Chapter 148

The tall man was slapped aside, and he was dumbfounded.

Before he could recover, a new wave of attacks came over again!Yueyou Frog's tongue was like a whip, and it flapped loudly, enveloping him, and occasionally a sound wave attacked them, making them even more confused.

When she first met Miao Miao, Miao Miao's resistance was still very strong.

The two of them also spent a lot of energy in order to take down Miao Miao.After that, in order to tame Miaomiao, the tall man wasted some vitality.

Therefore, facing the sudden attack, they, who were no longer in their peak state, were immediately dumbfounded!

Most importantly, they never expected that someone would dare to attack them here!

In the hearts of the two confident people, no one or beast would dare to do anything to them so arrogantly!They are senior animal trainers!
After Yu Liuli tied up the short man with devil vines, she joined Yueyou Frog's team, knocked the tall man unconscious, tied her up too, and threw the two of them aside.

The moment she saw Yu Liuli, Miao Miao cheered up immediately, and even the dull hair on her body was refreshed!

"Liuli!" Miao Miao yelled, her voice full of tears, tears welling up in her eyes.

Facing the attack of the two people just now, it has been gritting its teeth and persisting, and it will never bow its head, let alone give in.

However, when it saw Yu Liuli, it couldn't hold on anymore!

Once the whole beast had some support, it immediately relaxed.

Hearing Miaomiao wailing in her mind, Yu Liuli quickly comforted her in her heart, she was already here, she was fine.At the same time, treat it and heal some fine wounds on its body.

Under Yu Liuli's comfort, Miao Miao finally stopped crying.

"Who are you?!" The two people who were attacked finally came to their senses, and they were furious, "How dare you treat us like this?! Do you know who we are?!"

Several strong interrogative sentences fully demonstrated the shock in the hearts of the two of them.

They are senior animal trainers!How could anyone dare to attack them? !

However, everything in front of them clearly told them that someone really did something!

"I don't know who you are, and I don't need to know." Yu Liuli stood in front of them, crossing her chest and sneering.

After they finally saw the person in front of them clearly, their eyeballs almost popped out!

A teenage girl? !
Both of them had the same thought in their minds—is the world in chaos? !

How could a teenage girl take down their two senior animal trainers?

Turning to look at Yueyou Frog squatting next to her, the two of them were even more confused, is she also a beast trainer? !

They are all dozens of years old now, and they can only tame five-star monsters. How can a teenage girl tame the four-star Moon Frog? !

However, no matter how much they refuse to believe it, facts are facts.

"Little girl, did we have some misunderstanding?" The short man asked timidly.

"There is no misunderstanding." Yu Liuli denied it, "The monster you want to kill is my contracted beast."

"Contract beast?!" The two exclaimed in unison.

They naturally know about contract beasts, although they don't have contract beasts themselves.

They will tame Warcraft, but they dare not easily set up a contracted beast.This kind of contract of living together and dying together does not have much effect on them.

All animal trainers know that there are many benefits to signing a contracted beast.However, there are also disadvantages.

Most importantly, they couldn't find powerful monsters.If you can't find a powerful monster with potential, it's better not to sign this soul contract.

As far as the current situation is concerned, few animal trainers have contracted beasts.

A monster that is too weak will only drag itself down.However, powerful monsters, with their strength, would be disdainful.

Therefore, after knowing that this cat-type monster turned out to be the contracted beast of the girl in front of them, both of them were shocked!
Although this monster is not weak, the room for growth is too small!
Of course, this is not the point, anyway, it is not their contracted beast, and the growth space is none of their business.

The point is, this monster is the girl's contract beast!
Thinking of this, their faces were a little ugly.

No wonder they spent so much effort just now, but they couldn't tame this monster. So it already has an owner!
For a monster with an owner, unless the trainer is stronger than the original owner, it is difficult to erase the mark on the monster.

However, the mark on the contracted beast cannot be erased!
They wasted so much time!And now he's been caught!

The two of them were suddenly exhausted.If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to waste this effort!

"I'm really sorry, we didn't know it was your contracted beast." The short man was very sensible and immediately showed weakness.

Seeing that his companion wanted to speak, he quickly glared at him, for fear that he would say something out of hand!
He understands his companions, speaks without restraint, and speaks beyond his head.But their current situation does not allow them to act recklessly.

The girl in front of her looked beautiful, but she was also ruthless enough, otherwise she wouldn't be able to catch them.

Moreover, she has a contracted beast at a young age, and there is a four-star moon frog next to her, whose strength is absolutely monstrous!
Such an enchanting girl, don't need to think too much, I also know that her identity is definitely not simple!
Which one can cultivate such a talented girl?
Even if they're not sure about her identity, it's best if they don't make enemies with her!

As for the previous conflict, it cannot be entirely blamed on them.

The resources in this forest are ownerless, and the strong get it.Who knew that there would suddenly appear a magical beast with a master!

"In order to express our apology to your contracted beast, we are willing to give you some gifts as compensation." The man added.

Yu Liuli's complexion changed a bit.

In fact, after catching these two people, she was a little tangled and hesitant.

What is she going to do with them?
kill them?
As soon as this idea came up, she was immediately rejected.

Although with her strength, she could indeed kill them.However, after killing them, the follow-up matters will be troublesome.

They are senior animal trainers!No matter which country you are in, a senior animal trainer is a treasure!
Such a precious talent, if something happens here, it will be terrible!
It's fine if one accident happens, but if two accidents happen together, even the organizing committee has to work hard to find out the truth of the matter!

Although Yu Liuli is confident that she will not be discovered, but there are no absolutes in the world, she dare not take risks.Offending a country is no joke!
Moreover, she can understand what the two of them did just now—although she doesn't accept it.

Who can take it easy when one's baby is abused like this?
However, they have given in, so what should she do?After all, their situation is different from that of Xu Shikun.

Thinking of this, she turned to look at Miao Miao.

"What do you say? Kill them, or let them go?"

Miao Miao is the person involved, and it is better to let it make the decision.

 I heard everyone's enthusiastic voice calling for the hero, don't worry, it will come out in a few days!As a single dog, I really don’t want to write about the male protagonist. Seeing the male and female protagonists show their affection in front of me, I feel so heartbroken~~ Also, thank you nocolor° for the translucent tip, ok!
(End of this chapter)

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