Nongmen red bean is the most acacia

Chapter 666 Do you have a dog?

Chapter 666 Do you have a dog? (Part 2)
What really worries the villagers is the furniture, pots and pans at home.

Not a few tables, chairs, benches, and cabinets were smashed, and bowls and bowls were almost broken.

The unlucky thing is that the iron pan was poked with a big hole by the falling beam.

These are all things that cost money.

Especially iron pans.

Ironware is not cheap, and some people need to use two pots for decades.

Some people fought over the iron pot when they separated.

Although clay pots are cheap, you can't always use clay pots to make do.

How can people who really live without a pot at home?

But to buy two pots, one big and one small, at least one tael of silver, plus other things, more than half of the harvest this year has gone out, and thinking about it makes people bleed.

Hong Dou didn't hear about these things, but saw them with her own eyes, because the Wang family was facing such things.

The pot of the Wang family was also smashed, and there were two holes as big as bowls gleaming there, even if they wanted to make do with it, there was nothing they could do.

There are quite a few pots in the red bean supermarket, iron pots, stainless steel pots, and aluminum pots, ranging in price and size.

But no matter what kind of pot it is, it looks different from the pots that can be bought now.

This also made Hongdou feel helpless.

Even in the Gu family, such a pot cannot be used, let alone for the Wang family.

Just as Hongdou was thinking about it, Wang Cuicui said again, "Fortunately, our family planted that one acre of wheat this year and sold it early. My father said it was enough to buy two pots."

Wang Cuicui's tone was full of rejoicing and happiness, hearing Hongdou's ears, made Hongdou laugh too.

The two were sitting in the shade of the yard and talking. Looking at the big yard, Wang Cuicui said, "Hongdou, your yard is much bigger, and the back yard spans the yard. Do you want to raise two dogs to guard the house?"

Although the courtyard wall is very high and there are broken porcelain on it, it is safer to have two more dogs, isn't it?

Before Hongdou could speak, Dabai, who was swimming in the pond, suddenly yelled at them twice.

Hongdou laughed immediately, pointed at Dabai and said, "It can take care of the house and guard the home, so I won't keep a dog for the time being."

As a villager, Wang Cuicui also knows the fighting power of geese, but...
When Wang Cuicui reached the point of her mouth, she swallowed decisively after seeing Dabai's small eyes staring at her closely.

Goose is also very good, as long as it can look after the house.

The pond that Dabai swims in now is the expansion of the original small pond. It is not only two or three meters wider than before, but also one meter deeper.

In the pond, there is a layer of stones all around, and the water in the pond looks cleaner.

The pond is surrounded by small stones to prevent the soil from being washed into the pond when it rains, which is not only practical but also beautiful.

In the enlarged pond, there is only a cluster of lotus in the middle, which looks a bit lonely.

But it will be fine next year. If these lotus roots are not dug out this year, they will germinate and bloom again next year, and they will definitely appear luxuriant.


"Cui Cui, isn't your cabinet broken a lot? Who are you going to ask to fix it?"

Suddenly hearing Hongdou asked about this, Wang Cuicui was also taken aback, and then replied, "I don't know, my father said that the carpenters are very busy recently! The wages are also high."

Hong Dou secretly thought that it was so, so she said her thoughts, "The doors and windows of our house, as well as the kang tables and kang cabinets, are all made by Uncle Wang for us. If you don't think there is anything wrong, you can also ask Uncle Wang to help. , Uncle Wang's craftsmanship is very good, and the price is fair."

(End of this chapter)

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