Chapter 468 Traffic
Salted fish: ...

Who can bully you!

Aren't you really showing your affection by talking like this?It's amazing to have an object!
Although Mo Ran forced another mouthful of dog food,
But the salted fishes who had figured out the key in an instant were also relieved.

Fu began to make jokes every day again.

On the other side, Yi Beichen, who was watching Zarbo finish the final draft, heard the special prompt sound coming from the live broadcast room Mo Dyeing Barrage,
Turning his eyes slightly, he happened to see her words.

His eyes warmed slightly, and he didn't intend to continue staring at the manuscript.

He patted Zarber on the shoulder directly and asked him to send him a copy after finishing the final draft.
Then he walked up to Mo Ran.

Mo Ran, who was bored watching the salted fish in the live broadcast room, saw him coming,

Subconsciously raised his head:

"Isn't the finished manuscript still finishing? Don't you read it?"

"Don't read it." The man said with a smile in his eyes:
"Anyway, what needs to be explained has already been explained, and Zarber still has this strength. Rather than staring at this, I'd rather take you to take pictures of tourists."

Tourist Photos···

As soon as he heard these three words, Moran subconsciously thought of the group of Huaguo aunts who were in the square downstairs before coming up.

Curving her lips, Mo Ran also stood up:

"Well, I'll take a picture for you."

Yi Beichen:...
Just when the two of them were discussing that it was rare to be able to go out for a walk today, and they didn't even follow behind too much,
Chen Lin finally published his edited manuscript with pictures——

"Mo Ran went to country Y early in the morning, and was picked up by Prince Eric!"

In the long manuscript, there are not many words,
On the contrary, he didn't waste any of the dozen or so photos Moran gave him,

It's all stuck inside.

Very calmly, using the identity of a passer-by, he told that Mo Ran was not affected by the incident of becoming too murderous,

Separated from the Huaguo delegation participating in the Global Youth Cultural Exchange Conference,
Going to country Y "alone" and being picked up by the little prince of country Y in person.

The language description is very calm,

But how excited Chen Lin was probably only he himself knew.

Sitting alone in an empty office,

Since Chen Lin sent out the news, his eyes never left the background data page.

Every once in a while, I will move the mouse and refresh it.


A full 10 minutes passed without a single click.

Even though he knew that it was related to his company's poor channels, the news appeared relatively late on various websites.

Unless there are netizens who are particularly patient and keep scrolling down, they can find his news.

In addition, because Mo Ran had encountered a serial killer before, the heat hadn't passed, and everyone's focus was on that side,

As a result, no one cares about him here.

But seeing background data like this,

Chen Lin's heart still feels like falling into an ice cave.

It is true that Moran's news has always represented traffic,

But if no one sees this at all,

No matter how powerful the news is, so what?

It is of no use at all!
Just when Chen Lin was scratching his hair and started thinking about whether he should register a small account on Facebook,
When reposting this news of myself, and frantically messing around @人,
The data in the background finally started to move.

At first it was just a click,
Later, it should be the person who clicked forwarded the message,

Immediately afterwards, the number of clicks became larger and larger, and there were more and more.

From the appearance of the first hit until climbing to seven figures,
It was only half an hour in between.

(End of this chapter)

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