Is Mr. Qi secretly married today?

Chapter 211 I Don't Eat

Chapter 211 I Don't Eat
Chen Menghan went to Luo Yufan's room to take a look, frowning tightly, and immediately asked him to change the room.

Before going out to film, Chen Menghan always shared the room with Luo Yufan.

When the crew didn't arrange accommodation, even if Luo Yufan opened a room, he would open a room that was slightly better.

This time he thought that since he was sleeping alone, he could save as much as he could.

Luo Yufan thought this room was pretty good, anyway, he just needed a place to sleep.

It costs 90 yuan a night, and it only costs 300 yuan for three or four days of filming, which is pretty good.

After trying to coax Chen Menghan, Luo Yufan quickly diverted his attention and suggested that the four of them go out for something to eat.

They haven't had lunch yet, so it's really time to find something to eat at this time.

The four of them went downstairs, and when they passed by the lobby, they saw the staff member named Li Yan.

Li Yan also saw Yi Mianmian and the others, and she couldn't help but hear her meaningful words again in her mind.

His face changed, and when he looked at Yi Mianmian again, his eyes were filled with fear and fear.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, trying to pull out a flattering smile.

Unfortunately, she smiled unnaturally.

Yi Mianmian just glanced at her indifferently, and left with Chen Menghan and the others.

Until she left the hotel gate, Miao Jiaxue was still saying, "Why does it feel like she's a little afraid of you? Could it be because of what you said just now?"

Yi Mianmian smiled, but didn't answer.

Chen Menghan who was next to him replied: "It must be so! She must be worried that we will get angry and trouble her later, so that's why I'm afraid! Haha! It really is a dog's eyes that see people as inferior!"

Chen Menghan is also a girl with a straightforward personality, and she is very happy to see the staff member frightened like this.


The four of them randomly found a clean and fresh restaurant near the hotel.

I ordered three dishes and one soup, and the taste was mediocre.

Yi Mianmian didn't have much appetite, so she ate some vegetables, drank a bowl of soup, and ate two pieces of pork ribs, then put down her chopsticks.

Miao Jiaxue knew Yi Mianmian's appetite, so she was no stranger to her appetite.

And Chen Menghan and Luo Yufan also had dinner with Yi Mianmian, so naturally they wouldn't ask again: 'Why do you eat so little?Is it because the food does not match your appetite? 'The words come.

But they all thought that Yi Mianmian ate so little, they simply thought that she wanted to maintain her figure so as not to gain weight.

Chen Menghan looked at his original bowl, but now the bowl had bottomed out, and his face was troubled.

She is not fat, and she usually insists on doing yoga or other exercises every day to keep in shape.

But she is not skinny either.

She looked at Yi Mianmian who was sitting across from her, she had a slim waist and long legs, and she had a graceful figure even sitting there.

She had seen the photo of Yi Mianmian in the "Set Makeup Photo" that captivated the world.

Even the heavy palace attire still couldn't conceal Yi Mianmian's good figure.

Chen Menghan looked down at himself again.

Because I ate a lot and because I was sitting, my stomach is slightly protruding, which is not good-looking no matter what.

Putting down the chopsticks silently, she decided to restrain herself.

Seeing that she didn't move her chopsticks anymore, Luo Yufan asked concerned, "Why don't you eat?"

He understood Chen Menghan's appetite, and knew that she was probably only half full at the moment, so he asked her.

Chen Menghan looked at the ribs on the table, swallowed, then shook his head, and said firmly, "I won't eat, I want to keep fit!"

"What?!" Luo Yufan's eyes widened.

This was the first time he heard Chen Menghan say that he would stop eating in order to keep fit.

(End of this chapter)

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