live up to rebirth

Chapter 185 You are fine, I feel at ease

Chapter 185 You are fine, I feel at ease

"Slow down, wife, slow down." Jun Moshu looked anxious, and kept calling her to slow down, for fear that she would accidentally choke again, which would make her feel even more uncomfortable.

After drinking almost half of the jug of water, Xiao Ran finally put down the jug, took a breath, and finally came back to life.

"Does it hurt?" Xiao Ran once again set her eyes on his arm, her voice was still hoarse, but it didn't hurt too much to speak.

"It hurts." Jun Moshu took her hand and put it on his chest, "It hurts here. When I went out, my wife was fine, but now it's like this when I come back. My heart hurts so much."

Li Hao and the others looked in disorder, if they didn't look at Jun Moshu, even if they killed them, they wouldn't admit that the person in front of them was the boss they admired.

Xiao Ran looked at him embarrassingly, blushing like a boiled shrimp. Although this sentence was very touching, it was still embarrassing to say it in front of so many people.

"Wife, let's go home." Jun Moshu forcibly carried Xiao Ran on his back, and strode back.

"Put me down." Xiao Ran was worried about his hand, and refused to let him carry it on his back.

But he said, "Wife, if you move around again, my wound will open, and you will be the one who loves you the most."

His words successfully made Xiao Ran obediently stay on his back.

She put her arms around his neck and climbed on his back. After nineteen hours of tension and worry, she finally relaxed and felt at ease at this moment.

With the slight bumps when he walked, she gradually fell asleep.

After walking for more than two hours, the group finally walked out of the woods. Dahai and others were taken away, and Li Hao drove Jun Moshu and his wife to the hospital.

Along the way, Jun Moshu hugged Xiao Ran all the time, reluctant to let go for a moment, and he didn't put her on the hospital bed until he entered the treatment room.

Jun Moshu took a look at the attending doctor, who was a male doctor, and said coldly, "Come over with a female doctor."

The doctor didn't dare to be negligent, and didn't dare to say a word, and strode away. After a while, a female doctor came in with two nurses.

The three of them started to help Xiao Ran treat the wound.

"Oh!" Feeling the pain on her body in her sleep, she frowned and moaned in pain.

"Take it easy." Jun Moshu said in a low voice with a dark face. If he wasn't worried about waking up his little wife, he would have yelled at these doctors and nurses directly.

The female doctor knew that it was no good to offend Jun Moshu, and immediately explained, "Mr. Jun is really sorry, and we don't want Madam to suffer, but Madam's wound has a lot of dirt, if it is not cleaned, it will be infected and inflamed. It will only get more troublesome."

"Anyway, it's lighter, she's afraid of pain." Jun Moshu knew that what the doctor said was right, but when he saw her frowning in pain, his heart ached.

When Jun Moshu's face was so dark that it was about to drip ink, the doctor finally helped Xiao Ran heal the wound.

After bandaging Xiao Ran, the doctor said to Jun Moshu, "Mr. Jun, your wound needs to be stitched up again."

"Hurry up." Jun Moshu left these words and sat on the stool to wait.

The doctor helped Jun Moshu clean up the wound, re-sew it up, and bandage it up.

He didn't even frown during the whole process. This small wound was really nothing to him.

The doctors and nurses looked at it with great envy.

How much love does it take to make an upright man who doesn't cry out for pain, when he hears his wife's slight cry for pain, his face turns dark with distress.

(End of this chapter)

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