Chapter 647 duang duang
"Chocolate, are you in a bad mood?" Tang Xiaonuan asked tentatively while holding the tray.

Let's talk about some things, it's not like a firecracker battle like it is now, and it will explode at one point.

Chocolate drank the can of milk by himself, and glanced at her, "How can you tell that I'm in a bad mood."

"You can see it with your eyes." Tang Xiaonuan said weakly.


After she finished drinking the milk, a strange expression appeared on her face, and she asked after a while, "Do you have many friends?"

"Not many." Tang Xiaonuan was a little surprised by her question, but said honestly, "Just a few."

Su Yue, Han Ying, Han Min and Wang San'er.There are really not many, just a few heart-to-heart friends are enough.

She really hasn't thought about this issue carefully. After thinking about it for so many years, it's amazing that she doesn't have many friends.

"They have good personalities?" Chocolate asked, staring at her.

Tang Xiaonuan tilted her head and thought for a while, then said with some uncertainty, "Not really."

Personality is not something that can be defined by just one sentence, like when she first met Su Yue, she thought Su Yue was quiet and well-behaved, but it was actually quite scary to start a fight.

Chocolate didn't say anything more, because Yu Kongchen appeared.

He was shirtless, wearing a pair of trousers, and his hair was wet.Stand at the door of the room and look over here.

Seeing him, Tang Xiaonuan walked over immediately, as if afraid that he would catch cold, she held the tray in one hand and pushed him in with the other.

Chocolate pouted, seemingly disdainful.

Tang Xiaonuan poked her head out again quickly, and said with a smile, "Good night chocolate, see you tomorrow morning."

Chocolate paused slightly with the hand holding the milk box, and seemed to be smiling when she lowered her head, but she quickly suppressed it.


"Why did you go out without wearing a dress?"

Tang Xiaonuan pressed him beside the bed and took a hair dryer to dry his hair.

"Thought you were gone." Yu Kongchen obediently lowered his head to cooperate with her.

"Where can I go?" Tang Xiaonuan's fingers shuttled through his soft hair, even his own heart softened, poking a nest like a cloud.

I don't know why, but Yu Kongchen became much more obedient this time around, and although his breath was also cold, it was much softer.

"You can go to many places." Yu Kongchen hugged her, refusing to let go, with a low tone.

Tang Xiaonuan coaxed him to sleep, and he was in her arms.

"Akong, I always have nightmares these days when you disappeared." Xiaonuan said softly: "I'm always afraid that you will get hurt in a place where I can't see, and you don't cherish yourself. So, don't do this again in the future. "

Yu Kongchen seemed to be asleep and did not respond.

After two hours, Xiao Nuan was already fast asleep.

Yu Kongchen gently opened his eyes, he was already used to such sleepless nights.

In the past, with Xiaonuan by his side, he could still sleep soundly.But since this illness, he has slept less and less.

It is difficult for people who have never experienced insomnia to understand that feeling. Every nerve is torn, but there is no salvation.

The irritable one almost wants to destroy the world, smash himself, and want everything to disappear.

Yu Kongchen hugged Tang Xiaonuan a little tighter, and said in a low voice in his heart, Nuan Nuan, I feel so uncomfortable, I want to die so badly, what should I do.

The medicine has no effect on him at all. Is he really going to die like this after having Nuan Nuan?
He doesn't want to, really doesn't want to.

(End of this chapter)

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