Chapter 489
Kugualian was a carpenter, and he knew a lot of people when he was working. Lu Ziwan asked him to help find two or three people to repair the roof of Xiaolian's house after returning home, and gave a general address of Xiaolian's house. Next, and then explained that all the workers' money should go to the clinic to pay, and Lin Zhong will give it to them at that time.

On the street, some little girls from thicker families almost always carry a small puppet in their hands when they go shopping. When they pass by the puppet shop, they still clamor to come in and take a look. Lu Ziwan noticed the burdens on everyone and suddenly had an idea One move, there is no bag in this era!Why has she been ignoring this good thing that makes money?

It's just that the puppets in the factory are still rushing to work, and the workers in Hexi Village still go to the factory to work overtime after dinner. The first batch of goods has not been rushed out yet, and this bag has to wait for this batch of goods to be completed. to plan.

"Daughter-in-law! Why did you come to the puppet shop? I was looking for you at the clinic just now!" Lian Guan Lang was relieved when he saw Lu Ziwan standing at the door of the shop from a distance, and strode over .

"Brother Guan Lang, why did you come to town suddenly?" Lu Ziwan explained, "I asked Lin Tusheng to help me with something, why do you look so impatient? What happened?"

"Hey! It's a big deal! Your grandmother is dead!" Lian Guan Lang panted, probably because he was walking in a hurry and couldn't recover, "Your mother and your uncle are waiting for us at home." Well, after picking you up and Banxia, ​​I'm going to Henan Village."

"What! He Gaoshi, dead?" Lu Ziwan raised her voice several times in shock, "How do you know?"

"It's a letter from your uncle's village, let's go, let Da Zhuang lead the ox cart to pick up Banxia and sister He first." Lian Guan Lang paused, "Mother and uncle are very sad. "

Lu Ziwan came back to her senses and nodded, then she and Lian Guanlang sat in the bullock cart driven by Da Zhuang to pick up Lu Banxia and Lu He back to the village.

Half an hour later, they returned home. Just as they entered the house, Lu Ziwan heard He Chunmei sobbing softly, and He Guisheng and He Tianfu also had gloomy expressions.

Lu Ziwan felt a little different, this person died, the sadness was the sadness, there was no need to be so gloomy, right?

"Come on, Sister He, get off the ox cart and stay here with your mother, while Qing Dai and Qing Yu stay at home to cook." Lu Ziwan pulled Lu He down and let Lu Banxia stay in the ox cart, and then got on with her family He got into the bullock cart and drove to Henan Village.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you and cousin? Why do you look so terribly sullen like a cloudy sky?" After the bullock cart set off, Lu Ziwan asked aloud.

When He Chunmei heard that she cried even more fiercely, He Tianfu remained silent, but He Gui was trembling with anger.

"That vicious woman! I'm going home! Wait until I get home!" He Guisheng paused, and shouted, "We must divorce her!"

"Father!" He Tianfu called out in shock.

"What's wrong with Auntie?" Lu Ziwan asked.

"Your grandmother has already left, and the corpse was only exposed when it stinks. If it weren't for the hot weather, the corpse would stink easily. I don't know how long that bitch will have to hide it!" He Guisheng said angrily.

"That's fine, why did my aunt hide the fact of my grandmother's death?" Lu Ziwan was depressed.

"Isn't it because of laziness!" He Guisheng explained, "After Tianfu and I finished planting the spring wheat, we came over to work on the factory. The remaining vegetable field at home will be left to her and the woman in Huangjia Village. She must be thinking, If the old woman knew that mother was dead, she would definitely leave, so she deliberately kept the matter of leaving without telling the truth from mother. Brother Tianfu and I have also lived in your uncle's house these days, and we have not gone back. I don't know, if it wasn't for the people in the village to report this, your cousin and I don't know how long we would have been kept a secret!"

(End of this chapter)

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