Chapter 714 Out of the Desert
"That is to say, Jue'er is dead?" Jun He was a little lost.

Although he has four sons and hasn't seen him for many years, it doesn't mean he doesn't love his sons.

Now, they told him that Jun Jue was dead, how did he accept this fact?

"Yes." Jun Zhanchen nodded.

Junhe was silent for a while, and finally cheered up, "You just said, your mother, oh no, did Mu Junlan and Dongfangshen know each other?"

"Yes, and the friendship between them is very deep." Jun Zhanchen replied.

If it wasn't for him appearing as Jun Jue, it would be impossible to know that there is such a deep relationship between Mu Junlan and Dongfangshen!
"They had a relationship before." Jun Zhanchen said again, "In Jun Jue's memory, Dongfangshen was very kind to him."

Junhe was silent again.

Hearing that his son died and that his wife might have different emotional entanglements with other men, Jun He felt very uncomfortable.

"Forget it, let's forget about it! Let's find a way out first!" Jun He said with a smile, but everyone could see that his smile was forced.

Of course, they would only be worried if he didn't touch him at all!
A person who is not even sad about the death of their own son, can they expect him to be kind to them?

The group continued to move forward in silence.

After exposing the unparalleled pendant in front of Junhe, Yu Liuli didn't hide it like before, and used the unparalleled pendant generously.

When they are tired, they don't need to force themselves to recover, but go inside and take a good rest.

There is very little aura in the desert, much less than outside, so the recovery speed is extremely slow.They didn't dare to expose it before, so they also suffered a lot.Now, their life is much easier.

In this way, they also feel that their life is not so difficult.

After walking for a long time, everyone is helpless. When will they be able to leave here?

Although due to the difficult environment, their strength has improved rapidly and each has made progress, but the hopeless future has silenced them.

This kind of torture is the most tiring!
They are not afraid of physical fatigue, they are afraid of spiritual hopelessness!
Jun He also had an ugly face.Why did he come to Gudi Desert in the first place?Did he lose his mind when he made this decision?
If he could go out, he would never come back here again!

Walking day and night, suddenly, Yu Liuli stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jun Zhanchen asked.

"and many more."

Yu Liuli squatted down and pulled out a low plant from the sand.The plant is golden in color and almost blends into the sand.If you don't pay attention, you can't find it.

Moreover, the wind and sand here are extremely strong, and it can be easily submerged.

Its leaves are pointed and pointing uniformly, just like the same row of nails are inlaid on a pillar, which looks a bit strange.

However, when she saw this plant, Yu Liuli immediately showed surprise on her face!

"We have hope!" Yu Liuli said loudly.

"Really?!" Everyone was shocked, then overjoyed, "What's going on?"

"This is called a compass, and it points to the direction to the outside of the desert!"

"Really?!" Everyone was ecstatic!
If it is true, then they really have hope!

"Is it really possible?" Jun He also asked.


This is what Yu Liuli saw on the jade slips.

With the attitude of giving it a try, she rummaged in the study of the space for a while, and only then saw the introduction about the compass from a jade slip that recorded anecdotes in the world.

She said, there is no unparalleled road!

No matter how difficult it is to find the direction here, there will definitely be something to guide the way!
Sure enough, she just found it!

Everyone hurriedly leaned over and watched the compass tree carefully.

"By the way, you must be careful. The real compass is golden yellow. However, there is also a fake compass here, which is very light in color and tends to be white, pointing in the opposite direction." Yu Liuli warned. .

"Ah? There are even fake ones!"

Everyone was surprised.If they got it wrong, wouldn't they go further and further in!

In fact, when encountering a pointer, anyone with a little brain would think that what they point to may be the direction to go out.

However, if they get the truth wrong, it will be over!

Not everyone knows how to tell the difference like Yu Liuli!
After finding the compass, everyone's morale was boosted!
I was depressed before because I didn't know which direction to go.But now, they have found the right direction, which gives them confidence in their hearts.

A group of people and beasts march forward in the direction pointed by the compass, and pay attention to the existence of the compass along the road.

Perhaps because of the boost in morale, everyone's luck was much stronger. Along the way, they actually found several guiding needles!
Among them, there are really one or two fake white pointers.

However, it doesn't matter if you know it's a fake compass, you can just go in the opposite direction anyway!
As we walked, everyone felt that the temperature here was a little lower than before.Although there is not much difference, the difference can still be felt.

It made them even more excited!
The temperature in the Gudi Desert will increase with the distance!

So, they really found the right way out!

Everyone was so excited, they traveled day and night, and finally walked out of the Gudi Desert after a month!

Looking at the green line in the distance, they all jumped up, roared to release the excitement in their hearts, and then flew towards there, no longer caring about the amount of vitality!

When the line became thicker and thicker, their eyes almost burst into tears!
It's not easy!They really thought they would die in the Gudi Desert!
No wonder everyone turns pale when they hear the desert!

If it weren't for Yu Liuli, they might not be able to hold on long ago!
In fact, many people can't get out, mainly because of the collapse of the psychological defense line.

Without hope, they have no will to survive.

Fortunately, they are all out!
After crossing the line between the desert and the forest, it seems to have passed through an enchantment, or in other words, entered a new world!

Feeling the fresh air and the suitable temperature, they just feel that it seems like a lifetime away!

"It finally came out!" Jun He waved his fist fiercely, his eyes full of joy.

He really thought that he was doomed this time!
"Thank you so much!" Jun He turned to Yu Liuli and said, "Especially you, without you, I really don't know if I would have a chance to come out!"

"You're welcome. We all have the same goal." Yu Liuli said.

"Why don't you all go to Jun's house?" Jun He issued an invitation.

They were all taken aback.

After discussing with several people, they finally nodded, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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