Chapter 765

Rong Yuxin's expression was still calm, she raised her foot and was about to leave.

"Rong Yuxin, don't you really think about Qin Yichuan at all? He is in such a position, if someone trips him or something, do you think his official career will go far?"

Rong Yuxin's eyes were cold, and she opened her red lips lightly, "It turns out that the people of the Wen family can stretch their hands so long, so I have gained knowledge. Next time I go to see Wen Lao, I have to ask in person. Is the Wen family going to cover the sky with one hand?"

Feng Man was startled and furious at these words, "What nonsense are you talking about? When did I mention Wenjia..."

Rong Yuxin looked at her expressionlessly, "Mrs. Wen, I think my comprehension is fine. Didn't you just say that you wanted to trip Qin Yichuan?"

Mrs. Wen was extremely angry, she never expected that what she just said would be pinched and repeated by her, "You have a sharp mouth, and you are really good at talking nonsense and distorting the facts, no wonder my Ziling is not your opponent. "

Rong Yuxin also sneered.

"I didn't expect that someone with a position in the family would actually use his power to threaten the victim for the sake of his daughter, regardless of the law."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, "Perhaps I can not only ask Mr. Wen, but also reflect to the higher authorities. Is it true that I can do whatever I want?"

After saying this, she turned around and left, completely ignoring the person behind her who was jumping in anger.

Mrs. Wen looked at the person who just left like that, and felt angry and flustered in her heart. She was so angry that this little girl was so ignorant of flattery, and her mouth was so poisonous. Ignorant and presumptuous.

And the panic is that if this little girl really complains to her old man, then the old man will definitely be angry.

Thinking of this, she felt that her heart was stuck in her chest, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

She stood still for a while before recovering, she had never been so angry before.

With a sullen face, he sat back in the car and said to the driver, "Go home."

The driver responded and started the car.

Feng Man was upset, and then she remembered another matter, she said to the driver in a calm voice: "Don't mention today's matter to anyone, understand?"

The driver immediately responded, "Understood."

Rong Yuxin walked to the bus station. The timing of her visit was quite coincidental. She didn't wait too long before a bus passed by.

As soon as the door opened, she walked up. This bus was not full, and there were still many empty seats, so Rong Yuxin found a seat at random and sat down.

The conductor came over and she bought a ticket. The journey was actually only three stops, not too far away. Rong Yuxin picked up a book and read it.

When the car reached the next stop, it stopped, and a young couple with very haggard faces came up.

Not long after they sat down, they started arguing, and the noise got louder and louder.

Rong Yuxin didn't care at first, she was still reading her book, until the man became angry and slapped the woman.

She just looked over.

The couple sat on the other side, because the man slapped the woman so hard that he slapped the woman directly to the ground, and the left side of her face immediately swelled up to half the height.

(End of this chapter)

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