cute fairy fox

Chapter 432 Dragon Nine Continent 【Please recommend】

Chapter 432 Dragon Nine Continent (15) 【Please recommend】

Chapter 438 Dragon Nine Continent (15)

These words sounded really cruel to the ears of outsiders. For the sake of his own son, he actually wanted to sacrifice his daughter-in-law. The Longjiu Mountain Range itself is a very dangerous mountain, not only the environment is dangerous, but also because there are All kinds of monsters, those monsters cannot be dealt with by a person from the lower world.

"What's on me?" Frost flashed in Qiran Youlan's eyes, it seemed that it had something to do with the magic painting.

Qiran looked at the young master of the Zhen family, and then asked: "What happened, you have to tell the truth!"

"Didn't this young master just receive a letter saying that there was news of something I've always wanted, let me get together in Xiaoshulin, and then I went, who knew it was a cover, that person called Zixun At first, it was as if he knew that Qin Lang would go to my study, saw the letter, and then followed him. Anyway, Zixun took me as a bait to lure Master Qin Lang, and even took away my family's most precious necklace. Now, let me tell you, let you go to Longjiu Mountain Range alone to save Qin Lang."

The young master of the Zhen family avoided the important and ignored the trivial, and did not say that what he wanted was the magic painting and Feng Yuling.

He patted his head, and then recalled: "It seems that in the conversation between Zixun and Qin Lang, there is another very powerful person called... what is his name, Luo... Luo..."

Qi Ran's eyes froze, and her face was gloomy: "Luo Yan."

"Yes, Luo Yan! Luo Yan!" The young master of the Zhen family clapped his hands, looked up, and saw that Qi Ran and Qing Yi's faces were extremely dark.

Qiran couldn't accept it, not only Zixun didn't die, but even Luo Yan didn't disappear, so what they did before was useless, she didn't destroy Luo Yan because she defeated Chaos, Qing Yi used the body The powerful force turned him into a child, and he didn't stop Luo Yan's plan.

Why, why did they affect everyone, and now they can do whatever they want?

Why do all the people live so hard, only these two culprits can still live in style, and they can get what they want just by moving their mouths?

Luo Yan only said a few words, and asked Zixun to work for him. Zixun could make the plan go smoothly and achieve his goal just by moving his mouth.

It is impossible for her not to go to the Longjiu Mountain Range.

That necklace is the key for her and Qing Yi to go back. They are not from Longjiu Continent, and they are not eligible to be expelled, so without that necklace, they have no chance to leave this continent.

What's more, Qin Lang is her friend. Although she feels that Zixun will not do anything out of line with Qin Lang, everything Zixun does should be related to Zhu Key.

Since it was related to the candle key, she couldn't ignore it.Zhu key is her mother Yaoyao's best friend, Zhu key has protected her for thousands of years, even for this kindness, she will not let it go.

Qiran evoked a smile, this smile made Mrs. Qin very guilty, her face became hot, Mrs Qin felt that it was not good to exchange a little girl for her son, not to mention that this little girl is his son's daughter-in-law, his grandson mother.

The more Mrs. Qin thought about it, the more inappropriate she became: "No, no, Xiaoqi, don't go. We have a lot of capable people in the Qin family. It's not impossible to change your skin to replace you. My son has never had a mother to take care of him since he was a child. The same goes for grandson, you can't go, you are so innocent, you don't know how to be eaten up!"

  Third watch~Please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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