Traveling through a doctor's daughter to marry a virtuous man

Chapter 335 The Magpie Announces Good News

Chapter 335 The Magpie Announces Good News
When Lu Ziwan heard this, she was overjoyed. This was finally what she was looking forward to. She had been waiting for several days, and she was so desperate that Lin Huang finally found a matchmaker.

Ge Rui and Lu Donglin glanced at each other, their eyes were filled with surprise and joy, Lu Donglin reacted first and nodded repeatedly, "Okay! Of course it's a matter of nodding, we're just afraid that Master Lin won't like us Where is Sister Jialan!"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Lin Huang also came to see me after asking Mrs. Lin Xiucai, saying that her son was also interested in your sister Lan." Aunt Wang said.

After receiving the answer from Lu Donglin and his wife, Aunt Wang couldn't wait to leave the Lu family to go to the Lin family to announce the good news. Lu Ziwan said, "Second uncle, second aunt, congratulations, you don't have to worry about Sister Lan's marriage at last. Sister Lan's The sooner the marriage is settled, we all feel at ease, although many days have passed and there is no news of the new emperor's choice of concubine, but this matter is still quite terrifying."

"That's right, your second uncle and I haven't slept well for several days, and we're afraid that this official document will reach our village one day." Ge Rui nodded.

Lin Huang's family is also impatient. When they heard that the Lu family was going to the town to open a shop tomorrow, they brought a dowry gift to propose marriage that afternoon. When Lu Lan came back from outside, they happened to be engaged and Lu Ziwan was helping The two wrote the engagement letter, and went back to the room in shame.

Lin Huang was concerned that Mrs. Lin was already 20 years old, so she made an agreement with the Lu family and set their wedding date on the sixth day of the next month, which was less than 20 days away.

Lu Lan's marriage was also settled, and Lu Ziwan obviously felt that Ge Rui and Lu Donglin breathed a sigh of relief, and even laughed more naturally.

The marriage between Lu Lan and Mrs. Lin is a hot topic in the village. Lu Lan has been well-behaved since she was a child, and she even did a good job of embroidery. She got engaged to Mrs. Lin, which suddenly became a good story that everyone envied.

The next day, the Lu family went to the town early. No matter where they were, everyone paid attention to the auspicious day and time for any important event, and today was a good day for the Lu family to entrust someone to watch.

A series of firecrackers attracted many children and passers-by from the town. Following the opening ceremony of the 21st century, Lu Ziwan revealed the plaque that had been covered with red silk, and pulled it lightly with Lu Donglin. Remove the red silk covering the plaque to reveal the large characters on the plaque, Lujia Creative Workshop.

This is the name of the store that Lu Ziwan thought of. It is simple and can make people remember at once. The five words were mentioned by Master Lin. Although Lu Ziwan can write, she can't write the words of Master Lin. atmosphere.

"Sister Anlan, congratulations, happy opening." Bai Anlan sent up the gift she had prepared a long time ago, and said, "I spread the news to all my friends in the whole town. Everyone has been waiting for your store to open for a long time. !"

"Then thank you for your great promotion first, let's go into the store." Lu Ziwan smiled and lured people into the small store.

The people who had gathered outside the shop rushed in all at once, and the small shop was full at once, and Lu Donglin and his wife turned around in a hurry.

Lu Ziwan was standing at the door of the store, watching Bai Anlan and a few rich girls scavenging inside like crazy. A puppet costs three taels of silver, which can only be seen from a distance for ordinary people. But for the merchant's daughter, it's just a matter of eating less.

(End of this chapter)

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