Chapter 958
No matter how angry Su Luo was, the online comments were still overwhelming.Who makes it a society where the poor win the poor and the poor are invincible?Whoever made you rich and powerful deserves the bad luck.

But the one-sided comments were soon followed by blowback.

A person named Zhumeng Iron Fan posted a post, telling a series of good things that Zhumeng has done from the beginning to the present, and also demonstrated in person how Zhuimeng helped his family from The warmth and happiness from the verge of breaking to the present.

This process was written very clearly, and many people who read it were silent.

After Su Luo saw the content of this post, she immediately guessed who wrote it - Chen Zhuo.

Isn't this the matter of Chen Zhuo?This kid still has a bit of conscience. Under such circumstances, he is actually willing to help Zhumeng prove his innocence.

Not bad, it really didn't help the wrong person.

With the first one, there will be the second and third one after another, and even the video of Su Luo saving people has started to be uploaded again.

It wasn't until this moment that Su Luo felt that good people would really be rewarded.

When you do good deeds, you will never think of getting rewards from others, but those who accept your kindness will remember your dedication.

They will remember and give you back when the time is right.

Seeing the content of this post, Su Luo's heart warmed, not to mention.Then, the official website of Dream Chasing Company also posted the verdict of the lawsuit, and some people fleshed out the woman, and posted all her life on it.

It turned out that this woman did this kind of thing not for the first time or the second time, but countless times, and many companies with the same disease also began to criticize this woman.

This woman has been pregnant and aborted since she was in junior high school, and she doesn't know how many men she has aborted.It has to be said that her body is really strong, she has had so many miscarriages, and she is still pregnant.How can this embarrass those women who can't get pregnant or have difficulty getting pregnant after one flow?Isn't this stimulating them?
Anyway, at the end, the reviews were once again one-sided.Of course, this time it was Dream Chasing Company that occupied the highest point of morality. As for that woman, she no longer dared to show up at the door of Dream Chasing Company to play tricks.Because once it appears, it will be thrown eggs immediately, so it's embarrassing.

Su Luo felt extremely relieved, and felt a lot more relaxed.

"Happy now?" Seeing Su Luo's complacent look, Shen Muyan was amused, "I told you a long time ago that there is no need to worry, but you just didn't listen."

Su Luo gave him a blank look, "Do you think everyone is as calm as you when encountering things? I'm just worried, what's wrong? You're still not happy, are you? If one day I don't care and don't worry, I see, It's your turn to be anxious, why don't I worry about it?"

Is this a tongue twister?Shen Muyan knew that Su Luo was an unforgiving person, so he immediately started begging for mercy: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, my wife is the most powerful, and my wife is the most caring. I just like to see my wife worry about me and get angry I love such a wife." He kissed his wife deeply as he spoke.

Xiao Nian rushed in from the outside, and what she saw was the scene of Su Luo and Shen Muyan kissing passionately. She immediately covered her eyes with her hands, but left a small slit.

(End of this chapter)

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