Did the actress get divorced today?

Chapter 763 Crucian carp~

Chapter 763 Crucian carp~
Chapter 785

There was silence all around.

The two stood on the stone by the stream, carefully observing the water surface——

The water in this stream is very clear, and with the help of the light, the things in the water can be seen clearly.


He Jiyu said pleasantly: "There are fish—"

She cried out, quickly shut her mouth, and covered her mouth.

Although Lin Jingwen's expression was still very calm, he listened to her extremely joyful voice, and when he replied, his voice became lighter without realizing it: "Well, yes, the biggest one probably weighs about half a catty."

It was a crucian carp hiding in a crevice of stones.

In addition, there are a few brook groupers about two or three.

He Jiyu listened, the joy in her eyes could no longer be concealed, she lowered her voice and said, "Let's catch the big fish first! I want to eat the big fish!" Only the big ones are enough to fill the stomach, and the small ones are not enough to fill the teeth. sewn.

Lin Jingwen said softly: "The big fish is a crucian carp. The smaller ones are brook grouper. Due to environmental influences, brook grouper has become very rare, so it is more cherished than crucian carp. I heard that it The taste is very delicious..." Because of the increasingly serious environmental pollution and the extremely high requirements for water quality of brook grouper, this kind of fish is becoming rarer and rarer, so it is very precious.

He Jiyu opened his mouth, wanting to say that she doesn't care about these things, and when she wants to eat big fish now, Lin Jingwen suddenly changed the subject and said, "However, that is the taste of the public, and I personally prefer crucian carp."—— Message.


He Jiyu's mouth opened wide, and he couldn't react for a while.



He—said he likes crucian carp?

Crucian carp?

So, crucian carp?
Not a message?

Because the expression on Lin Jingwen's face at this time was so ordinary, as if he was talking about eating and drinking water, and there was no other expression at all, so - after a short period of surprise and panic, He Jiyu closed his mouth and said: " Aha~ I—me too, I also prefer crucian carp."

Lin Jingwen said with a smile in his voice: "Yes. Crucian carp is better." ——The message is better.



He Jiyu opened his mouth and said, "How do we catch him?"

This stream is about eight or nine square meters. If you don’t pay attention when catching fish, the fish will run away, and it may be a little difficult to catch it again.

Lin Jingwen had already finished thinking about this point. He handed the flashlight to He Jiyu and said, "You point the light at the gap where the crucian carp is. Hold it steady, and I'll catch it."

"But—your leg—" He Jiyu.

"Hush - trust me." Lin Jingwen said.

He Jiyu chose to trust Lin Jingwen. She shined the light of a flashlight on the water surface, and the surroundings were quiet. Several fish in the water were all motionless. Bending down, he quietly put his hand into the crevice of the stone, and at that moment, the half-jin crucian carp was caught by Lin Jingwen just as he sensed something unusual.


The fish's tail flapped around, but Lin Jingwen's hand held it firmly.

He Jiyu said in surprise: "I caught it!"

Lin Jingwen: "Yes."

He Jiyu threw down the shovel and ran over: "Let me see."

Lin Jingwen stood still, waiting for He Jiyu to come over.He Jiyu was quick, and rushed over in a few seconds. When she stared at the fish in Lin Jingwen's hand, her eyes were shining brightly, as if gathering the light of the entire galaxy, so dazzling and brilliant...

That's it - breathtaking.

Lost for a moment, Lin Jingwen grabbed the fish's hand and almost slipped, causing the fish to run away.

"Be careful--"

He Jiyu hurriedly reminded her, she thought about it, and said very worriedly: "You can't stand still, let me hold you."

Lin Jingwen: "Okay."

His tone is soft, like ice cream that is gradually melting, soft, sweet, and cool with a bite, it is refreshing and refreshing...

Taking the fish from Lin Jingwen's hand, He Jiyu underestimated himself. It turned out that the skin of the live fish was so smooth, and when the fish tail flicked slightly, it was about to slip out of He Jiyu's hand——

Without saying a word, she quickly threw the fish to the grass.


The crucian carp jumped wildly.

