Chapter 348

Undercurrent and TP Undercurrent are passive skills.

The undercurrent has a slowing effect, and the TP undercurrent increases the diffusion range of the undercurrent.

Because it is a passive skill, no matter whether Yang Tian is intentional or unintentional, the undercurrent will be automatically displayed.

"Brother Shui, this is..." Surprised, Xiao Fei walked over and stepped on the undercurrent a few times, but there was no abnormality, and asked involuntarily.

Of course he was fine, Yang Tian's undercurrent would only have a negative effect on enemy targets, and naturally it would be ineffective against friendly forces.

"A new skill I just learned." Yang Tian smiled lightly, and organized the army to take ships and rush to the island occupied by the Golden Thorn Alliance.

The other party seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The Water Alliance army rushed to the first island under its command, but it was empty inside.Everyone has been emptied, leaving only a few teleportation arrays.

"Destroy the teleportation array first! They can't escape. If they dare not fight, we will take over all their islands." The Sword Emperor ordered.

Immediately, the Aoshi people moved and started to destroy the teleportation array of the Golden Assassin League.

[Golden Assassin Alliance Guild Channel]: Please note that the teleportation array of the guild on the 27th island in the Sea of ​​Relics is being damaged.

On Island 28, nearly [-] troops from the Golden Assassin League gathered here. When they received the news from the guild system, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

The Golden Assassin League was formed by the union of the Merchant League and the Assassin League. There are three big bosses in total: the former president of the Merchant League "I Love Gold Coins", the former vice president of the Merchant League "Wangcai", and the former president of the Assassin League "Shenyue" .

I love gold coins and prosperous money. They are all old people who have been in the game industry in the early years and have now retired to do business.They have long lost interest in fighting and killing, and left everything to Shenyue, while they only care about manipulating the game market to make a lot of money.

I love gold coins. Both Wangcai and Wangcai entered "Taixu" as random career choices, and their current level does not exceed level 50... They are not in the sea of ​​relics, and Shenyue is responsible for everything here.

"Cut, it's really bullied by dogs. If my Golden Assassin League hadn't been damaged twice in a row, how dare the mob of the Water League invade us?" Shenyue said cursingly.

Because of the reckless act of challenging Zeus before, the Golden Assassin League harmed by Shenyue suffered heavy losses. For this reason, he was scolded by the two of us who love gold coins, and he was in a bad mood.Now that the Water League is coming again, he is even more angry.

"Boss, you can't take advantage of them for nothing, send them over to fight with them!" A group of subordinates said angrily.

"Okay, let's fight, even if we both lose, I don't hesitate, I hate the kind of mouse that hides in the back!" Shenyue was also emotional.

In fact, as the leader of the assassins, he is best at shady people... But he hates how others treat him like this.

With Shenyue's order, nearly 27 experts from the Golden Assassin League were sent to [-] Island.

Of course, the Golden Assassin League does not have more than one teleportation array on the 27th island, they are all teleported separately.

Although angry and emotional, they did not lose their minds.The army of assassins led by Shenyue all sneaked before teleporting over.

Those in the Water League army who were attacking the teleportation array did not notice the crisis. Only Yang Tian with the Eye of Reality and the archers with Hawk Eyes could see through the stealth.

"No, there are a large number of assassins sneaking over!" Some archers from the Water League immediately issued a warning.

Compared with them, Yang Tian was more decisive, and directly threw a sea of ​​dark flames at the teleportation array in front of him.

The raging black flames blazed, forcing the group of invisible assassins out of their bodies in an instant.

Stealth can only be invisible in the non-attack state. Yang Tian's dark sea of ​​flames burns them, and they are passively put into the attack state, which naturally breaks the invisibility.

All of a sudden, piles of figures appeared in the huge teleportation array, crowded and terrifying.

Everyone in the Water League was shocked when they saw that the other side had sent so many assassins.

But the next moment, the group of assassins were all burned to death by the dark sea of ​​flames beneath their feet, and piles of spoils exploded...

"The boss is mighty!"

"Si, what kind of damage is this? Instant second? Brother Shui, I admire you so much..."

Many newcomers to the Water League who have just reached level 80 and entered the Sea of ​​Relics have already worshiped Yang Tian after witnessing Yang Tian's eruption.

Yang Tian smiled lightly and said, "Continue to destroy the teleportation array."

Hearing this, everyone in the Water League put away their longing and continued to slam the teleportation array in front of them.

The bigger the teleportation array, the more life it has.

Even if tens of thousands of people from the Water League joined forces to attack, the blood tank of the teleportation array was only slightly loosened and slowly dropped.

Seeing this, Yang Tian was unambiguous, and directly summoned a group of skeleton warriors to attack the teleportation formation.


In the past few months, Yangtian not only rose to level 100, but also his skills improved a lot.

Of the many undead summons under Yang Tian's command, the skeleton warrior has the largest number, because he has a [TP Summon Skeleton Warrior] passive.This passive will increase the number of skeleton warriors Yang Tian summons.

Yang Tian consumed about 80 MP at one time and summoned 1000 skeleton warriors.

The skeleton warriors are at the same level as him, all of them are level 100 elites.

Yang Tian's combat power is many times higher than that of ordinary players, and these skeleton warriors, after adding his attributes, even though their individual combat power is not as good as his, they are far higher than ordinary players.

With 1000 skeleton warriors joining the team, the effect was immediate, and the frequency of the blood tank falling down in the teleportation array was obviously faster.

Half a minute later, under the concentrated fire of the crowd, the teleportation array finally exploded and dissipated into countless energy factors.

But at this moment, the battle roar sounded.

On the left and right sides of the Water League army, many people from the Golden Assassin League suddenly appeared, and they were attacking the Water League in a double-teaming trend.Those of them were obviously teleported from other teleportation arrays.

The battle is about to break out, and the armies of both sides are doing their best to kill the enemy.


Think back to a few months ago.

At that time, the number of level 80 players was extremely rare, and the number of forces in the sea of ​​relics was only a few thousand at most.

Yang Tian could summon an army of undead. At that time, his existence had an overwhelming advantage.

And now... the number of players above level 80 is like wild dogs on the side of the road, and the current forces in the Sea of ​​Relics are tens of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!This is the big battle.

And this is just a civil war on the national server, and the world war in the later period will only be bigger.

In such a huge battle, although the existence of necromancers still has advantages, it can no longer play a decisive factor.

"Extreme call!"

Yang Tian tied the four summoning skills of Black Knight, Vampire Earl, Nether Assassin, and Hell Three-Headed Dog together, pressed the ground with one hand, and summoned them all with double consumption of mana.


(End of this chapter)

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