Xiaoqingmei, you have to be good

Chapter 907 The performance of guilty conscience

Chapter 907 The performance of guilty conscience

But before knocking down, Shen Muyan suddenly stopped.

Although what Baozi said is not necessarily correct, but it is not uncommon for this kind of situation to happen.

Just like what Baozi said, there is absolutely nothing happening in Su Luo right now that makes her sad, that is, things related to him.

So, what will happen?

Thinking of the scene where he was negotiating with a planner yesterday, Shen Muyan couldn't help but chuckled. It seems that he should have found the reason.

If Su Luo was really angry with him because of this matter, if he was sad, he really didn't know how to explain it to her.

But, how did she know?
"Do you know where your mother was yesterday afternoon?"

"Mom said she had her hair done." Xiaonian answered immediately.

Shen Muyan knew the place where Su Luo often got her hair done, what a coincidence, it was across the street from the coffee shop where he had an appointment yesterday.

In other words, after Su Luo finished her hair, there was a high chance of seeing him drinking coffee with another woman.

Shen Muyan now remembered that he answered a call from Su Luo yesterday afternoon, when Su Luo asked him where he was.

and after?
What did he say.

He said he was in a meeting.

Presumably it was because she knew he was lying to her that she felt so uncomfortable, right?

Shen Muyan felt dumbfounded when he learned the truth, so he had to be vigilant at all times and never lie to his wife.

Because you don't know the circumstances under which your wife called you.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if the lie was directly exposed again?
After knowing the reason, Shen Muyan was not in a hurry.

It's just that my wife is in a bad mood, so I have to coax her up, right?As for what happened yesterday, do you want to explain it?
How to explain it?
Shen Muyan felt a little headache.

Shen Muyan put off all the work for today, and stayed with Su Luo at home all the time, very gentle and considerate, even more considerate than before.

This kind of behavior made Su Luo even more convinced that Shen Muyan was so kind to her because he had done something wrong to her, so he had a guilty conscience.

The mood of a neighbor stealing an ax can happen to anyone. Once there is doubt in the heart, the seeds of doubt will become bigger and bigger, and after they germinate, they will thrive.

The more Su Luo looked at Shen Muyan, the more he looked like a cheating man with a big heart. The more he looked at him, the more he couldn't see him, and he didn't even want to see him again.

She was afraid that every time she saw him, she couldn't help but think of yesterday's scene, and then feel even more uncomfortable.

It felt like someone was cutting her heart with a knife, not to mention the suffering.

"Husband, why don't you go to the company? It makes me uncomfortable in front of me." Su Luo smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Shen Muyan's heart tightened, and he immediately asked her: "Why do you feel uncomfortable? Wife, didn't you really like me being with you at home before?"

That was before.

I didn't know before that you would betray me one day.Now that I know, do I still like you dangling in front of me?I'm not a masochist.

Several times Su Luo wanted to question Shen Muyan, but she swallowed the words back.

Bear with it, bear with it for a few more days.

(End of this chapter)

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