Chapter 739 Desert City Rebellion 4
"Brother Guan Lang, you are so naive. The child doesn't feel it yet. Can you know what you are talking about?" Lu Ziwan teased. As for the name, she had thought of countless things in her mind.

As an expectant parent, who's number one hobby isn't guessing their gender while naming them?

"Brother Guan Lang, do you think Qingge is good? If it's a girl, it's Qingge, clear water, a song of praise, if it's a boy, it's light, light, light."

"What's the meaning of this name?" Lian Guanlang raised his head, "It's nice to hear."

"It's boring, it's just that these two words sound nice." Lu Ziwan's eyes curved like crescent moons, "You think it sounds nice too, don't you? Generally, people with extraordinary names will have extraordinary lives."

This is true. Lu Ziwan remembers that when she was studying, the names in her class were particularly nice, and they were basically the rich second generation. The names given by her parents were educated. Unlike her orphan, the dean flipped through the dictionary As soon as you find something, you can get it, but in the orphanage, her name is considered nice.

"What's so good about being extraordinary? I think it's good for children to be ordinary and grow up in peace." Lian Guan Lang leaned up and put his arm around Lu Ziwan's shoulders, "An extraordinary person's life is full of ups and downs. Look at Mr. Bai. Young master, isn't it ordinary? Although he doesn't worry about anything in his life, he is also unhappy."

"That's right, it's good to be ordinary. If I have a son, I have to teach him to be responsible for girls, not to play with girls' feelings all day long, he must be like his father, he can only marry one wife in his life!" Lu Ziwan chuckled , "Guan Lang, do you think so?"

"What the daughter-in-law said is that everything is going well in this family, and if the house is restless, it's not a bad thing, right? It's enough for a daughter-in-law to have one, and a daughter-in-law needs to be cared for when she marries, so naturally one is fine." Lian Guan Lang smiled and nodded in agreement, "Let my son marry a sister who looks like her mother as his wife in the future."

"What about a daughter?" Lu Ziwan blinked her beautiful eyes.

"If it's a daughter, teach her to read and write from an early age, and let her learn knowledge and principles from Mrs. Lin. She shouldn't be too delicate to avoid being bullied. You and I have to find a son-in-law for our daughter. It's best to find a door-to-door one. Son-in-law, let the son-in-law promise to marry our daughter as a daughter-in-law." Lian Guanlang answered seriously, "After giving birth to a daughter, we have to work hard to earn money so that our daughter will have no worries in her life."

"People say that you have to work hard to earn money after giving birth to a son, but you are good, so you say that you have to work hard to earn money after giving birth to a daughter." Lu Ziwan laughed.

"If you give birth to a son, a man must have his own abilities. You can't just rely on your parents to support him. In the future, when we get old, there will always be a day when we will leave. If he has no ability, who will support his daughter-in-law in the future?" With a child?" Lian Guanlang plausibly said, "When I give birth to a son, I will teach him boxing skills, the elder An Lan will teach him to hunt and farm, and my daughter-in-law, you will teach him how to do business and earn money."

Lu Ziwan couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, "Brother Guan Lang, it's hard work being your son, you have to learn everything."

"When I was young, I didn't suffer a little bit, but when I grow up, I don't know how to cherish it." Lian Guan smiled, and when he answered, his eyes were full of expectations for the birth of the child.

The moonlight in Fencheng seems to be brighter than that in Nanwang Town, or maybe the mood of the people watching the moonlight is different. It will be fifteen in two days, and the moon tonight is like a disc bitten by a dog.

"Brother Guan Lang, we've been in Fencheng for so long, why hasn't brother Jiang Rong arrived yet? Could something happen to him on the way?" Lu Ziwan was a little worried. Regarding Jiang Rong, she really regarded him as her eldest brother. When she was in trouble, he stood up like a big brother without saying a word and went to the state capital to find Mrs. Du for him.

"I don't know. Didn't we receive a message from Brother Jiang Rong when we first arrived, saying that he was about to arrive in Meizhou? It's been so long. Logically speaking, we should have arrived by now." Lian Guan Lang frowned and shook his head. , "Maybe it was delayed by something on the road, maybe it will arrive tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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