be a black lady

Chapter 132

Chapter 132
"Why, this drama..." Du Ruoxi suddenly realized a problem in the middle of speaking, and smiled, "I know. I will work hard to fight for it. Can sister Xiaoyang delay talking to that side for a day?"

"What can you do?" Although Chi Xiaoyang pinned all his hopes on Du Ruoxi, he couldn't help but have some doubts.

Does Du Ruoxi really have a solution?
"I don't know, but I want to try it, maybe there is a way."

Du Ruoxi could basically guess why Gong Lingye canceled the cooperation with Qin Shaohua, maybe it was because of Gu Yaqing.

After answering the call, Du Ruoxi went to the supermarket.

She and Gong Mami are very close, basically every time Du Ruoxi goes to the supermarket, she can see Gong Mami.

I also saw Gong Mami today, she was buying some fruit, she was a little surprised when she saw Du Ruoxi, "Why did the plaster cast on your foot slip out again?"

Du Ruoxi replied honestly, "I want to make a delicious meal!"

Mami Gong became curious, "Cooking? Isn't Ye good at cooking? What are you doing?"

"Because I want to please Gong Lingye."

"To please?"

When Du Ruoxi saw Gong Mami asking, she answered honestly, "Because Ye didn't let me take on Qin Shaohua's movie."

Hearing this, Mummy Gong's eyes flickered, and she smiled lightly, "If you are not allowed to go, then don't go. After all, Qin Shaohua knows what kind of industry he is. Ye has his own reasons for not letting you go."

"I'm not Gu Yaqing, and it's impossible for me to be unspoken like her." Du Ruoxi said categorically, "And the main reason I want to take on that drama is because I like the content of the drama very much. This story is my favorite." The first novel I read when I was in junior high school meant a lot to me."

Du Ruoxi really didn't want to lose this opportunity because of Gu Yaqing's messy things.

Mummy Gong looked at Du Ruoxi with a trace of inquiry in her eyes, "Ruoxi, why did you choose to be an actor?"

"Because I have to pay off my debts." Du Ruoxi smiled awkwardly, "My education is not high, only a high school degree, and my family owes a lot of debts. On the one hand, being an actor is my dream, and on the other hand, because of it I make a lot of money. Although I know that the entertainment industry is very chaotic, I have never thought that I will reach a certain level. As long as I can be an actor even for a day, I am already very happy. Now I basically take one step at a time. If I really reach it in the future Unspoken rules can’t get along. I’m going to go back to my old job at worst. This society has hands and feet and won’t starve to death!!”

"That's right, as long as you work hard in this society, there is no way out. Those who say that they have no choice but to be unspoken are probably the kind of people who want to be unspoken!" Mummy Gong nodded in agreement with Du Ruoxi's words, "Come on, I'll help you choose vegetables. Ye prefers to eat braised pork. If you want to please him at night, you can try it."


When Gong Lingye got off work, Du Ruoxi had already prepared a table of dishes for him.

Seeing Du Ruoxi busy in the kitchen, Gong Sanshao not only didn't have any joy, but felt a little more uneasy and cautious.

Du Ruoxi turned her head and gave Gong Lingye a bright smile, "Are you here?"

Gong Lingye nodded, after washing her hands, she sat quietly in her seat and waited for Du Ruoxi to speak.

"Let's eat!" Du Ruoxi prepared the meal and sat in front of Gong Lingye.

Gong Lingye did not move his chopsticks, but stared at Du Ruoxi deeply, "What do you want to say?"

Not being paid for nothing, Gong Sanshao didn't think that Du Ruoxi simply wanted to cook for himself.

Seeing Gong Lingye's probing gaze, Du Ruoxi put down the chopsticks in his hand with a smile, and looked into his eyes, "Ye, I want to act in Qin Shaohua's play, because I really like the heroine in it. "

Gong Lingye looked at Du Ruoxi, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "..."

Do you like Qin Shaohua?

Still like his play?

Du Ruoxi tried very hard to let Gong Lingye see her sincerity and frankness, "Ye, I don't know what to prove to you in the future. Now I can only express it in words, I really am not People like Gu Yaqing, I will not betray you."

Third Young Master Gong squinted at Du Ruoxi, the smile on the corner of his mouth was piercingly cold, and the brows were full of unmelted frost, "Do you know what you said, Gu Yaqing also told me back then, she spoke more seriously than you, More sincere, and she also said that if she betrayed me, she would die."

But the result?

The result was that Gu Yaqing still betrayed him without any regrets.

When he said this, although he was smiling, Du Ruoxi's heart felt inexplicably pained by that appearance. He walked over and hugged Gong Lingye's head with his hands, and pulled him into his arms.

Gong Lingye was somewhat resistant, but seeing Du Ruoxi looking at him softly, at that moment Gong Lingye gave up all his armor and chose to surrender.

"Yeah! Trust me, okay?"

At this time, Du Ruoxi knew that no matter how much she said, it would be useless.

Gong Lingye said softly: "Do you know what happened to me and her back then?"

Du Ruoxi didn't know whether she should shake her head or nod, "..."

Beside her ear was Gong Lingye's indifferent voice, which was obviously well concealed, but he could still hear the sadness in his heart, "It was her birthday that day, she promised me to spend it with me, I I invited all her friends to celebrate her birthday, and prepared the engagement ring, but I waited for a long time, and she didn’t come back after all the guests left. I called her and she said she was auditioning, and she told me that she liked Qin Shaohua’s very much. That movie, so she went to audition first, and then came to accompany me..."

As for the matter between Gong Lingye and Gu Yaqing, Du Ruoxi heard about it once before from Mummy Gong.

But at that time, she was still skeptical. She couldn't even imagine that such a pure-looking girl would be so dirty and despicable.

"Yeah! I won't be like her."

Gong Lingye looked at Du Ruoxi, looked at her big black and white eyes, covered Du Ruoxi's face with her hands, the warm touch made Gong Lingye yearn for it, "Will you leave me?"

Du Ruoxi smiled, "No, unless you let me leave you."

Looking into Du Ruoxi's eyes, Third Young Master Gong's eyes were cold, "Du Ruoxi, suppose one day you let me know that you betrayed me, I will never let you go, then you will die."

"And then?" Du Ruoxi looked at Third Young Master Gong.

Gong Lingye thought for a while and added, "I'll find another big beauty."

Du Ruoxi was flamboyantly embarrassed, "..."

Find another big beauty?Is this the legendary declaration of love?What's wrong?
Shouldn't it be that after you killed her, you lost confidence in life and love, and then committed suicide?
Just when the couple was tender and sweet, Gong Lingye's cell phone rang, it was Jiang Yuchen's call.

(End of this chapter)

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