Is Mr. Qi secretly married today?

Chapter 418 Breaking the news

Chapter 418 Breaking the news
Qi Yinzhi's voice was deep and gentle, full of affection.

Yi Mianmian shook her head in Qi Yinzhi's arms, and said, "I'm a little dizzy after drinking a few glasses of wine."

Pursing her lips, she said again: "I found something similar to drugs in Lai Jierong's room."

Yi Mianmian didn't say that she knew about Lai Jierong's habits, after all, it would be unreasonable for her to know.

This habit was something she had heard from Tang Xiaojun.

Qi Yinzhi understood and said, "I'll contact Ziang now."

Pei Ziang is now transferred to the Drug Enforcement Division and is working on cracking down on drug traffickers.

Yi Mianmian hummed, but didn't speak.

Hearing this, Qi Yinzhi took out his mobile phone and called Pei Ziang.

After explaining a few words, he hung up the phone.

Pei Ziang is in Beijing, which is the old city.

He certainly couldn't come over immediately, but he contacted the police here.

The police arrived within half an hour, and Lai Jierong was excited when he broke in.

As for Li Mian, what Lai Jierong likes is stimulation, and the medicines he takes are those whose effects will soon wear off.

So when the police arrived, she was already awake, but the unconscious Lai Jierong refused to let her go.

In order not to get hurt, she could only play with Lai Jierong.

Then I found out that I had a Shaking M physique!

Playing with Lai Jierong, I actually got excited...

Lai Jierong and Li Mian were taken away together by the police.

After a urine test, Li Mian was fine, and Lai Jierong had indeed taken drugs.

Li Mian can be regarded as a popular star after all, when she was taken away from the hotel by the police, she was seen by the paparazzi squatting outside.

So when she was still making a statement at the police station, revelations like [Li Mian was arrested, suspected of smoking du] [Li Mian and Rong Shao asked P and was arrested for smoking du] had already come out.

In addition to the video that Yi Mianmian asked Qi Yinzhi to release, and the chat records of Li Mian's assistant contacting the navy and gossip bloggers that Qi Yinzhi found, including the record of buying Hei Yi Mianmian during the audition for "The World" .

Even Li Mian's fans couldn't refute these real hammers with pictures and videos.

After all, the hysterical person who scolded the street like a shrew in that video is indeed their idol.

It's just that after watching the full video, they feel a little disillusioned.

But even so, Li Mian still has diehard fans defending her.

It is said that the screenshot of the chat record can be faked, and no one can prove that it is Li Mian's assistant.

As for the full video, Mianmian has a bad temper, let alone who doesn't have a temper?At that time, I just couldn't control my emotions.

Are stars not human?Can celebrities lose their temper?
But then there were rumors that Li Mian was stealing roles, playing big names, openly bullying newcomers, and a series of behaviors.

Like Yi Mianmian before, buying notices to blackmail her before she got the role is a trick Li Mian often plays.

That's fine, but then it was revealed that six months ago because Li Mian couldn't get used to a certain female artist, he tricked her into getting drunk and arranged a few men for her.

That female artist was the one who was exposed to promiscuity ( ) half a year ago, because the video was released.

At that time, the female artist stood up and said that she was forced, and she had already called the police.

However, not many people believed her, and the matter of calling the police seemed to be nothing.

Because of this, and it was said that she was bluffing, she dared not really call the police.

At that time, I don't know how many people scolded her.

Afterwards, there was no news of the female artist.

That night, the female artist who had disappeared for half a year suddenly posted a Weibo.

(End of this chapter)

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