Xiaoqingmei, you have to be good

Chapter 953 Xiaonian's Conspiracy

Chapter 953 Xiaonian's Conspiracy

On the first day, Xiaonian adopted the three no principles of not listening, not watching, and not doing.

Anyway, no matter what Chen Zhuo said, Xiaonian ignored him and just kept lying on his stomach.

Chen Zhuo could hold his breath, even if Xiaoxian didn't give him any reaction, he could still give lectures on his own, and explained all the important points he thought were important to Xiaonian.

When the day's class was over, Chen Zhuo asked Xiaonian if he understood today's content, but Xiaonian still chose to remain silent.

Regarding this, Chen Zhuo did not express any opinion, but packed up his things and left with a smile.

Xiaonian wondered, why is this tutor like this?
Shouldn't he be like the teachers in the school, when you don't pay attention to the lectures, he walks to you and presses you to listen to the lectures?
In the end, he was fine, but he kept talking for so long on his own, what the hell was he talking about?

And, can you stop being so irresponsible?

She didn't listen to anything yet, but he finished all the content of today.

What kind of teacher is this?
Hmph, wait, she will definitely complain to her mother when the time comes.

She must let her mother fire such an irresponsible teacher.

Haha, as long as he is fired, my mother won't be able to find a tutor for her in the future, right?

Well, definitely so.

Xiaonian, who feels that the future is suddenly bright and bright, is in a very bright mood.

Xiaonian did not choose to complain to her mother on the same day, because she knew that if she complained to her mother about the tutor, her mother would definitely think that she was deliberately finding fault with him.

I thought it was an excuse that she didn't want to be found out by the tutor.

She will tell her mother to sue her after she sees the truth.

I have to say that our Xiaonian is still a very scheming girl.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that Su Luo knew exactly what happened when they were tutoring.

Besides, if she didn't find out how the child Chen Zhuo was, she wouldn't feel at ease letting him come over to teach Xiaonian.

Therefore, Xiaonian's plan to sue is doomed to fail before it is implemented.

Xiaonian doesn't know these things yet, and he still enjoys himself in his heart.I thought that as long as I survived for a few more days, I would definitely be able to survive.

With such thoughts in mind, Xiaonian has been in a good mood these two days.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that what Teacher Chen told her was the same thing every day.

Xiaonian didn't realize it at first, and she wasn't listening carefully anyway.But no matter how you don't listen carefully, there is someone chattering in your ear all the time, you can more or less listen to it.

So, Xiaonian, who listened a little bit, found that for three consecutive days, Mr. Chen was talking about the same knowledge point.

Does it take three days to finish a knowledge point?
Isn't this dereliction of duty?
Very good, Teacher Chen took the initiative to hand over the handle to her.

After Chen Zhuo finished speaking, Xiao Nian slapped the table loudly.

After the filming, she put her hand underneath and rubbed it. Really, why is it so painful?

It's just that when facing Chen Zhuo, she didn't show any pain at all, but she thought she was very dignified, but in the eyes of others, she said to Chen Zhuo very funnyly: "Mr. Chen, do you know your mistake?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and then he almost couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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