The strongest perspective doctor

Chapter 454 Entering Beijing

Chapter 454 Entering Beijing ([-])

Hao Ren still wanted to ask about the old chief, but Huang Yongqi said: "No matter what questions you have now, you should save them on the way, because many things need to be kept secret."

Hao Ren nodded.He knew that Huang Yongqi was a member of the State Bureau of Mystery, and many things in the Bureau of Mystery needed to be kept secret, and keeping it secret had become a habit of his.Moreover, matters concerning the chief cannot be casually discussed on any occasion.

Hao Ren asked again: "When are you leaving?"

Huang Yongqi said: "The sooner the better!"

"Just me and you?"

"No, there are senior officials Feng and Secretary Yang!"

Hao Ren turned to Han Yan and said, "Sister, I'm sorry, I won't go home with you, go back by yourself!" Because Han Yan was hurt like this by the Huo family, he was worried that Han Yan would feel depressed because of this.At this time, there should be someone by her side.

Han Yan said with a smile: "You are a doctor, and it is your bounden duty to cure diseases and save lives. It is too late for me to support you! Why are you apologizing to me?"

Seeing Han Yan's reaction like this, Hao Ren was relieved.He said again: "Go back and tell Wu Shuang that when I come back from the capital, I will accompany her to give the gift!"

Han Yan smiled even more happily: "I heard that Sister Shuang's father appreciates you the most. When you come to her house, it shouldn't be like today!"

Hao Ren held Han Yan's hand and comforted her, "Sister, don't worry about everything, everything will be fine!"

At this moment, Feng Yintang's voice suddenly came from upstairs: "As a friend of Han Shan's father, I would like to give you some advice, that is, get rid of your bad habit of looking down on people as soon as possible! I can tell you responsibly You guys, shut Hao Ren out, you will soon regret it. Well, that's all I have to say, you can do it yourself!"

"Uncle Feng, I'll see you off!" This was Huo Hanshan's voice.

Soon, Feng Yintang and Huo Hanshan came down the stairs.Feng Yintang's expression was ugly, but Huo Hanshan winked at Hao Ren.

Hao Ren immediately realized that Feng Yintang should be Huo Hanshan's "secret weapon"!
That's more than likely the case.Feng Yintang called Huo Hanshan this morning and asked Hao Ren to go to the capital for a walk.Huo Hanshan told Feng Yintang directly that Hao Ren came today to ask for a gift from Yujia Shanfang.

Feng Yintang knew the customs of Longcheng, since it was a festival gift, the new son-in-law must have a good meal at noon, so it would take too long.Feng Yintang could wait, but the old chief couldn't, so he personally came to the door to remind him.Besides, with his relationship with the Huo family, it's normal to come to the old lady to say hello.

Huo Hanshan knew that as soon as Feng Yintang came, he would praise Hao Ren, which would definitely change the Huo family's attitude towards Hao Ren.Then, Hao Ren would be the Huo family's son-in-law.

However, Huo Hanshan had thousands of calculations and underestimated the speed at which the Huo family turned their faces.In just over half an hour, the Huo family drove Hao Ren and Han Yan into a fit of rage, and they were about to "cut off their righteousness" with their family.

At this time, Feng Yintang came again, and everything could not be made up.Moreover, with Feng Yintang's temperament, what he hates the most is serving food to others.Just now, the Huo family was still talking bad things about Hao Ren in front of him. He couldn't bear it, so he even said "a dog's eyes see people as inferior".

Feng Yintang is now the head of a province in the south of the Yangtze River. No matter how powerful the Huo family is, they don't want to lose such a backer, so no matter how ugly what he says, the Huo family has to listen.They still wanted to stay in Fengyintang to sit down and have a meal, but Fengyintang already disdained to be with them and left directly.

"Xiao Hao, let's go!" Feng Yintang walked down the stairs, took Hao Ren's hand and strode outside.

After leaving the Yujia mountain house, Feng Yintang said to Han Yan: "Girl, you have chosen the right person. Xiao Hao is a person worthy of entrusting him for life. He has great abilities, love and righteousness, and you will be happy in the future!" "

Han Yan blushed and said, "Yes, Uncle Feng, I will remember what you said!"

Feng Yintang said again: "However, Xiao Hao can't accompany you home today. I want to take him directly to the capital, where someone's condition is very urgent!"

Han Yan is a reasonable girl, she kept saying: "Uncle Feng, I understand you. Hurry up, I'm going to get in the car too!"

Han Yan knew that Feng Yintang, as the head of a province, was so busy for a patient, which meant that the other party must be very honorable.If Hao Ren can cure the man's illness, it will definitely help Hao Ren even more in the future.As a virtuous wife, she can only support this kind of thing and cannot oppose it.So, she immediately got into the Ferrari, greeted everyone present, and left in a hurry.

"Uncle Feng, how do we go!" Hao Ren asked Feng Yintang as he watched Hanyan's car leave.

Feng Yintang said: "Let's go by plane!"

Feng Yintang's secretary Yang Zhi was driving today, Huang Yongqi sat in the co-pilot's seat, Hao Ren and Feng Yintang sat in the back.

After the car drove for a while, Hao Ren felt something was wrong: "It's the wrong way, we shouldn't go this way to the airport!"

Yang Zhi said with a smile: "We don't take the flight, we go to the military area, there is a special plane to take you there!"

When Yang Zhi said this, Hao Ren knew that the level of patients in the capital must not be lowered.It also shows that the patient's condition is really urgent, and if the flight is delayed, the patient's treatment will be delayed.Flight delays are pretty normal these days.

Hao Ren had never walked the road to the military area, so he stopped talking.The Jiangnan Provincial Military Region is on the outskirts of Longcheng, where there is a military airfield.Yang Zhi drove the car to the military airport.

There were already several officers who looked like officers waiting there.When they saw Feng Yintang coming out of the car, they immediately greeted him and shook hands.Huang Yongqi was very familiar with those officers, so it was up to him to introduce their identities.

Zheng Qilong, the captain of the military airport, said: "Originally, I should treat everyone to a good lunch, but the old chief's health is critical, so I don't dare to waste time. The pilot is already in place, and you can get on the plane!"

Speaking of which, Captain Zheng personally sent Feng Yintang and the other four to the plane.After a roar, the military transport plane flew into the blue sky.

On the plane, Huang Yongqi introduced the situation of the old chief to Hao Ren.

The old chief used to be a mighty general in the Northwest Military Region, and was plotted by the enemy during a battle to clean up the rebellion of foreign races.Although he wiped out the enemy in the end and successfully completed the mission, there were hidden dangers in his body.Now that he is old, the hidden danger of the year has become a serious illness, which is destroying his old body.

Huang Yongqi said: "Brother Hao, Mr. Qi admires your 'Qiankun Five Elements Needle' and Xiantian Zhenqi very much. Everyone in the Mystery Bureau wants to see it!"

(End of this chapter)

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