Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 311 The Night of the Prophecy

Chapter 311 The Night of the Prophecy
"Shuilong, wait for the wine to enter my throat, and help me filter out the toxins." Zi Nianxin said.

"How do you know that I can filter poisoned wine?" The water dragon jumped up suddenly, as if he was naked and was being watched.

"If you have no value at all, do you think I will keep you here to take up space for nothing?" Zi Nian asked back.

Shuilong frowned: "Then you know that I need to consume my own essence to filter poisonous wine, and our dragon clan relies on essence." Shuilong said.

"Of course I know, so I don't use it every day. And now you are a useless dragon with no spiritual power. Either do things for me, or you are trapped to death." Zi Nian gave the choice that Shuilong had no choice.

Shuilong is aware of his situation at this time, Zi Nian's death will do him no good, so he wants to save Zi Nian's life.

"Okay." After thinking about it, Shuilong finally agreed.

Zi Nian knew very well that the water dragon was different from the white elephant.

The white elephant is destined for itself, it is innocent and innocent, and it can fight with him. It will never betray its master, and it will never play tricks on its master.

As for the water dragon, he wanted Zi Nian to die in his heart, but it was not the time. Who could not be resentful if his spiritual power was drained? Be careful not to give him a chance to come back, otherwise it will be your own catastrophe.

Raising dragons is a problem.

When there is danger around you, always remind yourself to be alert.It is also beneficial to Zi Nian, that is, to maintain one's own insight and keep it at all times.

Putting a dangerous person by your side is the best experience for yourself, because once you are negligent, you will be killed!
Little aunt is so superior, as the man beside her, how can she be vulnerable!
Various factors have prompted Zi Nian to become the strongest of the strong. Only in this way can he help his little aunt when she needs help.

Zi Nian firmly believes that apart from washing and cooking, any woman hopes that the man around her is strong and invincible.

Without spiritual power, but with a natural summoning power, Zi Nian is still the leader of the Wood Spirit Clan at this time, and Zi Nian has already stepped towards his experience, his peak!

Last night, Zi Nian also had a strange dream: he was standing on the peak, wearing a red cloak, howling in the wind, and under his feet were rushing and howling beasts, obeying his orders!
Ten thousand beasts bowed down, all things bowed down, besides the Wood Spirit Clan, there were many other races he didn't know, but he knew at that moment that he was their king.

In the sky, a group of dragons roamed, and when Zi Nian waved his hand, those dragons lined up in the formation he wanted, and worshiped him!


Really, even the wind in the ear can feel the breath of soil mixed with meaning.

Not long after the good times, there was a sea of ​​hell in front of me. Luoyue was wearing shackles and was struggling in the sea of ​​flames...

Seeing her stubborn eyes, he flew away...


When I dreamed here, I woke up.

Woke up in a cold sweat.Seeing the peaceful Luoyue beside him, cold sweat wiped off his brow, fortunately it was a dream.


Zi Nian drank the wine in the cup, and the water dragon filtered it, no matter whether it was quick or slow poison, it had disappeared, and what he drank was pure wine.

"Young master, what kind of dream did you have last night?" The young master of the Lan family asked Luoyue politely.

"Why did you say that?" Luoyue was puzzled.

Suddenly we talked about dreams. Could it be that the people from Zichuan City came to the opening remarks like this?

"Because last night was the night of prophecy." Young Master Lan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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