Chapter 342

Hao Ren already knew a lot about the Heavenly Prison Forest and the Fourth Elder.In order to prevent Elder Se from lying, he called Elder Cai out for interrogation alone, and the result was roughly similar to what Elder Se said.After two-phase verification, he was sure that neither of them had lied, and the interrogation was over.

Because of the suggestion of the former Deputy Prime Minister Xi Wen, Hao Ren was ordered to form a special army and named it Special Forces.To be honest, regarding the formation and details of the special forces, he only read some literary works with special forces as the protagonists, and his knowledge was not even close to letting him form the troops.But in this space, especially in countries where there has been no threat of war for a long time, he still has some say.

Hao Ren asked Alexander to select hundreds of soldiers with good martial arts foundation from various armies, and then conduct jungle training, street fighting training, and wild survival training. Anyway, he wrote down all the torture methods he could think of as a training outline .

During this time, Hao Ren had already discussed with Mo Yu.Because there is always not enough food in Taohuayuan, Mo Yu doesn't want to live that kind of life of starvation, and even if he wants to, Liang Yu doesn't want to.But the technology on the earth is advancing too fast, and Mo Yu can't keep up with that kind of lifestyle. Liang Yu also figured it out during this time, it's better to stay away from those two worrying younger brothers.Therefore, the two unanimously decided to live in the Great Zhou Kingdom from now on.

It is worth mentioning that since the main power of vampires was eradicated, the English people voluntarily requested to change the country name to the original Dazhou Kingdom, which immediately improved the favorability of the yellow people in the country for the English people.Many families have taken the initiative to intermarry English people with tall noses and deep eyes, because they heard from "Mr. Liang" that the children born in this way are smarter and more beautiful.

Since Mo Yu and Liang Yu wanted to live here, Hao Ren had to think about how they would gain a foothold in the future.Therefore, through Xi Wen, who had just been promoted to prime minister, Hao Ren appointed Mo Yu as the captain of the special forces. Mo Yu personally appointed a deputy captain and six principal and deputy squadron leaders.Xiwen was worried that his prime minister would not be stable, and was eager to find supporters in the army, so he obeyed the words of "Mr. Liang" and Mr. Mo who could eradicate the vampire family.

In order to help Mo Yu improve his prestige, Hao Ren first taught Mo Yu some medical knowledge, and then Mo Yu passed it on to the soldiers of the special forces, allowing them to learn how to save themselves on the battlefield.Of course, many medicinal materials in this world are very different from those on the earth. Hao Ren only taught some recovery techniques for minor injuries and fatigue.

The current Dazhou Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, and the prime minister and parliament are in power.King Zhou basically has no rights, he can only use his royal appeal to influence some parliamentarians.Because Xiwen relied too much on the special forces, Zhou Wang used his own power to ask some members of the parliament to put forward their opinions in the parliament.Some hostile forces even shouted the slogan of letting Xiwen step down and replace him with a new prime minister.

In response to this situation, Hao Ren and Xuan Xuan went into the homes of the people who chanted the loudest slogans late at night, stole the underclothes of the opposition officials, and asked Liang Yu to do something against the smell on the clothes.Soon, those officials began to fall ill.According to Liang Yu's temper, these officials were supposed to be put to death.It was Hao Ren who persuaded her.Because if several opposition parties die one after another in a short period of time, then someone must be suspicious.

On this day, Hao Ren was assisting Mo Yu in training special forces in the martial arts field. Alexander galloped over on his horse and said, "Mr. Liang, Elder Jiu's whereabouts have been confirmed. Please do this for me!"

"As long as you ask, I will help if I can!" Hao Ren smiled, "Come on, tell me, how did you find Elder Jiu?"

Alexander said out of breath: "The last time I sent a team of fifty people to follow Elder Jiu for a few days, and finally surrounded him in a valley. But Elder Jiu was so powerful that he killed my team to only three One. Fortunately, a dog they brought ran back to the capital. After I saw this dog, I planned to ask you for help, but the king of Zhou refused to agree, saying that he would give the palace guard a chance to become famous. So, I sent another 200 people passed by, but this time most of the 200 people were lost, so Elder Jiu ran away. King Zhou didn't let me find you, I said if I don't come to you this time, maybe my palace guards will be wiped out! The king of Zhou stopped blocking me now. Mr. Liang, I'm so sorry!"

Hao Ren smiled and said, "Okay, let someone take me to the place where Elder Jiu fled. You can see that I can take him down with only thirty special forces!"

Alexander said: "I ask to go with you, so that I can learn some experience!"

"Yes!" Hao Ren said, and told Mo Yu about it, and Mo Yu ordered thirty special forces for him.It happened that Xuan Xuan also wanted to go, so he took her with him, and we all went to the place where Elder Jiu had absconded.

More than 30 people traveled all over the world, and within three days, they arrived at Elder Jiu's hiding place - a hidden cave on the outskirts of the Heavenly Prison Forest.At this time, Alexander's palace guard had only 250 people left from the original 13 people.Fortunately, the old guy is still in the cave.If Hao Ren and the others came a day late, the 13 people would have to be reimbursed.

Hao Ren took a closer look at the cave, and found that it was pitch black inside. It's definitely not good to send ordinary people in this kind of cave. Elder Jiu lurks anywhere, and it's hard for outsiders to find him.If Elder Jiu sneaks up again from time to time, how many people can fill it?

Hao Ren put his hand on the stone wall and slowly poured his true energy into the mountain. Soon, he detected the terrain of the cave.This cave has a bend, and there are protruding stones in many places, which are the easiest to hide.Elder Jiu was hiding behind a stone wall, and when he was waiting for someone to enter, he suddenly attacked secretly!
Hao Ren said to Alexander: "Take your guard down and rest, and watch me force him out!"

As he said that, Hao Ren directed his true energy to his chest, where his hive and poisonous bees were still treasured.Once the zhenqi entered the hive, four poisonous bees flew out soon, and flew into the hole according to Hao Ren's instructions.

Elder Jiu had already heard someone talking outside at this moment, and was thinking about how many more people would be killed this time, so that the people of the Great Zhou Kingdom would never dare to think of him again, when suddenly there was a "buzzing" around him, he took a closer look, It turned out to be four poisonous bees.He quickly waved his sleeves to slap and beat the poisonous bee.

But what he didn't expect was that this poisonous bee was different from all the poisonous insects he had seen before. They seemed to be smarter than humans, and they never approached him. As long as he relaxed, they could always threaten him.

"Can't we afford to provoke or hide?" Thinking of this, Elder Jiu ran from the middle of the cave to the depths, he hoped that it would be darker and the poisonous bees couldn't see clearly.However, wherever he hides, the poisonous bee will chase him.

Elder Jiu had to go around in circles with the poisonous bee, he was running and beating, when suddenly his body went numb and he lay down!

(End of this chapter)

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