Chapter 441
The confidence in Yuliuli's tone made Cheng Raning look sideways.

He also heard about Yu Liuli's age just now, although he didn't know if she was thirty or twenty-three, but at this age, she is not even a god!Where did she get the confidence to say such a thing?What is she relying on?
Cheng Raning is now several hundred years old, and also a fourth-level god emperor.Such strength and talent are enough to stand out from the crowd.

However, no matter how powerful the talent is, the premise is: the person is still alive!

Regarding this matter, Cheng Ranning has doubts in his heart, but no matter how much he doubts, if he can't leave alive, it's meaningless!

However, facing the siege of so many people, Cheng Ranning was already desperate.

He just wanted to let Yu Liuli and the others escape safely before he died.

After all, this is his own business, and he doesn't want to hurt other innocent people.

Yu Liuli spoke in a low voice, and the people on the other side heard it too.

Those people looked at each other in astonishment after hearing Yu Liuli's brazen words, and then burst out laughing!

This is so ridiculous!Where did she get the confidence to say such a thing?
But yes, she will be "okay", after all she is so beautiful, of course it will be okay, it's someone else who has trouble!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, just follow us obediently. If you cooperate, I will consider saving your life." The tall and strong man said.

"Then what if you don't cooperate?" Yu Liuli asked.

"Not cooperating?" They laughed again, "Then let you see what happens if you don't cooperate!"

"But I advise you, it's better to be obedient. Don't worry, we are also people who love fragrance and cherish jade!" Their eyes were filled with greed and lust, and their eyes circled back and forth on Yuliuli's uneven figure, wishing to immediately "suck her" ground rectification".

Their eyes angered Shi Shi, and it would be fine if they insulted him, but they dared to do this to Yu Liuli!
Yuliuli is the goddess in Shitou's heart, and it must not be tarnished!
He stood up, and under his anger, he was no longer nervous, "You don't want to hurt Sister Liuli!"

"Liu Li?" The man savored it carefully, his eyes became more turbulent, "This name is quite nice~"

Seeing that he didn't care, Shi Shi was about to die of anger.

He was so angry that his body trembled, but he couldn't rush up like this.Although he is full of courage, he has not yet reached the point where his head is flooded.

What he can do now is to fight for Yu Liuli's chance to escape!
Looking at the stone in front of her, a gleam of relief flashed in Yu Liuli's eyes.

Shitou is a kind child, she likes it very much!

Therefore, she will not let them have an accident!

Yu Liuli is definitely not a reckless and brave person.If she can't beat her, she will run away immediately.She will stay so calmly, of course she has her own assurance.

"Little beauty, I advise you to go obediently with brother... Ah!" Before the man finished speaking, he screamed, his voice full of pain.

He looked down, and at the ankles of his feet, a spiky weed suddenly appeared!

This weed is particularly strong, and the spikes on its body can suck blood!The more blood they suck, the stronger they become!And the power of the blood-sucked person will be taken away with the loss of blood.

If we can't cut off the weeds immediately, the weeds will become more and more difficult to deal with!
The severe pain from his feet, and the rapid loss of strength, made the man's face turn pale immediately.And there were screams one after another from around, and he was horrified—everyone was entangled in weeds!

He made a decisive decision, swung his palm down, and the fierce palm wind cut off the weeds.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he felt a buzzing sound in his ears, and then his neck hurt!
His head was dizzy and he almost couldn't stand!

He quickly moved his vitality to his neck, and with a bang, something was shaken off and fell to the ground!

——It turned out to be a third-level divine beast, Luoying bee!

After seeing the appearance of Luoyingfeng, the man's face changed drastically!

The name of the Fallen Bees sounds nice, but they are not easy to deal with!
Once they appear, they all appear in groups!
They get their name from Fallen Flowers.

The beautiful and light flowers just float down like this, which is indeed very beautiful.However, when the protagonist is replaced by the overwhelming fallen bees, the effect is horrifying!

The man soon heard a buzzing sound coming from far and near, and the sound was heard in their ears, making them two fight!

Everyone's face changed drastically, damn it!Why did these fallen bees come out to join in the fun? !
There were obviously no divine beasts here before, let alone such a terrifying group of divine beasts!
The sting of the fallen wasp is poisonous!Although the toxin is not too strong for them, once the number of fallen bees is large, they will not be able to parry it!
Moreover, they were attacked by weeds just now when they were unprepared, and lost a lot of strength!
Thinking of the horror of the fallen bees, everyone who just broke free from the weeds decided to run for their lives!

As for Cheng Ranning and the others, let's wait until they survive!If Cheng Ranning and the others were harmed by the Fallen Bee, that would save them trouble.

Unexpectedly, just as they flew up and were about to flee, suddenly a few whip shadows struck and knocked them down to the ground!

When they looked up, it turned out to be Yu Liuli's hand!

They were furious, "Are you courting death?!"

At this time, she didn't run away, but attacked them!Is this about hugging and dying together? !

Yu Liuli stood lazily, not in a hurry, and did not answer their anger.

The next moment, they felt a pain in their chest, as if they were bitten by something!
They quickly rolled to the side, and then looked back, their faces turned pale again!
In the place where they were just now, a few mites appeared!

Mizut is a third-level beast, small in size, and is best at digging holes. They stay in the dark underground all year round and have very sharp big dies.

The men looked down at their chests, where blood was already bleeding!If they hadn't been able to hide quickly, a hole might have been gnawed out of their chest!
The strength of these men is not bad, the strongest is the fourth-level god emperor, and the worst is the third-level god.In normal times, they would have been prepared and would not have suffered such serious injuries.However, this time they never expected that these things would appear!

Moreover, these divine beasts and divine plants are all above level three, and their attack power must not be underestimated!

The most important thing is that these mythical beasts all appeared collectively!
They were used to being bullied by many people before, but they never expected that such a day would happen to them!
They have cooperated for many years and have a perfect understanding.After looking at each other, several people decided to deal with the underground mice, and some of them dealt with Yu Liuli.

At this moment, they didn't want to be surprised by Yu Liuli's strength anymore, they just ran away first!If the fallen hornets catch up, it will be troublesome!
(End of this chapter)

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