be a black lady

Chapter 628 Deadlock, Deadlock 5

Chapter 628 Deadlock, deadlock fifteen more

She who used to be, who has been herself for more than ten years, must be very moved if she heard this sentence, she would immediately stand up and hug the handsome man in front of her with a face of resentment and guilt.

And tell him that we must be together and live a good life.

But, so many years.

So many things have happened, everyone has changed, completely changed.

"But I don't like your change, I don't like you dressed sexy, I don't like you wearing ****, I also don't like you fighting, giving up everything because I don't do my homework. Break up with you I just..." Huangfuhe sighed, "I just hope that you can return to your original appearance and be yourself, but I really didn't expect that kind of thing to happen. If I knew it back then, I would definitely tell you well. .”

Chi Xiaoyang was expressionless and indifferent to Huangfuhe's words, "..."

"When that happened to you back then, I really wanted to find you, but what I didn't expect was..." Huangfuhe spoke here, while Du Ruoxi suddenly stood up and left.

Originally, Chi Xiaoyang was sitting here just to look at Du Ruoxi's face, but now that Du Ruoxi had left, Chi Xiaoyang also stood up.

"I have received your confession, Lin Feiru, there is nothing more to say between us. I won't bother you, and you don't bother me, that's all."


In the night, the roses are feasting, the lights are feasting, and the money is luxuriant. On two opposite positions, there are two men sitting respectively.

A noble and elegant man in a suit and leather shoes, with an unusually cold face, stared sharply ahead of him.

The other one is suave and tall like jade, but unlike the man on the other side, the man on this side looks guilty and wants to bang his head against the wall.

Tonight, it is destined to make people unable to be quiet and calm.


In the car, Du Ruoxi and Chi Xiaoyang didn't say anything, the two women were thinking about their own things.

After returning home, Du Ruoxi took a shower, lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze, not thinking about anything in his mind, just letting himself go, everything was calm.

Du Ruoxi didn't know how long she was in a daze, but when she realized it, it was a phone call.

Bai Kanghong called from the United States.

"Daddy..." Du Ruoxi said softly.

"Ruoxi!!" Bai Kanghong's voice on the other end of the phone was extremely serious. It was completely different from the feeling Du Ruoxi had when he met him before. "Why didn't you tell Daddy about such a serious matter?"

Du Ruoxi was still a little confused, "What?"

"What's going on between you and Gong Lingye? And what's going on with your child who almost had a miscarriage?"

Du Ruoxi was speechless, "..."


Bai Kanghong and Jiang Shaoyang have a good relationship. It is estimated that Jiang Shaoyang told Bai Kanghong about what happened.

When Du Ruoxi saw Bai Kanghong asking like that, she felt a little helpless, "Daddy, I will handle this matter myself."

Bai Kanghong asked coldly, "Are you being wronged in China alone?"

"I have not been wronged."

"Haven't you been wronged by being treated like that? Shao Yang said, I saw that you have more pinch marks on your neck."

"It's just that he was excited..."

Bai Kanghong scolded angrily, "Excited? Facing the woman he loves, this man will do it. Is he still a man?"

Although it was Gong Lingye who was scolding, Du Ruoxi felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

After being silent for a while, Du Ruoxi smiled and said, "Daddy, don't worry! I won't let anyone bully me. I am Ruoxi!! How could Ruoxi be bullied? If others bully me, I will just bully you back It doesn't matter if it's Gong Lingye or whoever it is! If Gong Lingye bullies me, I'll bully me back, because I have Daddy as your backing, so I'm not afraid of him!"

When Bai Kanghong heard what Jiang Shaoyang said, he was so angry that he smashed the antique vase in his hand, and immediately called to ask if it was true.

But after hearing what Du Ruoxi said, the anger just now has subsided by more than half.



"Then what's going on between you and Gong Lingye?"

Du Ruoxi was silent, "..."

"What are you going to think about?"

Du Ruoxi smiled bitterly, "I didn't think much about it, and I don't know how to deal with it."

Bai Kanghong sighed, "After filming this movie, I will go back to the United States with Jiang Shaoyang to live for a few days, and you can think about it after the child is born."

This time Du Ruoxi did not refute Bai Kanghong's words, "Okay."

Maybe she should really go out for a walk and relax.


Although Gong Lingye admitted that he did this wrong and regretted it extremely, but Third Young Master Gong still couldn't bear to apologize to Du Ruoxi.

So the two of them were in a stalemate, neither of them took a step forward, and neither of them was willing to take a step back.

"A Dream of Yellow Liang Liang" is a movie that includes ancient China and Egypt.

There are very few shots in City W, and most of them need to go to Egypt to shoot.

When the filming started in City W, the staff of TLB in Egypt had already started preparing the props there.

The shots here are almost done, and the props over there are also fully prepared according to Huangfuhe's drawing requirements.And the whole crew will follow to Egypt.

At the celebration banquet a few nights before going to Egypt, Huangfuhe specially sent a text message to Gong Lingye to let him come over to reward the three armies for their efforts during this period.

It was said to reward the three armies, but in fact, it gave Gong Lingye and Du Ruoxi a chance to be alone.

Gong Sanshao is arrogant and arrogant, but Du Ruoxi is not weak, at least one of the two has to show weakness!Recently, the two of them rarely meet each other, let alone have the opportunity to show weakness.

Huangfuhe wanted to create a chance for them.

But Third Young Master Gong didn't respond.

He didn't make a sound when Huangfuhe talked to him during the day, and he didn't go to the restaurant to attend their celebration banquet at night.

Third Young Master Gong was also angry.

He thought it was Du Ruoxi's fault, and she explained it well, it was impossible for this to happen.And she lied to herself first, saying that she had a barbecue with the crew, but he found out that she was in the coffee shop with Jiang Shaoyang, normal men would misunderstand it!

Afterwards, Yese Qiangwei gave in to him, but Du Ruoxi was still so stubborn and refused to admit his mistake.

This made Gong Lingye very angry.

Gong Lingye, the old house of the Gong family, had a sullen face, as if others were not repaying their debts, and even called him an idiot.The warning of "don't enter the stranger, don't pay attention to the acquaintance" is exuded all over the body.

The two most lively little white rabbits in the Gong family were very quiet at this time. After eating, they hid in their rooms one after another, not stepping on landmines.

Gong Mommy and Gong Daddy sat there looking at their stupid son very upset.

Go if you want!

What kind of face are you sitting here! !
Even though today's weather is very hot, the temperature in the palace hall is extremely low. Thinking about it, I know that the toes are all given by Gong Lingye.

"Dididi..." is the voice of a text message.

Gong Lingye didn't respond, and just sat there watching TV with a dark face.

  That's all for today's update.

  good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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