Chapter 942
When he saw it for the first time, Shangguan Jingchen didn't even dare to recognize that this was his wife.

After approaching, Shangguan Jingchen couldn't help but want to reach out to touch her face, but Ye Duoduo avoided her.

"Don't, I put on my makeup for more than an hour in the morning. If you touch me like this, what if I take it off somewhere?" Ye Duoduo took a step back and looked at him with a smile. "What's the matter, handsome guy, did you miss your wife so much that you came to see her?"

As soon as Ye Duoduo saw Shangguan Jingchen, he knew that he must be thinking of her.

It's not Ye Duoduo's narcissism, but how deep her husband's feelings for him are, she is very clear.

Seeing Ye Duoduo smiling so confidently, Shangguan Jingchen also laughed.

"Yeah, I really can't sleep peacefully every night without my wife warming the bed. No, I can only come to find my wife who warms the bed. Wife, how long will it take you to go back? Without you by my side, My heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are about to be displaced." Shangguan Jingchen said exaggeratedly, the way he was holding his heart and putting on a pose really made people want to laugh.

Ye Duoduo really smiled too.

It would be impossible to say that she didn't want Shangguan Jingchen these days. Ye Duoduo's heart was full when she saw Shangguan Jingchen.

The two began to show their affection like no one else, you looked at me, I looked at you, the affectionate look really made people's teeth ache.

David felt dizzy when he saw Shangguan Jingchen, why did this man come here?
As soon as Shangguan Jingchen came, Ye Duoduo must not be in the mood to work.

It has to be said that David's premonition was very accurate. Sure enough, Ye Duoduo was not in the mood when Shangguan Jingchen came.

So there was no way, David could only give them half a day off.

Just in front of Ye Duoduo was very tired, it was rare to have such a half-day vacation, she almost flew up like a little bird that was let go.

Shangguan Jingchen originally wanted to kiss and hug Ye Duoduo, but seeing how difficult it was for her to put on makeup, naturally he couldn't let his wife suffer again.

After half a day passed, the shooting intensity in the afternoon became even stronger.

It was the first time for Shangguan Jingchen to see Ye Duoduo shooting an advertisement, and what he imagined was completely different from what he saw with his own eyes.

It turned out that the shooting of those beautiful pictures on TV was so hard and complicated.In a simple back view of walking, Ye Duoduo and Qiao Weiyi walked back and forth no less than a dozen times.

Ye Duoduo was not tired by herself, and Shangguan Jingchen felt distressed watching it.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have agreed to that yellow-haired monster, and now my wife has to work so hard.

Shangguan Jingchen's heart aches, but since he has agreed, it is naturally impossible to go back on his word.

After finally surviving until the afternoon, Shangguan Jingchen stepped forward and hugged his daughter-in-law, and stared at David fiercely.

David pretended not to see it and ran away quickly.

Ye Duoduo herself didn't feel anything, she was not the kind of spoiled girl, she suffered a lot when she was a child.So this level of suffering is completely unbearable.

"Wife, let's just break the contract. Anyway, I can't afford to pay." Shangguan Jingchen planned to take his wife away in the evening, so as not to continue to suffer here.

"I'm not willing to part with that money."

(End of this chapter)

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