Nongmen red bean is the most acacia

Chapter 548 Are Your Knees So Worthless?

Chapter 548 Are Your Knees So Worthless? (6th update)
Just when Hongdou was about to look away, she suddenly saw Zhang Lanfen.

She was rushing towards Li Er with the fastest speed.

Seeing this, Hongdou's heart was about to jump out of her throat. Without even thinking about it, she threw away the hoe in her hand and ran over there.

Gu Zian on the side moved no slower than her.

The two hurried, and when they reached the place, Zhang Lanfen knelt down in front of Li Er.

Li Er was so frightened by this sudden situation that he didn't know what to do. He wanted to avoid it, but he was afraid that if he let go, the frightened mule would run around, so he could only stand there with a red face and an embarrassed expression. "This, this, this, what does this mean?"

"Brother Li, I beg you, for the sake of my red beans, please help plow my land. I'm not lazy. If it weren't for special circumstances, I would have to plow the land by myself. But my family’s Jin Bao is still lying on the kang, he really can’t live without someone! Brother Li, I beg you, you are a good person, please help me!”

Li Er was at a loss by Zhang Lanfen's words, what does this have to do with him?
There are too many people with mules, why did they ask him?

His father, mother, daughter-in-law and children are still facing the loess in the field, how can he help others plow the field?

This is different from helping Hongdou and the others!
Helping Hongdou and the others is reciprocity, but what is it to help Zhang Lanfen?
Helping Zhang Lanfen, the people next to him must have rushed forward, can he still leave?

Li Er wanted to hurry away with the mule cart, but Zhang Lanfen saw his intention and walked up to the mule with a few steps.

Seeing her like that, Li Er even wanted to hug the mule's leg, and hurriedly led the mule back, avoiding Zhang Lanfen's embrace narrowly.

It was obviously a very cold day, but Li Er broke out in sweat in an instant.

He looked at Zhang Lanfen with anger, "You are crazy! A mule can kick your intestines out with one kick. If you don't want to live, you can find a hole and jump in. Why are you hurting my mule?"

Li Er was really furious, what could not be negotiated, what was he planning to do by kneeling first and then rushing up to hug the mule?

Hongdou had also arrived in front of Zhang Lanfen at this time.

Without any explanation, Zhang Lanfen was pulled up by pulling Zhang Lanfen's arm.

Zhang Lanfen really wanted to hang on and not get up, but how strong is Hongdou?How can she resist.

After being pulled up, Zhang Lanfen still wanted to kneel down, but Hongdu exerted force on her hands, making her unable to move, so she gave up.

Zhang Lanfen was crying with snot and tears. At this time, she still wanted to cry to Hongdou, but was coldly interrupted by Hongdou.

"You are also in your 30s, and your knees are so worthless? Kneeling when you see everyone? You are shameless, and others want shame! Your knees are worthless, and people are afraid of losing their life!" Hongdou said with a fire in her heart. No matter what kind of affection is, "No one in your family is working? You have to ask irrelevant people to plow the land for you! What about your man? You go back and take care of your baby bump, your man can't work anymore? There are too many people who can support the whole family by one person, but yours can't do it? Who is used to your stinking problem? I will put my words here today. If you want to be good, just be honest with me and don't get involved Irrelevant person, if you really don't want to live a good life, I'll break your baby's lumpy leg and let him lie on the kang for the rest of his life, and you will take care of him for the rest of his life. work."

(End of this chapter)

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