The young lady has golden fingers

Chapter 280 What else do you have to pretend?

Chapter 280 What else do you have to pretend?

The more Di Jiuyuan thought about it, the more upset she became, so she smashed the fruit hard——

Don't eat, don't eat!

Made, dogs and men!

The smashing didn't matter, as soon as the door was opened, the young man who walked to the door of the bedroom hadn't even reacted, and the half-gnawed fruit of Di Jiuyuan smashed him right in the face.

A young man in a white suit, with a bit of a gentlemanly demeanor, covered his forehead, and anger suddenly appeared in his eyes. At first glance, he looked like he wanted to eat people.

"Su Jiajia!" Ning Ning's gloomy tone seemed to crush these three words between his lips and teeth.

Di Jiuyuan heard the voice.

Like a tumbler doll, she instantly changed from a lying posture to a sitting cross-legged posture, wrapped up like a tight big white rice dumpling, looking at the direction of the bedroom door with sharp eyes.

His eyes were cold to the bone, which was the coldness and indifference of wild wolves towards uninvited guests.

The moment Ning met her eyes all the time, he even had the illusion of falling into an ice cellar, as if he was suddenly in a world of ice and snow.

Realizing that it was a weak chicken, the sternness and defensiveness in Di Jiuyuan's eyes faded instantly, and his eyes were extraordinarily calm and calm.

Ning Quannian, who didn't even know that he was defined as a weak chicken: ...

The woman sitting cross-legged on the bed, with wet hair covered, looked at him with her chin in one hand.The black and white pupils were unwavering, surprisingly calm and indifferent.

She has an aura about her.

With a calm and ruthless temperament, except for the fierceness of the first glance, she is now like a high-ranking princess, as if no one pays attention to her.

No matter who you are, I will stand still.

She, the woman who sat on the windowsill of the principal's office and disappeared without a trace after hitting Dong Chuan? !
You must know that Dong Chuan almost turned the entire school around, just to catch this woman!
"Where's Su Jiajia?" Ning Sennian walked into the room, took off his white suit coat, twisted his neck, and loosened the tie around his neck.

Di Jiuyuan looked at his pretentious movements like flowing clouds and flowing water, the dim light in his eyes flickered, and he felt a little unhappy.

She has completely forgotten that she once sat on the window sill, glanced down casually, and made a simple and rough assessment of his appearance.

Apart from being good at holding grudges, she has always been forgetful.

I used to be patient, remembering people with higher looks.

However, since watching Long Yan too much, um, the average appearance that deserves to be kept in her eyes has been raised to a level... not much different from Long Yan.

Otherwise, it is hot eyes!
Such high standards and strict requirements, who else can make her remember in the future, flip the table!
"Who is Su Jiajia?" Di Jiuyuan sat on the bed without moving, but asked calmly.

Di Jiuyuan didn't know at all that Fengjing Hotel was auspicious, and there was no room "4" in the guest rooms on each floor.

Room 908 should be the seventh room.

In other words, she is currently staying in room 909.

Ning Ning rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, sat on the bed, moved closer to Emperor Jiuyuan, lowered his voice tinged with lust, and said mockingly, "You take a shower and wait for me on the bed dressed like this, why don't you wait for me?" What's there to pretend, huh?"

The Su Jiajia that Ning Zhongnian talked about was a top student in Class A of the third year of the Finance Department of Teikyo University. At the beginning, with the best grades in Teikyo, he was directly recommended from high school to Teikyo University for admission.

 2 more

  Why do you guess it's the male lead?

  When Jiu Yuan is in a bad mood, Long Yan comes in like cannon fodder
(End of this chapter)

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