Chapter 301

Naturally, Mrs. Feng refused in every possible way, but she was embarrassed to ask for it. Mrs. Liu said: "It's not for you, it's for the children. Besides, the little ones can't be used. It's not good. I, as an aunt, will do it for Qing'er and Lian'er." I’ve got an underwear, if you don’t want it, I have to do it myself, it’s not that I have too many embroidery jobs recently and I don’t have time.”

Mrs. Liu couldn't help but put the muslin cloth in the basket that Mrs. Feng brought with her when she came here.

The relationship between the second room and the third room of the Su family is getting better and better. The sister-in-law and the sister-in-law are like sisters. The old house can't do it anymore. The Ding family has already had five mu of millet sprouting because of the rain. After three days of fire, Xiao Ding and Su Wanwan were disgraced all day long.

"Hey, sister of the Ding family, what's the matter, your son and daughter-in-law are not good, so don't hurt yourself."

Mrs. Ding was pinching her waist and cursing someone, when a bewitching voice came in, Mrs. Ding looked up, she turned out to be an acquaintance, if Su Qin could know him here, it was the one who wanted to sell her into Cui Dahu's house as a housekeeper The toothmaid Zhang.

"It's you, why do you have so much time to come here today? There are no girls and boys in my family to send out to be servants." Ding looked at Zhang with her triangular eyes sideways.

"Sister Ding's said this, I'm in the business of this toothmaid, but why don't you remember this old business? I'm congratulating Ding's sister today, why don't you invite me in for a cup of tea?" Zhang Shi took out a handkerchief full of fragrance of powder and wiped away the sweat that didn't exist.

"Dao Xi?" Ding let out a long breath, "I've been negligent, why are you still watching, why don't you let Su Feng and Su Huang make good tea for you Grandma Zhang, no one can see. " Ding scolded Xiao Ding, then took Zhang's hand and went to the upper room.

Xiao Ding didn't speak, but looked at her mother-in-law's back with dark eyes, turned around and went back to her room.

Su Feng was not unhappy, she carefully arranged her clothes and hair accessories, and brought the tea up. She also listened attentively, this Mrs. Zhang, who is a matchmaker, is a matchmaker in her old profession. If she can If she dangles in front of her eyes more, can she also have a good family? She is sixteen now.

"The daughter of the Ding family is really lucky. Whether she is a daughter or a granddaughter, she is so brilliant. Look, this is Feng'er girl, and she is fifteen or sixteen?" Su Feng, who was the top choice in the countryside, was surprised. This girl looked much more beautiful than Su Qiuhe.

However, Su Qiuhe is two years older than Su Feng, and her development is better, her complexion is fairer and tenderer, so each has her own merits.

"What a blessing, they are all debt collectors. If you don't go down, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Ding patted the hand of her granddaughter behind her, and pushed Su Feng down. He actually wanted to compete with his daughter, and he didn't even look at himself.

In Ding's heart, it is natural that her daughter is the best, even if a girl wants to show off, she really doesn't know what to do.

No matter how unhappy Su Feng was, she didn't dare to make grandma angry. You must know that her parents can't even find a scraping copper plate in her hands, so her own marriage is still in grandma's hands.

However, Su Feng also kept an eye out, saying yes, Yingying bowed down, bowed to Ding and Zhang, went down, Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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