Traveling through a doctor's daughter to marry a virtuous man

Chapter 234 The princess and the prince visit 4

Chapter 234 The princess and the prince visit 4
Lu Ziwan was also thinking about going to the aunt's house next door to buy a stewed chicken. When she went to buy other things, she could look for Chinese medicine that could be used to stew the chicken along the way.

"Then you go and come back quickly." He Chunmei didn't have any ideas, so she agreed after hearing what Lu Ziwan said.

Luckily for Bai Anlan and the others, when Lu Ziwan went to Uncle Pig's house, Uncle Pig didn't go to town in the morning because of some business, half of the pig was hanging in the yard of his house and was ready to go to town in the afternoon. Zi Wan paid for a pig's foot and two spare ribs for Uncle Pig to send home.

When I was leaving, I remembered that I just remembered pork and forgot to go to the aunt’s house next door, so I turned back and bought a pullet at the aunt’s house next door. Then I went to Lian Guanlang's house.

After asking the way, Lu Ziwan walked quickly towards the end of the village for a quarter of an hour before arriving at the door of Lian Guanlang's house. This was Lu Ziwan's first visit. They have all flown in to look for food in his yard.

"Brother Guan Lang." Lian Guan Lang was sitting in the yard sharpening his knife, while Lu Ziwan stood at the door and yelled before walking in.

"Miss Wan! Why are you here?" Lian Guanlang looked towards the door when he heard the sound, and saw Lu Ziwan in light yellow clothes froze, her buttocks quickly stood up from the short chair as if she was being burned. up.

"Brother Guan Lang, look at how scared you are." Lu Ziwan covered her mouth and chuckled, and she couldn't help teasing Lian Guan Lang every time she saw her, "Those who don't know think I'm some big man-eating monster! Do I look so scary?"

Lian Guan Lang shook his head quickly, "No, I can't sit still, Miss Wan, come in and sit down, come and see me for something?"

"Well, there are guests at home, I'm going to ask you if you still have bacon, and I want to buy some dishes for you to entertain the guests." Lu Ziwan nodded.

"Yes, as much as you want, I'll get it right away!" Lian Guanlang quickly put down the knife in his hand and went into his room, and soon came out with a large bunch of bacon and asked, "These Is it enough?"

When Lu Ziwan saw it, she was embarrassed, that big string, if not twenty catties, there were more than ten catties, right?She didn't buy it and feed it to pigs.

"It's too much Guan Lang, I only need a catty." Lu Ziwan gestured with her fingers, "I want to use it to stir-fry beans."

"Oh, okay, I'll go in and get a small one." Lian Guan Lang turned around and went in with his white teeth showing. When he came out, he changed into a smaller piece of bacon, but it was estimated to weigh more than two catties.

Lu Ziwan thought, if there is more, she can keep it for her own family or give some to the second uncle's family, so she took it and said, "Brother Guan Lang, I heard from people in the village that you often pick up some unused things on the mountain. The poisonous wild mushrooms are sold in the town, I wonder if you still have them at home?"

Along the way, I didn't see the importance of bringing a hen to eat. After all, it was all on the side of the road, and it seemed unlikely that there would be those herbs growing, so I thought that if Lian Guan Lang had mushrooms, he could just buy some back.

"The five or six I just picked up a few days ago, not many, I'll get them for you." Lian Guanlang went straight into the storage room without saying a word, and then came out with a few mushrooms in his hands.

As expected, Lu Ziwan had one, and her eyes opened with joy. She hadn't eaten mushrooms for a long time when she came here, and she couldn't help swallowing when she thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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