From now on, the Son of Heaven does not come early

Chapter 480 The barbarian land 1 is just a bitch, how can she deserve it?

Chapter 480 It's just a bitch in a barbarian land, how can she deserve it?
Huang Yiqing entered Miao Jiang's palace with a livid face. There are wooden houses everywhere, even the palace.

It is simply barbaric!
Huang Yiqing had a cold face, and she always wanted to hide her feet along the way, but she couldn't hide them no matter what, she searched for a long time but couldn't find a place to sell shoes, so she could only wrap cloth around her feet, barely covering her feet. Covered by his feet, he staggered on the uneven road in Chengdu.

Dandong Miao is guarding outside Her Majesty's bedroom. Inside, Her Majesty is enjoying the rain with His Majesty the Emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty. The secret aphrodisiacs have been taken out. If there is no accident, good things will come true after today. The great alliance between the Western Jin Dynasty and the Kingdom of Shu That is, it can be implemented immediately.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Huang Yiqing approaching from a distance with an ugly face, and there were two pieces of fabric on his feet. Visually, this person should have torn his clothes to pieces and tied a piece on one foot.

Dan Dongmiao snorted coldly. This woman obviously came to ask Her Majesty the Queen for help, but what she received showed her disdain for the Kingdom of Shu, so he never had a good impression of this woman!

So he stretched out his hand to stop the person, Dan Dongmiao looked at Huang Yiqing's feet, and said: "Your Majesty has an order, there is something important today, no one will be seen!"

Huang Yiqing shrank her feet back and said with a smile: "But I also want to see Her Majesty the Queen, Lord Dandong Miao, can you let me know?"

Dandong Miao waved impatiently: "Go, go, I don't have time today!"

A woman who has always been aloof, now being yelled at so casually by a man from a barbarian land, and being humiliated by Feng Junran just a few days ago, and now reduced to the point where she can't even put on her shoes, the resentment in Huang Yiqing's heart has gathered The biggest, she glanced coldly at Dandong Miao, then turned and left with a cold snort.

Dandong Miao also rolled her eyes, and continued to watch the door for Her Lady Queen.

Huang Yiqing bypassed the long corridor, then hid in the shadow of the house, looked outside cautiously, saw that Dandong Miao didn't pay attention to her, so she sneered, looked back at the bedroom made of wood, Huang Yiqing frowned, quietly He touched the back of the bedroom.

something?What can a queen of a barbaric land do?

Huang Yiqing touched the window, and heard a low panting sound from inside. It was the sound of desperately suppressing desires. After all, Huang Yiqing had been there before, and immediately understood what was going on, so she felt even more disgusted.

Peeking out her head and taking a look inside, Huang Yiqing was stunned.

The man lying on the bed with his upper body naked inside, isn't it just Feng Junran who has humiliated himself?

Huang Yiqing sneered, she doesn't like women, she only likes the little ones, so it's all bullshit, won the favor of Queen Miaojiang, so she immediately rolled into her bed?Men, as expected, are all the same, only blame that stupid girl Wang Ying, who is not as coquettish as this Jin Zhuni!
Narrowing her eyes, Huang Yiqing turned and left with disgust on her face. On the way back, she thought and thought, and finally couldn't help but sneer, and went back to her residence with a letter, and ordered someone to send it back to the Western Jin Dynasty overnight.

But inside Jin Zhuni's bedroom, it was another scene.

As the all-powerful queen of Miaojiang, Jin Zhuni experienced powerless frustration for the first time in her life, and this kind of frustration was experienced from a man!

Back then, in Miaojiang Village 36, no man could escape her temptation, even if there were loyal ones, they were defeated by this secret aphrodisiac. Now, the man in front of him has already fed him for a whole day. The three jars of wine, except for his body scorching hot and his eyes steaming with desire, have not changed in any way, not even the slightest reaction there!
Jin Zhuni trembled with anger, her bumpy body trembled, and her bulging tenderness shivered. She no longer cared about the face and dignity of the queen of birth. What she wanted was for this man to be obsessed with her. , what she wants is for this man to be on fire right now, like a wolf like a tiger, not lying here so limp and motionless!
So she simply bent down, exerted her greatest ability, and assumed a posture that would not give up if she did not achieve her goal by any means!
And on the bed, the indifferent man just watched quietly with his red eyes, like a wolf resting on a tall boulder in the wilderness, with his cold and cruel eyes without any eyes, cold eyes Looking at other people's happiness...

Yes, someone else's, even if he is the one who is deeply involved, in his eyes, this matter has nothing to do with him!

"You do not deserve!"

The trembling lips expended a lot of effort to spit out these words, Feng Junran couldn't help panting, even though he already knew that his whole body's strength was running out.

But he still wants to tell this woman that she is not worthy, she is just a bitch in a barbaric land, how can she be worthy? ?How can it match? ! !
Jin Zhuni finally couldn't help it, and roared angrily, her beautiful eyes turned strange red due to the bloodshot, so scared that the three maids waiting around couldn't help but bow their heads and back away again and again.

Jin Zhuni stared at Feng Junran, as if looking at a delicious delicacy but couldn't swallow it, scratching his lungs and struggling to swallow it, only to find that he couldn't eat it!
"Damn, hate! Feng Junran, Feng Junran!"

Jin Zhuni murmured, loving and hating this man who made her at a loss, even unable to do anything, watching him still curled up the corners of his lips, mocking her for being humble and dirty with a condescending demeanor and a mocking smile!
"Feng Junran!"

She finally couldn't suppress her anger, lowered her head, and bit the man's chest hard.

In the steaming air, a strong smell of blood instantly wafted out. The smell of ambergris was mixed with musk. The two blended with each other and became stronger and stronger, which in turn stimulated a more intense fragrance, filling the whole room , This smell made the little maid standing beside her blushed, felt her body was slightly hot, and her heart was beating endlessly.

Stimulated by the intense pain, the rationality that was almost disappearing was regained in an instant, Feng Junran couldn't hold it back, and laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

"Crazy, you are a lunatic, Feng Junran, you are a lunatic!"

Looking at the man who was smiling happily, Jin Zhuni frowned tightly. She didn't know what this man was thinking, she only saw such a man. , I can still laugh out loud like this!

madman!Definitely a lunatic, but she damn likes such a lunatic, what should I do? !

(End of this chapter)

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