Chapter 259

That night……

"I met Bai Youyou today. She thought I was very familiar and asked me if I had met her. I revealed her identity as a big star and used people to surround her and left. She shouldn't doubt it. Thinking of it What." The woman was standing in front of the window and talking on the phone.

"In the future, you have to be more careful."


When the other party was about to hang up, the woman asked, "Sir... when will you be back?"

"That's not something you should ask."

As soon as the heartless words fell, the phone was hung up.

The woman looked out of the window at night and her eyes dimmed.


"Jinyu, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. Are you going to pick me up at the airport?" Ai Wei, who just came out of the bathroom/room, has blond hair and blue eyes, plump/thin breasts/hips, sexy, enchanting, and amazingly beautiful.

"It's not me, it's my supervisor who is in charge of receiving you." Huo Jinyu said.

Ai Wei frowned, "Why not you?"

"It's like this..." Huo Jinyu told Ai Wei her plan.

When Huo Jinyu was studying in country F, he saved Ai Wei who was almost raped/B. At that time, Ai Wei had just debuted as an unknown little model. Huo Jinyu saw that she was smart, tall and beautiful, and thought she was a support If you are a potential stock, invest in Aiwei, so that Aiwei has the opportunity to become an international superstar.

The two have thus become very good friends, but few people know this relationship between them.

After Huo Jinyu was transferred to the entertainment company as the general manager, in order to improve her performance, she secretly planned to instigate people from the company to invite Ai Wei to come over for the final banquet.

It was because Huo Jinyu wanted Ai Wei to develop in Asia and create achievements for her, so Ai Wei revealed to the public that she wanted to develop in Asia.

In this way, when Ai Wei came over, she received Ai Wei and signed Ai Wei.

Signing an international superstar, her credit and brilliance, that is what everyone can only look up to!

It is also because of this that Huo Jinyu can be sure that her plan to harm Bai Youyou can be carried out smoothly, so she wants to use this to harm Bai Youyou.

She has always done only what she is sure of.

After Ai Wei heard her plan, "No problem!"

Huo Jinyu is her best friend and her benefactor. If it weren't for her, she wouldn't have the chance to have everything she has now.

Now someone wants to use the background of climbing the bed to take her seat away, she will never allow it!

Her enemy is her enemy!

"Thank you dear." Huo Jinyu was moved.

"Why are you being polite to me? Don't worry, I will help you protect whether it's a man or your career!" Ai Wei's feelings for Huo Jinyu are true friendship, not plastic flower friendship.

Huo Jinyu was moved again.


On this day, Bai Youyou woke up very early, because she was going to pick up Ai Wei today, from the airport pick-up to her check-in at the hotel, the security guards along the way couldn't make any mistakes, so she got up early to make arrangements.

After everything was arranged, she came to the airport half an hour early to wait.

She also knows that Ai Wei intends to develop in Asia, if she can be satisfied this time, maybe they can sign Ai Wei.

Signing Ai Wei is a milestone for the Bai family... oh no, it is now Shengshi Entertainment!
Therefore, she must be perfect!
Therefore, although Ai Wei's itinerary was not disclosed to the outside world, and she was going to come out from the VIP channel, Bai Youyou still brought six bodyguards to pick Ai Wei up.

To ensure that there are no problems throughout the process.

(End of this chapter)

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