Fortunately, there was a little distance from the water source, and he couldn't escape for a while. He Jiyu grabbed the shovel thrown aside and rushed over, slapping the jumping fish!



After a few strokes, the fresh crucian carp stopped breathing, lay on the grass and stopped jumping.

Her sudden operation was beyond Lin Jingwen's expectation.

Realizing that his behavior seemed too feminine, He Jiyu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Could it be too cruel?"

Lin Jingwen's eyes were gentle: "No."


so cute.

He whispered in his heart.

He Jiyu laughed and said, "Okay, this fish will never run away again, let's get up and catch the second one!"

Can she really not run?
Lin Jingwen's eyes dimmed.

Then, the two started catching brook grouper.

Because this kind of fish is small in size, it is basically impossible to catch it with bare hands. Fortunately, Lin Jingwen prepared a simple harpoon made of bamboo. Instead of returning empty-handed, she even caught 5!
Looking at these fish, He Jiyu's saliva almost flowed out.


It's all food!
When you are so hungry that you are about to gnaw on the bark of a tree, and you suddenly harvest so many delicious fish, it feels like weeping with joy, okay?
He Jiyu said happily: "The fire we burned just now must still be burning, I will use it to roast!"

There was a smile on Lin Jingwen's Qingjuan face all the time, and he said, "Okay."

With these few fish, the problem of hunger can basically be solved, so the two of them were about to leave soon, when suddenly——He Jiyu's eyes froze, and he stopped.


"Is it a snake?" Her voice trembled a little.

"Huh?" Lin Jingwen raised his eyes and said, "Let me see."

Following the direction she pointed, he looked over and saw that there was a hole in the soil of the shallow water beach near the shore, and there seemed to be something moving in the hole, vaguely, there were two pincers——

Lin Jingwen smiled lightly, and confirmed: "No, it should be a river crab."

He Jiyu surprised: "Crab?"

"A hairy crab?"

"Hahaha... This is specially for me to deliver food."

"I went to catch it!"

Before Lin Jingwen could elaborate, she had already rushed over.

Lin Jingwen: "Be careful——"

Facts have proved that Lin Jingwen's worry was unnecessary. He Jiyu grabbed the crab, raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "I'm not that stupid, I won't be caught by it."

"Look—" He Jiyu waved the crab towards Lin Jingwen's eyes, and said, "This is my trophy, and I will eat it alone later."

She likes crab best.

Lin Jingwen smiled lowly: "Okay."

Back to the fire, the firewood had been burned, but there was still a lot of charcoal fire. The bamboo tube water that was burned before was also boiled. The two drank a bamboo tube of water each, and then began to process the fish.

The big crucian carp is grilled directly on charcoal, and the small brook grouper is used to cook soup.

He Jiyu wanted to help, but she was a kitchen killer, the supreme VIP in the dark cooking world, so she could only help. In the end, Lin Jingwen asked her to help light the fire, and he took care of it.

After cleaning the fish with scissors, Lin Jingwen found wild taro leaves by the stream to wrap the fish, and stuffed a handful of green grass into the belly of the fish.

There are three layers inside and three layers outside. After being tightly wrapped, they are put on the fire to bake.

Next, there is fish soup.

The utensils used for the fish soup are those bamboo tubes. After boiling, Lin Jingwen even miraculously sprinkled a handful of chopped green onions into the fish soup.

He Jiyu's eyes widened: "When did you find the green onions?"

Lin Jingwen explained with a chuckle, "Don't be surprised, this is a kind of wild onion, edible, pungent, warm in nature, non-toxic, can sweat, dispel cold, and reduce swelling... When I was catching fish just now, I saw that there were, I picked a little and put it in my pocket.”

When He Jiyu looked at Lin Jingwen, his eyes were full of admiration: "You are really amazing! You are amazing!" If it were her, she would only know that these are all weeds, and she would not know which ones are edible and which ones are not.

Lin Jingwen's tone was very calm, and he said: "There is nothing miraculous, I just know it after experiencing a lot."

For some reason, after hearing Lin Jingwen's words, He Jiyu's heart felt a little sad for no reason.

 Goodnight everybody--

(End of this chapter)

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