Chapter 407 Dudu
In order to build this huge three-dimensional model, Mo Ran accidentally entered a state of ecstasy.

After she finally built the model and breathed a sigh of relief, a feeling of exhaustion came,

Only then did Mo Ran realize that it was already past four o'clock in the morning, almost five o'clock in the morning.

Feeling his dizzy brain, Mo Ran had to smile wryly——

It is indeed quite exhausting to keep the brain running at high intensity for a long time.

Even now, she couldn't resist this wave of exhaustion.

Quickly exiting the study space and returning to reality, Mo Ran fell asleep in seconds.

She didn't even notice when Yi Beichen woke up.

Originally, Yi Beichen wanted to wait for her to wake up as usual.

But after waiting for more than an hour, there was still no movement.

Logically speaking, she should already be washing at this point...

Yi Beichen glanced at the time on the phone, and just frowned,

Dudu immediately came out to complain:
"Let me tell you! Ranran didn't go to bed until almost five o'clock this morning!"

Yi Beichen: ...

Gently helped her bring the air conditioner quilt, the man walked out of the room lightly,

By the way, he responded very coldly:
"I'll tell her you're suing again."

I didn't see the reaction I expected, but I was almost stunned when I heard such a sentence of Dudu——

"I'm on your side, haven't you noticed? How can you look like this!!"

I thought it had already said that, this man should know what he can and cannot say.

But Beichen didn't.

He didn't even lift his eyelids, he was still very noble:
"Since she promised that I would not disregard my health, she will definitely do it,

It was so late today, there must be something that made her forget the time.

I don't think she likes it when you come out every now and then to complain.

What, do you still think I will say her because of this?
Do you think too much. "

Dudu:  …

It's not easy for someone with this kind of privilege to control her,
However, this man is so doting on her that he will help her find a stick if she wants to poke a hole in the sky.

Can it still work?

Could it be that it is destined to never have the chance to look at the host of its own pit system and gloat and smile a little bit!

Dudu was choked for a while, and then asked persistently:
"What if she gets carried away every day and forgets the time?

After all, you know some studies, especially the character like Ranran,

After solving the last problem, I want to continue to solve the next one..."

This time, the man didn't even give it a chance to finish speaking,
He directly interrupted it in a very flat but threatening tone:

"Aren't you a system? You can't possibly forget the time too.

It is impossible for Ranran's research to be in an uninterrupted state all the time.
So remind her to come out of the system space, remember to rest, take care of her body,

Shouldn't that be one of your responsibilities too? "

He even laughed a little at the end:
"Seeing that you only file complaints secretly, I know that you must have nothing to do with Ranran, and even Ranran has pinched your weakness."

"Since this is the case, then if she doesn't rest well in the future, you will be responsible for this.

I don't think Ranran would mind telling me what you're afraid of. "

Dudu:  …

(End of this chapter)

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