Playful and cute concubine

Chapter 756 2 Little Buns

Chapter 756 Two Little Buns

The Ministry of Industry has always been very idle, but in the past two years, Ah Mo has ordered people from the Ministry of Industry everywhere, and now she is building the dam in the south of the mausoleum. She is not at ease without one or two people she trusts completely.

Therefore, after transferring such a diligent boss of the Ministry of Industry, the people in the Ministry of Industry have never been idle.

"Four million taels is enough. If the local governments are mobilized to fund the masonry and sand, they may save a lot of money." Chu Suiyun said, Ah Mo's eyes lit up.

"This matter, I will leave it to the people from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Rites to organize it. As for the recruitment of migrant workers..." Ah Mo paused. "Now that it's the winter slack time, it's good to talk about this matter. The people who have been expropriated for everything, the whole family will be exempted from all taxes during this period, but..."

Ah Mo handed a booklet to Chu Suiyun. "This is the opinion of the building minister. I think it is very reasonable. The dam cannot be completed in a short period of time. The next spring will be busy with farming, so it is not possible to mobilize people on a large scale."

"Release the prisoner?" Chu Suiyun was shocked! "Your Highness, is this inappropriate? If these people escape during this period, it will definitely cause turmoil!"

Ah Mo frowned, she crossed her hands on the table, her voice was low. "This move is not without historical precedent, and it can still be tried."

"Since ancient times, death row prisoners have been used as free labor. I will arrange this matter in detail and transfer people from the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Officials."

"If prisoners who are not on death row perform well during this period, their sentence can be reduced or exempted. The same is true for death row prisoners, who can be exempted from the death penalty. However, if they escape from prison during this period, people from the Ministry of Punishment will come forward and beheaded."

Ah Mo's pupils are as cold as ice, she can give these people a chance, but she can't rule out some vicious people, so don't blame her for being cruel!

"If this is the case, the Ministry of Punishment will also need to transfer some yamen servants to supervise to prevent prisoners from hurting others." Chu Suiyun knew this man's temperament, so he said the same thing, and it seemed that he had made a decision.

Amo nodded.

"Since this matter was brought up by Lou Xiang, I'll leave it to him. If something goes wrong, he will take care of it himself." Ah Mo raised his eyebrows.

Chu Suiyun: "..."

It is obvious that His Highness has such a heart for a long time.

However, it would be much safer for the prime minister of a country to come forward, and even he was secretly surprised that the young prime minister was so impeccable.

The court originally treated such a young prime minister very disrespectfully, but this attitude seems to have disappeared over the past year.

Ah Mo tapped on the table with his middle finger. Once this matter is settled, Xiling will be much more relaxed in the next half a year.

If her baby is really two little buns, then she can hold on to the baby for more than four months at most. The twins have heard that the abdomen will be big. She really has no choice but to leave the court for a while before showing her pregnancy.

Fortunately, the next few months will be winter, and more clothes will be worn than in spring, so it is difficult to detect abnormalities.

This child, the month is just in time.

At the end of spring next year, she will leave for five months, and when the child is born, Feng Xie will take it with her, right?
However, Feng Xie took the child?

She frowned, feeling a kind of repulsion towards Feng Huan's harem in her heart, and she absolutely couldn't bring it to him!
After much deliberation, it seems that the best place to go is...

Mr. Su?
Think about it, Su Su is really a good boy, isn't he taught by Mr. Su?Now that Mr. Su is getting old, he doesn't go out much, and it's just right to bring his grandchildren to support him.

However, the old man had been looking forward to his grandson's earnestness at the beginning, and he had been scheming against her wholeheartedly. When these two little things passed together, the old man would most likely become a bear child.

Ah Mo sighed, why not keep it by her side and say that her old friend gave birth to her?
(End of this chapter)

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