The Strongest Business Woman's Handbook

Chapter 543 The Crazy Cute Bear

Chapter 543 The Crazy Cute Bear

"I met a very strange girl when I was on a mission in country M. She was the first girl who approached me with a calm expression, and then stole the bracelet unknowingly. The most important thing is that no matter whether it is M Neither Guohua Nation nor global organizations have found a single bit of information about this girl, as if her existence appeared out of thin air. And the cult that is the only one in contact with her has not made any progress. Now they only know that their destination may be China."

If it is said that the bracelet is lost, the person who is most annoyed and hated must be Li Shangming. In his current position, he has almost activated all the power he can use, but he has been getting nothing.

"What kind of girl are you talking about?"

"Sixteen or seventeen years old, Chinese, but should have foreign blood."

Tang Jin knew in her heart that Li Shangming did not meet that girl just now, but according to the current description, it seems that they did meet the same person.It is impossible for Li Shangming to know these details, which also proves the authenticity of his words from the side.

"The person I met just now should be the girl you mentioned, and she also has supernatural powers."

Li Shangming frowned, it seemed that it was them.

He knew that their destination was the country of Hua, but he never expected that those people would hide in such deep mountains and wild forests after arriving in the country of Hua. No wonder they searched all over the country and found no news.

This matter involves a lot, and they can't easily draw a conclusion, but now the more important thing is how to go down the mountain and get rid of the black mist.

After talking, Li Shangming sighed helplessly: "You think this is why you are angry?"

Tang Jin stared and poked his chest: "It's okay for you to lose the things I gave you. If I didn't find out, wouldn't you plan to tell me?"

Li Shangming's eyes flickered: "Yes."

Just thinking about the bracelet she gave him on someone else will make him feel so uncomfortable. If she knows, what should I do if I am angry now? What if I really misunderstood, and it almost reflects that I am being played How dare he tell Tang Jin what happened.

No matter who you are, you want to be the best in your partner's eyes.

Tang Jin sneered: "You've got fat."

Li Shangming hugged her: "Not fat, not fat at all." What kind of self-esteem, if she loses it, let alone self-esteem, it means her life is gone.

Tang Jin returned to their camp and pushed the white mist into the bodies of several people one by one, even Song Yang did not miss it. After his treatment, everyone's mental state improved, and Li Shangming finally decided to go down the mountain overnight.

The mountain road at night is extremely difficult to walk. The members of the ghost team are used to this rhythm of life, but it is too sad for Song Yang.What happened these days was basically a nightmare for him.

"Ah..." Another one failed to stand firmly, and Song Yang rolled down the mountain. Fortunately, there were no particularly dangerous thorns on this road, and the fall only hurt a little, and there was no danger.

It's just that when Song Yang opened his eyes, he saw two round eyes, he was stunned, and then a scream rose from the ground, and rushed to He Sheng's back.

After walking a few steps, everyone saw a little white bear hiding behind a branch.

The size of the little bear is only three palms of an adult, and a pair of big wet eyes occupy almost 1/3 of the face. The appearance of the whole little bear is exactly the same as the teddy bear in the window, so cute that it explodes.

(End of this chapter)

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