Playful and cute concubine

Chapter 491 Hurt You To The Bone 5

Chapter 491 Hurt You To The Bone 5
Their ages were so different that no one believed her mother, only that she was vain and would rather marry someone who could be her father.

But they forgot that the queen mother is the first lady of the Duke Huguo's mansion!She doesn't need to marry into the palace at all!Even the queen would not dare to do anything to the daughter held in the palm of the hand of the old protector!
She also thought that the relationship between her father and mother was just a long-lasting family relationship, and even when her father passed away, her mother did not show much sadness.

But she didn't expect that the queen mother was not painless or sad, but she had planned to follow her father from the beginning!

"Drunk at dusk..." Xilingmo smiled wryly. "Phantom poison is a poison thousands of times more powerful than the imperial rice shell."

The sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk.

"The empress was very peaceful before she died." Seeing her most beautiful time before she died, Qi Qing must have walked away with a smile on her face.

Now that Qi Qing has passed away, because the queen died, all the funeral arrangements have changed, Feng Xie stares at Ah Mo.

Xilingmo knew what he was worried about, and she didn't blame him for it. Drunk Dusk is a special poison, and those who possess it must have something to do with Feng Honglie or Feng Xie, but her mother It was voluntary, how could she blame others?
"Master." Hei Yan knelt on one knee in the hall, her cold voice was very penetrating.

"What's the matter?" Xi Lingmo wanted to turn his voice around, but Feng Xie didn't let go of her plan.

"The Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Industry are arguing over whether His Majesty will be in the same coffin as the two queens."

"What?" Feng Xie's voice was gloomy.

Unexpectedly, what Xilingshang had been worrying about before his death still happened!

Xilingmo's fingers turned blue and white.

The emperor and the empress are buried together. If the empress dies first, the emperor will open the mausoleum to be buried with the empress after her death. Conversely, if the emperor dies first, the mausoleum will be opened to be buried with the emperor, and the concubines will be buried in the imperial mausoleum. Separated by the emperor.

Generally, it is a great honor to open a royal mausoleum, because most of the emperors in the past were the sons of empresses who succeeded to the throne, even if they were not, the empress was also the first mother, so this example has always been spread like this, but her parents are different.

Before her mother and queen married her father, there was a former queen who died young, that is to say, her father would be buried with the first queen!And her mother is tied right!
Xiling, respect the left!
She was suddenly cold, as if it was a great irony, never thought it would be like this!What is her mother for!Just to share a man with another woman after being martyred?If she wasn't the Marquis of Jin Ning, if she wasn't the so-called regent heir, the nominal heir to Xiling, her mother wouldn't even be able to enter the imperial tomb!
All this time, she almost forgot.Once she overheard her mother mentioning that she was not his father's only one, but there were some things that she couldn't handle rationally because she fell in love with an emperor!
An emperor with a dozen children!Even if no child was born after her child, even if she was his only one after that, everything that happened in the past can no longer be changed!
Entering the deep palace, from the moment she fell in love, she couldn't be happy because her heart was imprisoned!

Like a nightmare, the words that my mother whispered by her bedside before she passed away resurfaced in my ears.

"Amo, don't fall in love with an emperor."

"If you can't help yourself, you can choose not to love, so you are still free."

Reality gave her a heavy blow!
However, how could she not interfere with what her mother did! "What's going on?"

Feng Xie's heart tightened!A bad premonition arises spontaneously!

Hei Yan lowered her head halfway, her voice was clear and powerful. "The Ministry of Industry has already opened the royal tomb, and it is only waiting for His Majesty to be buried. Now there is a lot of controversy in the court. One faction thinks that the empress is the stepmother, and..."

She paused, remembering the courtiers' attacks and slandering on the empress, she frowned, glanced at the reason, and said directly: "...the former empress should not be buried in the mausoleum next to Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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