymore.


Coming out of the palace, Mu Huaining's footsteps were a little anxious. He wanted to go back impatiently. It felt like going out to play and rushing home when he was a child, but now, Shen Xiu seemed to give himself the same feeling, like home Feel.

His choice was right, she was the reason he wanted to start a family.

"Zhuiyun, you go on a trip yourself, tell your parents that I want to get married, and tell them to come back quickly after they have had enough fun, and stop procrastinating outside!" For his mother, he was very relieved, but For his father, he was very worried. His father clearly saw the opportunity, so he dragged Chen An'an around, and he was against him everywhere. For such a naive father, he was also very speechless.

When Zhuiyun heard Mu Huaining's words, he couldn't help but announce this gossip to everyone. Either the master has no sweetheart, and once he finds it, it will be a joy.

 New article seeking collection, seeking love
(End of this chapter)

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