Chapter 722 Help~
Chapter 744

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.


The elevator slowly, slowly, in Song Yicheng only felt that the seconds were like years, and finally heard a ding dong, and the elevator stopped: the 34th floor has arrived.

Damn girl, why do you live on such a high floor if you have nothing to do?
After stepping out of the first step of the elevator, Song Yicheng, who was extremely nervous, had a rare moment of leisure, and once again complained in his heart why his only sister, Song Yourong, lived in such a high floor.

There are six residents on the 34th floor, and Song Yourong lives in room 3406.

Song Yicheng followed the instructions, walked very fast, and quickly arrived at room 3406, and pressed the doorbell.

"Ding dong..."

"Ding dong..."

"Ding dong..."

The doorbell rang very abruptly in the middle of the night. Song Yourong, who was immersed in sleep, was disturbed and woke up. After frowning severely, he turned over and continued to sleep...

However, the ringing of the doorbell disturbed her, preventing her from sleeping deeply.

Song Yourong sat up suddenly, turned his head angrily: Damn it, who knocked on the door in the middle of the night?Could it be debt collection?Thinking of this, Song Yourong felt suspicious.

She became nervous, but then, the corners of her mouth immediately turned up: the second brother had already helped her pay off all the debts a few days ago, so he couldn't be a debt collector.


Who is it?
Although this apartment building is not a top-notch high-end residential area, and the security measures here are not perfect, it is better than the location. You can go out to play anytime, anywhere, or even stay overnight. It is elegant and well-kept, but Song Yourong likes this place more than the so-called rich people's house in a very remote location.

Last night, after she went to find her second brother, she went to the bar with a few friends to party for two hours before returning home.Not long after he lay down, he was suddenly woken up again. Song Yourong had a very bad temper.

She didn't want to heed the doorbell.


The doorbell stopped ringing, and her cell phone on the bedside table started ringing.

Song Yourong grabbed the phone almost angrily, and when he saw it, it was his elder brother Song Yicheng.

Song Yourong picked up the phone, and Song Yicheng's irritable voice quickly came from the phone: "Damn girl, what are you doing? Didn't you hear the doorbell? Come out and open the door for me."

Song Yourong frowned: Why did the big brother come here in the middle of the night looking for him?
But she still got out of bed, grabbed a piece of clothing and put it on her body, and went out of the room.

Walking to the gate, Song Yourong opened the door, and just about to speak, he couldn't help hiccupping: "Hi~ Brother, you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Song Yicheng rushing in like a bolt of lightning, and then he quickly closed the door, "click—" and locked the door—

After it was locked, You didn't seem to think it was enough. Song Yicheng looked around and saw a glass coffee table in the living room. He rushed over and pushed the coffee table against the door.

Watching all this, Song Yourong was half sober: "Brother, what are you doing? Is there a ghost chasing after you?"

More than just a ghost chasing after?

Scarier than ghosts.

Only now did Song Yicheng realize that people are much scarier than ghosts.

Song Yicheng couldn't care less about answering his sister's questions. He felt that it was not safe to put a coffee table behind the door. After sweeping around again, he piled up several heavy items, and then he relaxed a little.

Seeing Song Yicheng picked up the Song Dynasty vase that he bought at a high price, Song Yourong was shocked: "Brother! What are you doing? Put it down quickly, that is very expensive! I want to give it to Mr. Zhang!" Mr. Zhang said If Mr. Zhang's grandfather she wants to get acquainted with can get Mr. Zhang's approval, it will be very beneficial for her to pursue Mr. Zhang.

Song Yicheng said: "How expensive is your brother's life?"

Song Yourong asked: "Brother, what are you talking about? I don't even understand."

Song Yicheng listened to the movement outside the door through numerous obstacles, and after confirming that there was no sound, he took a breath before turning his head and looking at Song Yourong.

After seeing it, he frowned immediately: "Are you out fooling around again?"

When Song Yourong heard this, he was immediately unhappy: "What fool around?"

Song Yicheng said: "Look at your smell of alcohol, messy hair, and makeup that is scarier than ghosts... You should grow up, the good-looking Miss Song family looks like you."

"Have you been dumped again?" He asked, couldn't help but continued to criticize: "Look at you, look at you, look at you, it's useless at all, if you listen to me honestly, get along well with the prince, It won't be like this!"

Song Yourong was furious: "Brother, don't mention the surname Wang in front of me!" That's a big bastard!Disgusting liar, except for a bit of money, he is useless at all. Before, Song Yourong would not even look at him with his feet, but whoever sent his parents to jail, his eldest brother's business failed, and himself fell into debt because of extravagance... I have to accept it This man surnamed Wang pursued him.

But who knows... After she asked the man surnamed Wang for money several times, the man surnamed Wang became unhappy when he gave the money. Once she failed to ask for a gift, the man surnamed Wang turned around and told others that he was cheap, She's a paid watch, a slut...

How did Song Yourong endure it?
Immediately, he slapped him severely, and as a result, he was kicked out by Wang, which was not counted. Later, Wang issued a statement on the whole network, saying that she was a money-greedy woman and was dumped by him in desperation.


Just mad!
The one surnamed Wang set a precedent and seriously affected her reputation.After that, she dated several rich businessmen and children from rich families, but they were all dumped.

The outside world has now given Song Yourong the title of 'the worst and most dumped celebrity daughter in history. '

Just pissed her off.

How arrogant is Song Yourong?

In the past, she was the only one who mocked others, but now she is ridiculed by others.

Fortunately... Now that the second brother has paid off her debts, she no longer has to beg for help in a low voice, so let her continue to associate with that bitch surnamed Wang?

It's impossible!

Brother is also true!Always thinking about himself, selfish, because his eldest brother Song Yicheng needs help from Wang's surname in his project, he let himself swallow his anger and associate with him...

The man surnamed Wang looks like a pig, ugly and fat, and his character is not good... If he is willing to date him, he should be grateful to Dade, but he was dumped by such a person.

Song Yicheng mentioned the surname Wang, and directly ignited Song Yourong's anger: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night? If you have nothing to do, hurry up!"

When Song Yicheng heard this, he put away his accusations, an anxious look flashed across his face, and said, "Yourong, you must help me this time! You must help me! Someone will come and kill me soon, and now only You can save me."

(End of this chapter)

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